ZeroBounce Releases The Email List Decay Report for 2023

SANTA BARBARA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2023 / ZeroBounce announces the release of The Email List Decay Report for 2023, unveiling the latest statistics about the lifecycle of email databases. In the report, ZeroBounce shares data trends it gathered after validating more than six billion email addresses.

The ZeroBounce Email List Decay Report for 2023
ZeroBounce announces the release of The Email List Decay Report for 2023.

The findings are eye-opening for email marketers and companies relying on email for vital communications. At least 22.71% of the average email list degrades annually, the ZeroBounce report shows. At 20.19%, invalid email addresses made up most of the obsolete data processed by the email validation and deliverability company. Also prevalent were catch-all, disposable, abuse, spam trap, and toxic email addresses. In total, only 57.21% of all the emails ZeroBounce verified were valid and safe to use.

“Any database can acquire poor-quality email addresses which cause email deliverability to plummet,” says ZeroBounce founder and CEO Liviu Tanase. “Reaching the inbox is getting increasingly difficult, and using a healthy email database is a must. This report paints a clear picture of how fast email data degrades. The good news is that email marketers can stay on top of their email list health so they can be in the inbox and increase revenue.”

The Email List Decay Report for 2023 also reveals how likely users are to misspell their email addresses when filling out a sign-up or registration form. In just one year, ZeroBounce detected more than 10 million typos via its real-time email verification API. The software thus prevents potential bounces and continues to ensure companies build more reliable lead acquisition programs.

“Letting go of obsolete data makes an email list more responsive and more likely to convert. While so many companies focus on quantity, those who pay attention to data quality will see a boost in email ROI,” says ZeroBounce Chief Operating Officer Brian Minick.

To create the report, ZeroBounce analyzed the data it processed between January and December 2022. The benchmarks apply to companies of all sizes, across various industries, as ZeroBounce’s customers range from solo business owners to Fortune 500 companies.

Read the complete Email List Decay Report for 2023 at

Recently, ZeroBounce relaunched its platform, now offering 99% accurate email validation, increased security, and a more modern and intuitive user experience.

About ZeroBounce

ZeroBounce is an email verification and deliverability platform helping 200,000+ customers land more emails in the inbox.

The service removes email typos, nonexistent and abuse email accounts, spam traps, and other risky email addresses. ZeroBounce’s email deliverability toolkit further supports inbox placement. The company has recently attained the SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO 27001 certifications.

ZeroBounce has validated more than 18 billion emails. Some of the companies it serves are Amazon, Disney, and Netflix. In 2022, ZeroBounce founded Email Day (April 23), now an international holiday honoring email inventor Ray Tomlinson.

For more information, visit

Contact Information:

Corina Leslie
PR Manager

SOURCE: ZeroBounce


‫مؤتمر بلوكتشين لايف بدبي يؤكد على المستقبل الواعد للعملات الرقمية مع قدرة منصاتها على إثبات الاحتياطات الرقمية

  • مستجدات مع بعد عام 2022: وضعت منصات تداول العملات الرقمية معايير عالية لتعزيز أطر الشفافية تتمثل في القدرة على إثبات احتياطات الأصول الرقمية بنسبة 100%
  • تشكل منصات التداول اللامركزية جزءًا مهمًا من النظام البيئي الصحي من خلال دعم المتداولين على المدى المتوسط والطويل
  • باي بايت كأي منصة تداول مركزية تدعو لتعزيز التكامل مع تقنيات الويب 0 لدعم معاملات المستخدمين اليومية

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 28 فبراير 2023: أكد بين زو الرئيس التنفيذي لمنصة تداول العملات الرقمية باي بيت، أن العملات الرقمية باتت على مشارف مستقبلها الواعد والحافل بالإمكانات الهائلة، لاسيما مع تحول مزايا الموثوقية والشفافية اليوم إلى حجر أساس لأي عمل ناجح في هذا المضمار. وأضاف زو بأن التكنولوجيا ستدعم جهود استعادة الثقة في العملات الرقمية، موضحاً أن منصات التداول المرخصة تمتلك جميع المقومات الضرورية للتفوق على المؤسسات المالية التقليدية على مستوى الشفافية.

وعلى هامش مشاركته في جلسة حوارية انعقدت ضمن فعاليات مؤتمر بلوكتشين لايف بدبي يوم الإثنين، تطرق زو إلى سبل الاستفادة من البيئة المفتوحة وقدرات المصادقة المباشرة المقدمة من التقنيات اللامركزية. وأشار زو إلى أن شبكات البلوكتشين باتت جزءاً من الحلول المتاحة في عالمنا اليوم، إذ يمكن للحلول المقوّمة بالعملات الرقمية دعم القطاع المالي في مواجهة الأشكال التقليدية والجديدة من مخاطر الاحتيال. وشدد زو على أن منصات تداول العملات الرقمية قادرة على تقديم إثباتات مباشرة على احتياطاتها من الأصول الرقمية، وهو ما يتخطى معايير الشفافية المألوفة لدى المؤسسات المالية التقليدية.

وتلتزم منصة باي بيت بإدارة أموال المستخدمين وفق أرقى أطر الشفافية والنزاهة، وهو ما يدفعها لتقديم إثباتات مباشرة وواضحة حول احتياطاتها من الأصول الرقمية عبر نموذج “شجرة ميركل” Merkle Tree المصممة لهدف محدد، وهو تقديم هياكل بيانات تتيح التحقق الآمن والفعال والمتسق من البيانات. ويمكن للمستخدمين استخدام رموز مخصصة لهم للتحقق من تسجيل أصولهم كالتزامات في محافظ باي بيت ضمن شبكتها وصولاً لأدق التفاصيل.

وقال زور: “بالنسبة لي، فإن مثل هذه التكنولوجيا المدعومة بالبلوكتشين تمثل حلاً حقيقياً للاتهامات الواردة باستمرار حول الأخطاء السائدة في مسائل التشفير والانتهاكات في القطاع المالي على نطاق أوسع. ويمكن لنموذج إثبات احتياطات الأصول الرقمية الجديد في القطاع طمأنة المستخدمين حيال أصول التداول المتاحة ومنحهم اطلاعاً شاملاً عليها، وهو ما يمهد الطريق لتحقيق التوازن بين ديناميكيات القوة التقليدية بين العملاء ومقدمي الخدمات المالية”.

وتطرق زو إلى الدور الهام لمنصات تداول العملات الرقمية مع سعي القطاع للخروج من تحديات عام 2022.  وفي الوقت الذي تُراعى فيه الاعتبارات الأمنية إلى أبعد الحدود، كشف زو عن الأسباب التي لا تزال تدفع المتداولين نحو منصات التداول المركزية، موضحاً أنