Pangea Unveils Annual Sustainability Report

Achieving Excellence in Environmental Stewardship and Ethical Practices

Rochester Hills, MI, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pangea, a pioneering force in the automotive leather industry, proudly unveils its annual Sustainability Report, showcasing remarkable achievements in environmental stewardship, ethical business practices, and social responsibility. The report highlights Pangea’s unwavering commitment to driving positive change and creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

This reporting year was an important year for Pangea who not only reduced their carbon footprint, and that of each product, they also introduced a new series of Advanced Leather Products—Ecoda, Terova, Vendura, and Nevila—each boasting distinct characteristics and improvements over standard materials, reinforcing Pangea’s commitment to innovation and quality.

Key Accomplishments Featured in the Report:

  • Gold Standard Accolades: Pangea attained the prestigious Leather Working Group Gold Standard across all leather producing sites globally, underscoring its dedication to responsible leather manufacturing practices.
  • Acclaimed Certifications: Renowned certifications from Supplier Assurance (NQC), Drive Sustainability, EcoVadis, and the Sustainable Leather Foundation (SLF) further validate Pangea’s commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.
  • Emissions Reduction: A remarkable 16% reduction in Scope 1+2 emissions compared to the prior year demonstrates Pangea’s dedication to lowering its carbon footprint. This reduction has led to a corporate average decrease from 1.14 kgCO2e/m2 to 0.96 kgCO2e/m2 of finished leather.
  • Energy & Water Conservation: Energy consumption decreased by approximately 5% across the board, while water usage was reduced by over 10%, showcasing Pangea’s proactive efforts in resource conservation.
  • Chemical Management: Nearly 20% of chemicals used comprised natural components or content from renewable sources, emphasizing Pangea’s dedication to safer and more sustainable chemical management practices.
  • Waste Recycling: Pangea recycled nearly 20% more waste than the previous year, demonstrating its commitment to waste reduction and circular economy principles.

Commenting on the release of the report, Pangea’s Sales, Marketing & Design EVP, Tim Brennan, expressed pride in the company’s achievements, stating, “At Pangea, sustainability is not just a goal; it’s a fundamental principle that guides our every action. Our annual Sustainability Report reflects our relentless pursuit of excellence in environmental stewardship, ethical practices, and social responsibility. We remain steadfast in our commitment to becoming the most trusted, sustainable supplier to our customers.”


Jacquelyn Smith

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9146233

University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music Recognized in the QS World University Rankings

University of Rochester
The University of Rochester is a top-tier research institution which has the third highest percentage of international students among all U.S. universities (U.S. News). Guided by its commitment to equity, diversity, and sustainability, the institution embodies its motto: Meliora “ever better”. With seven schools, over 200 academic majors, nearly 12,000 students, six hospitals comprising a leading academic medical center, and the nation’s premier optics institute, it is a hub of excellence.
Dr. Jane Gatewood
Dr. Jane Gatewood, the University of Rochester’s Vice Provost for Global Engagement, is aninnovative leader with a 17-year career in global engagement within higher education andexpertise in global research partnerships, academic mobility, and economic development.Dr. Gatewood oversees large cross-functional teams with a global footprint. Her data-drivenand risk management-focused contributions have helped position the university as one of theworld’s top institutions with the largest number of international students. As a Fulbright-Nehru scholar in India, an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the University of London, an instructor at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, and an editor of the Oxford English Dictionary as well as NAFSA’s Guide to International Partnerships (2020), she has significantly contributed to the global discourse on international education.
Jama J. Rossi
Jamal J. Rossi is the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester.
Eastman School of Music at the University Rochester
Eastman School of Music Wind Ensemble, Kodak Hall in Rochester, New York. The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.

ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024. Ranked No. 3 in North America and No. 11 globally, Eastman shares the stage with leading music institutions in the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Finland, Denmark, and Hungary.

For over a century, the Eastman School of Music has been a beacon of excellence in music education and performance. Building from its foundational pillars of artistry, scholarship, leadership, and community, Eastman has cultivated a diverse environment where music thrives not only within our halls but also reverberates beyond, enriching lives and fostering engagement. The school is renowned for its holistic approach to music education, integrating rigorous musical training with humanities studies, leadership education, and interdisciplinary experiences. This commitment to comprehensive education produces graduates who are not only skilled musicians, but also well-rounded individuals prepared to use their talents to influence and inspire communities around the globe.

Dean Jamal J. Rossi commented on the school’s ethos and its recent accolade: “The Eastman School of Music is a vibrant community where some of the best musicians in the world come together to make each other better. Our century-long dedication to the core values of artistry, scholarship, leadership, and community has served as the foundation upon which our alumni have built impactful careers in all aspects of music, and they have enriched the world through their music. This recognition by the QS World Rankings reaffirms our commitment and mission to shape the future of music through artistic and scholarly excellence and innovative leadership.”

Jane Gatewood, Vice Provost for Global Engagement at the University of Rochester, also remarked on the significance of this achievement: “The QS World Rankings’ acknowledgment of the Eastman School of Music underscores our global impact and academic prestige. This recognition is a testament to our faculty’s dedication and our students’ talent, reflecting our leading role in preparing the next generation of world-class musicians.”

This year marks the inaugural inclusion of the music category in the QS World University Rankings. The QS ranking for music schools is derived from comprehensive evaluations of academic reputation and employer reputation, which contribute 80% and 20% to the total score, respectively. Criteria such as research quality, strategic partnerships, innovation, and employability play pivotal roles in this assessment.

For more information on the QS World University rankings for music, please visit:

For information about the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music, please visit:

To learn more about the international admissions and global collaborations, please visit:

For media inquiries and additional information, please contact:

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9146960

‫كلية إيستمان للموسيقى بجامعة روتشستر تنجح في دخول تصنيف QS لأفضل الجامعات على مستوى العالم

روتشستر، نيويورك, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  تفتخر كلية إيستمان للموسيقى بجامعة روتشستر بإدراجها في تصنيف QS المرموق الذي يضم أفضل الجامعات على مستوى العالم وذلك لعام 2024. احتلت كلية إيستمان المرتبة الثالثة في أمريكا الشمالية والمرتبة الحادية عشر على مستوى العالم، لتنضم إلى قائمة من المؤسسات الموسيقية الرائدة في المملكة المتحدة وفرنسا وروسيا والصين وفنلندا والدنمارك والمجر.

وعلى مدار فترة زمنية امتدت لأكثر من قرن، مثلت كلية إيستمان للموسيقى منارة للتميز في تعليم الموسيقى والأداء الراقي. وانطلاقًا من الركائز الأساسية التي تعتمد عليها كلية إيستمان والمتمثلة في تعليم الفن الراقي ومهارات القيادة وتوفير المنح الدراسية والاهتمام بالمجتمع، قامت الكلية بخلق بيئة متنوعة تساعد على ازدهار الموسيقى ليس فقط داخل قاعاتنا ولكن يتردد صداها أيضًا في كل مكان، مما يؤدي إلى إثراء حياة الأشخاص وتعزيز مشاركتهم. تشتهر الطلبة بنهجها الشامل في تعليم الموسيقى، ودمج أساليب التدريب الموسيقي الدقيقة مع الدراسات الإنسانية وتعليم مهارات القيادة والتجارب التي تشمل تخصصات متعددة. يؤدي هذا الالتزام بتطبيق التعليم الشامل إلى تخريج ما هو أكثر من مجرد موسيقيين ماهرين فحسب، بل أفرادًا يتمتعون بخبرات جيدة ومستعدين لتطويع مواهبهم من أجل إحداث تأثير إيجابي على المجتمعات وإلهامها في جميع أنحاء العالم.

وفي هذا السياق، علق عميد الكلية/ جمال چيه روسي على منظومة وروح الكلية والتقدير الذي حصلت عليه مؤخرًا: “كلية إيستمان للموسيقى هي مجتمع نابض بالحياة يضم مجموعة من أفضل الموسيقيين في العالم يعملون على تحسين مستواهم معًا. لقد كان تفانينا الذي دام قرنًا من الزمان والتزامنا بإعلاء القيم الجوهرية للفن وتوفير المنح الدراسية وتنمية مهارات القيادة والاهتمام بالمجتمع بمثابة الأساس الذي بنى عليه خريجونا مسارهم المهني المؤثر في جميع نواحي الموسيقى، كما نجحوا في إثراء العالم من خلال موسيقاهم. يؤكد هذا الاعتراف من قبل تصنيف QS العالمية مدى التزامنا ورسالتنا الرامية لتشكيل مستقبل الموسيقى من خلال التميز الفني والعلمي والقيادة الإبداعية.”

. كما أشارت جين جاتوود، نائبة عميد المشاركة العالمية بجامعة روتشستر، إلى أهمية هذا الإنجاز: “يؤكد إدراج كلية إيستمان للموسيقى في تصنيف QS العالمي على مدى تأثيرنا والمكانة الأكاديمية التي وصلنا إليها على مستوى العالم. ويعد هذا الاعتراف بمثابة شهادة على تفاني أعضاء هيئة التدريس وموهبة طلابنا، مما يعكس دورنا الرائد في إعداد الجيل القادم من الموسيقيين أصحاب المستوى الرفيع.”

وقد شهد هذا العام أول إدراج لفئة الموسيقى في تصنيف QS لأفضل الجامعات على مستوى العالم. يستند تصنيف QS لكليات تعليم الموسيقى إلى تقييمات شاملة للسمعة الأكاديمية وسمعة أصحاب العمل تساهم بنسبة 80% و20% من الدرجة الإجمالية على التوالي. تلعب معايير مثل جودة الأبحاث والشراكات الإستراتيجية والإبداع والقدرة على توفير فرص العمل أدوارًا محورية في هذا التقييم.

لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات عن تصنيف QS لأفضل الجامعات على مستوى العالم في مجال الموسيقى، يرجى زيارة الموقع:

لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات عن كلية إيستمان للموسيقى بجامعة روتشستر، يرجى زيارة الموقع التالي:

للاستفسارات الإعلامية وطلبات الحصول على معلومات إضافية، يرجى الاتصال بالمسؤولة:

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147163

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth

Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth
Brady Harris, CEO of IXOPAY
Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers.

TULSA, Okla., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, IXOPAY, announced the appointment of industry veteran Brady Harris as its new CEO. His appointment aligns with the recent merger of IXOPAY and TokenEx, highlighting a significant shift in the payments industry towards a multi-processor payment model, which empowers merchants and fintech companies to improve and diversify their payment strategies. The company thanks departing CEO Marc Olesen for his direction and contributions.

Harris, rated a Top 3 nationwide CEO on Glassdoor, brings over 20 years of experience and executive leadership in FinTech, Payments, and SaaS. As CEO of Dwolla, he oversaw the rapid growth of annual payment volumes from $10 billion to $70 billion, while adding 1.5 million new users monthly. Prior to Dwolla, as the President of Payscape, he was instrumental in its merger with Payroc, creating a global full-service payment provider with over 1,000 employees across 13 offices worldwide; the combined entity operating in 46 countries, serving 150,000 businesses.

His expertise in mergers, acquisitions, and scaling companies to successful exits under private equity sponsors is key as IXOPAY positions itself to become the one-stop solution in the payment industry. The merger has created a platform capable of offering omnichannel tokenization, payment orchestration, and card lifecycle management. The merger addresses the need for redundancy, geographic expansion, and fee negotiation capabilities that single-processor systems lack.

“Payments technology is rapidly advancing, and IXOPAY is set to lead this evolution,” Harris stated. “The integration of tokenization and orchestration allows us to offer a platform that not only supports multi-payment processing but also fosters the development of innovative services.”

“Under Brady’s leadership, IXOPAY is poised to set new benchmarks in the payment sector,” said Vik Verma, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “Our bold strategy emphasizes scalability, security, and groundbreaking advancements that will redefine what payments can achieve.”

Harris and the IXOPAY team are attending Money 20/20 Europe in Amsterdam this week. They will showcase the expanded offerings following the merger, including advancements in payment orchestration, tokenization, risk management, and card lifecycle management. Join them at the RAI Amsterdam at Booth 8a202 to explore how these developments will shape the future of merchant payments.

For further information, please contact:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing

IXOPAY, a TokenEx company, is a leading payment orchestration platform that provides a flexible and independent payment solution to manage all payment services in one place. Following its recent merger with TokenEX, IXOPAY is positioned to expand its services globally, offering enhanced capabilities in payment processing and advanced security measures.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147319

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth

Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth
Brady Harris, CEO of IXOPAY
Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers.

TULSA, Okla., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, IXOPAY, announced the appointment of industry veteran Brady Harris as its new CEO. His appointment aligns with the recent merger of IXOPAY and TokenEx, highlighting a significant shift in the payments industry towards a multi-processor payment model, which empowers merchants and fintech companies to improve and diversify their payment strategies. The company thanks departing CEO Marc Olesen for his direction and contributions.

Harris, rated a Top 3 nationwide CEO on Glassdoor, brings over 20 years of experience and executive leadership in FinTech, Payments, and SaaS. As CEO of Dwolla, he oversaw the rapid growth of annual payment volumes from $10 billion to $70 billion, while adding 1.5 million new users monthly. Prior to Dwolla, as the President of Payscape, he was instrumental in its merger with Payroc, creating a global full-service payment provider with over 1,000 employees across 13 offices worldwide; the combined entity operating in 46 countries, serving 150,000 businesses.

His expertise in mergers, acquisitions, and scaling companies to successful exits under private equity sponsors is key as IXOPAY positions itself to become the one-stop solution in the payment industry. The merger has created a platform capable of offering omnichannel tokenization, payment orchestration, and card lifecycle management. The merger addresses the need for redundancy, geographic expansion, and fee negotiation capabilities that single-processor systems lack.

“Payments technology is rapidly advancing, and IXOPAY is set to lead this evolution,” Harris stated. “The integration of tokenization and orchestration allows us to offer a platform that not only supports multi-payment processing but also fosters the development of innovative services.”

“Under Brady’s leadership, IXOPAY is poised to set new benchmarks in the payment sector,” said Vik Verma, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “Our bold strategy emphasizes scalability, security, and groundbreaking advancements that will redefine what payments can achieve.”

Harris and the IXOPAY team are attending Money 20/20 Europe in Amsterdam this week. They will showcase the expanded offerings following the merger, including advancements in payment orchestration, tokenization, risk management, and card lifecycle management. Join them at the RAI Amsterdam at Booth 8a202 to explore how these developments will shape the future of merchant payments.

For further information, please contact:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing

IXOPAY, a TokenEx company, is a leading payment orchestration platform that provides a flexible and independent payment solution to manage all payment services in one place. Following its recent merger with TokenEX, IXOPAY is positioned to expand its services globally, offering enhanced capabilities in payment processing and advanced security measures.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147319

Nyxoah Announces Closing of Offering and Partial Exercise of Option to Purchase Additional Shares


Nyxoah Announces Closing of Offering and Partial Exercise of
Option to Purchase Additional Shares

Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium – May 31, 2024, 8:00am CET / 2:00am ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/ Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced the closing of its previously announced underwritten public offering in the United States, which included shares sold in a private offering to certain qualified or institutional investors outside the United States, including within the European Union, in which 5,374,755 shares of its ordinary shares were sold at an offering price of $9.25 (EUR 8.54) per share, before underwriting discounts and commissions. This resulted in total gross proceeds, before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses payable by Nyxoah, of approximately $50 million (EUR 45.9 million).

In addition, Nyxoah announced today that the underwriters of the Offering have exercised their option to purchase additional shares for 300,000 shares at the public offering price of $9.25 (EUR 8.54) per share, before underwriting discounts and commissions. This exercise will bring the total gross proceeds of the Offering to approximately $52.5 million (EUR 48.5 million) before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses. The closing of the exercise of the option to purchase 300,000 additional shares is expected to occur on June 3, 2024, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions.

Nyxoah intends to use the net proceeds from the proposed offering (i) for pre-commercialization and commercialization activities in the United States; (ii) to continue gathering clinical data and to support physician initiated clinical research projects related to OSA patient treatments; (iii) to further finance research and development activities related to the next generation of the Genio system and to continue to build a pipeline of new technologies and explore potential collaboration opportunities in the field of monitoring and diagnostics for OSA; and (iv) for other general corporate purposes, including, but not limited to, working capital, capital expenditures, investments, acquisitions, should the Company choose to pursue any, and collaborations.

Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. acted as the sole book-running manager for the offering. Degroof Petercam acted as a co-manager.

The public offering in the United States was made pursuant to an effective shelf registration statement on Form F-3 (File No. 333-268955) that was filed by Nyxoah with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and became effective on January 6, 2023. Copies of the final prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus relating to and describing the terms of the offering are available on the SEC’s website at Copies of the final prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus may be obtained by contacting Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., Attention: Capital Markets, 110 East 59th Street, 6th Floor, New York, New York 10022; email:

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat OSA. Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a patient-centered, leadless and battery-free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements that are not statements of historical facts are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as “expects,” “potential,” “could,” or similar expressions that are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements include express or implied statements relating to, among other things, Nyxoah’s current expectations regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; the Company’s results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, performance, prospects, growth and strategies; and statements relating to the offering, including the expected closing, the anticipated proceeds from the offering and the use thereof. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Nyxoah’s control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. In particular, these risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks relating to market conditions and the Company’s inability, or the inability of the underwriters, to satisfy the conditions for the closing of the offering. Given these uncertainties, the reader is advised not to place any undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Other risks and uncertainties faced by Nyxoah include those identified under the heading “Risk Factors” in Nyxoah’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC, as well as subsequent filings and reports filed with the SEC. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release reflect Nyxoah’s views as of the date hereof, and Nyxoah does not assume and specifically disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000963842

EB5 Capital Receives I-956F Approvals for San Luis Obispo Marriott Hotels (JF31) and SouthFace Village at Okemo (JF36) Projects

WASHINGTON, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EB5 Capital is pleased to report that its San Luis Obispo Marriott Hotels (JF31) project and SouthFace Village at Okemo (JF36) project were both approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in May 2024. Since the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 (RIA) was enacted, EB5 Capital has obtained Form I-956F project approvals across a total of nine EB-5 projects.

These Form I-956F approvals signify that USCIS, the government agency that oversees the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, has assessed, and verified the compliance of the EB-5 project. An I-956F project approval is also required prior to USCIS adjudicating individual I-526E petition approvals, the application for a foreign investor to secure conditional permanent residency in the United States.

“We are happy to see more of these project approvals come through, especially on our first rural deal in this post-RIA landscape,” said Brian Ostar, President of EB5 Capital. “SouthFace Village at Okemo is an exciting project, and we are confident its development is going to further enhance the local Okemo Mountain community and its year-round activities in central Vermont.”

SouthFace Village at Okemo (JF36) is a for-sale luxury ski-in and ski-out residential development on the southeast face of Okemo Mountain Resort in Ludlow, Vermont. As a rural Targeted Employment Area (TEA), this project qualifies for priority processing with USCIS. The recent Form I-956F project approval was granted within six months after the application was filed.

San Luis Obispo Marriott Hotels (JF31), the other EB5 Capital project recently approved by USCIS, is a four-story Marriott dual-branded Residence Inn and SpringHill Suites hotel in San Luis Obispo, California. The project is designated as a high unemployment TEA and was one of EB5 Capital’s first EB-5 raises under the new EB-5 legislation. Both JF36 and JF31 are currently under construction and are expected to generate over 1,300 jobs in total.

Now that both projects are approved with USCIS, EB5 Capital is looking forward to receiving individual I-526E petition approvals soon. The firm will continue to track the remainder of the construction process and support its investors with the completion of their immigration journey to the United States.

About EB5 Capital

EB5 Capital provides qualified foreign investors with opportunities to invest in job-creating commercial real estate projects under the United States Immigrant Investor Program (EB-5 Visa Program). Headquartered in Washington, DC, EB5 Capital’s distinguished track record and leadership in the industry has attracted investors from over 75 countries. As one of the oldest and most active Regional Center operators in the country, the firm has raised over $1 billion of foreign capital across approximately 40 EB-5 projects. 100% of our investors’ funds are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance prior to their deployment into our projects. Please visit for more information.  

Katherine Willis
Director, Marketing & Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9146250

Anaqua Annual User Experience Conference to Feature Keynotes from Microsoft, SAP, USPTO, and More

Global IP professionals gather to share knowledge and experiences and discuss the future of IP

BOSTON, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology, today announces a lineup of top-tier IP speakers and panelists for its 15th annual Anaqua Experience Conference (AEC). The event, taking place in Boston, MA, from June 24-27, 2024, will bring together IP and business leaders from across the globe to share knowledge and experiences, and to discuss the future of IP – with a particular focus on the impact of AI in the industry.

Attendees will hear from industry experts, engage in networking events, and participate in Anaqua-led training sessions, learning new features in AQX® 11 – Anaqua’s most significant IP management platform release in 20 years – to help further optimize their IP management processes.

“This is an exciting time for the IP industry as we embrace new technologies, including AI, which could have far-reaching effects on how the industry operates,” said Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua. “We are proud to bring together the most innovative companies and law firms across the globe at our client conference. By connecting the entire IP community, we can move forward together to address our industry’s new issues and developments.”

Kicking off the conference is a keynote presentation from former Under Secretary of Commerce and USPTO Director David Kappos, Co-Chair of Cravath’s Intellectual Property Practice, on the macro-level trends shaping the future of IP. Other conference keynotes will delve into the specific effects of AI for IP, and will include:

  • Olga V. Mack – Renowned general counsel, IP attorney, digital transformation executive, author, and Above the Law + ACC Docket Legal Tech & Future of Law columnist, discussing the increasing value of human time in the age of advanced AI.
  • Stephen R. Perry – Creative Director at Bailey Brand Consulting, examining the impact of AI on the creative process and brand development.
  • Panel Discussion – Exploring the balance of risks, value, and efficacy when deploying AI in IP practice, featuring Raghu Chinagudabha of Microsoft; Sunjay Mohan of SAP; and Matthew Sked of the USPTO.

“What’s always so rewarding about The Anaqua Experience Conference is watching this global community of industry professionals, who are passionate about the advancement of IP, share their thoughts, insights, and experiences in a truly collaborative and interactive environment,” said Aileen Buchanan, Vice President, Client Success of Anaqua.

The conference will also host several sessions by many IP industry leaders, including:

  • Thomas H. Walls – Bausch Health Companies
  • Beth McGraw – Eli Lilly and Company
  • Gitte Berthelsen Lerche and Ana-Maria Macovetchi – Novo Nordisk
  • Tomoe Itoh – Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  • Will Federspiel – Reebok
  • Elizabeth Swift – RTX Corporation
  • Camylle Wnek – Techtronic Industries (TTI)

The 2024 AEC will be held at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, starting with a welcome reception on the evening of June 24, a full day of training sessions on June 25, followed by a series of presentations and panel discussions through to June 27. Registration remains open until June 25.

To register for the event, visit

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX® and PATTSY WAVE®, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For additional information, please visit, or on Anaqua’s LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145896

Fortrea Introduces Comprehensive Solution to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research

Leverages real-world data, patient insights and a systematic process to design, operationalize and measure the effectiveness of diversity action plans in clinical trials

DURHAM, N.C., May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (the “Company”), a leading global contract research organization (CRO), today announced its comprehensive and integrated solution to improve the diversity and inclusion (D&I) of participants in clinical trials. Fortrea’s D&I solution is designed to expand patient access to participate in clinical trials and address the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements, under The Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act, to increase enrollment of underrepresented populations in clinical trials.

Fortrea’s comprehensive process integrates five components of diversity action planning and execution:

  • Real-world evidence advisors research relevant real-world data sets to inform diversity planning.
  • Regulatory, development and clinical operational experts design the Diversity Action Plan, validate with patient groups and negotiate with regulators.
  • Operational teams access multiple data platforms, Fortrea’s Site Advisory Board and technology-enabled solutions to implement the Diversity Action Plan as an integral part of Fortrea’s clinical trial execution.
  • Monitoring and reporting are enabled by Fortrea’s exclusive Diversity and Inclusion Study Insights Dashboard, providing actionable data and visualizations for ongoing study management.
  • Experienced report technical writers compile data and prepare reports for regulatory submission, with ongoing regulatory support provided as part of the D&I solution.

“Clinical research that reflects a representative population provides better insight into how a potential treatment will work in a real-world setting,” said John Doyle, DrPH, president Fortrea Consulting. “Recent regulatory requirements codify progress over the last few years in biopharma’s approach to improving the inclusion of diverse populations in their development programs. Fortrea’s solution brings deep, real-world data expertise to design D&I plans that are effective and realistic, along with more than 30 years of experience across more than 20 therapeutic areas in trial execution. We also bring a steadfast commitment to D&I, not just in clinical trials but across our entire company as we pursue our purpose of bringing life-changing treatments to patients faster.”

Fortrea’s D&I solution incorporates a series of proprietary tools, including epidemiological and feasibility assessments that leverage an exclusive combination of large data sets. The solution also integrates inputs from patient groups to create insights into protocol tolerance and study conduct support requirements in different patient populations across multiple therapy areas and geographies. These insights inform global and local patient recruitment and retention plans to reach under-represented patient populations and address barriers to participation in clinical trials.

“Ensuring the inclusion of diverse patient populations in clinical trials must go beyond a plan, it takes insight and action,” said Mark Morais, chief operating officer, Fortrea. “Because of our comprehensive Voice of Patient program and our collaboration with diverse investigator sites and site networks, we have a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful in reaching populations that have traditionally been under-represented in clinical trials. At Fortrea, we are informed by real-world data, enabled by innovative technologies, and driven by our passion to deliver new therapies for all patients.”

Please visit Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Trials on for more information.

About Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development and patient access solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life-changing therapies to patients. Fortrea provides phase I-IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology, consulting services, differentiated technology enabled trial solutions and post-approval services.

Fortrea’s solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally.

Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) @Fortrea.

Fortrea Contacts:
Fortrea Media: Galen Wilson – 703-298-0802,
Fortrea Media: Kate Dillon – 646-818-9115,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9146130

Axi launches their biggest global trading competition ever, with $250,000 USD up for grabs

The trading competition is to have 49 winners including a grand prize of $100,000 USD

SYDNEY, Australia, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading online FX and CFD broker Axi has launched 2024’s biggest global trading competition, with a total prize pool of $250,000 USD.

Axi is shaking the waves, inviting traders of all sizes to trade their edge and win mega prizes, including the grand prize of $100,000 USD. Over 45 prizes will be given for ROI, top trading volume, best ROI each week, as well as five random prizes of $500 USD per week.

Registration for the competition has commenced, and the four-week contest is set to run from June 3 to June 30. Per the broker, the competition is open both for new or existing clients, and ambitious traders who are interested in participating should open or already have a live trading account with Axi, deposit a minimum of $200, and trade at least 1 lot.

Louis Cooper, Chief Commercial Officer at Axi, shares his excitement for the upcoming competition: “‘Trade Your Edge’ is our strapline, and in June we invite our traders to do just that – trade their edge on their favourite markets like Forex, Gold, Crypto, for a chance to win amazing cash prizes, including the top prize of $100,000 USD.

This has been a very successful financial year for the broker; they’ve recently introduced cutting-edge new programmes and have also expanded their partnership portfolio to include Man City Women, LaLiga club Girona FC, and England international and six-time Premier League winner John Stones as the company’s Brand Ambassador.

To learn more about the competition and register, visit:

About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFDs trading broker. As the preferred broker for thousands of ambitious customers in over 100 countries worldwide, we help all types of traders, trading businesses, banks and financial organizations find the edge they need to achieve their financial goals through informed transactions made on the world’s financial markets. Axi offers a comprehensive range of assets including CFDs for several asset classes such as Forex, Shares, Oil, Precious Metals, Coffee, Indices, and other commodities.

At Axi, we take pride in our reputation as an honest, fair, and responsible broker. Our numerous global awards and reviews attest to the confidence and trust we have earned from our customers who value our exceptional service, fast execution, secure payments, and easy withdrawals. Similarly, we also work pro-actively with leading regulatory governing authorities around the world to ensure that we surpass the highest industry standards.

The trading competition is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. Not available to AU, NZ, EU & UK residents. T&Cs apply.

For more information or additional comments from Axi, please contact:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000963491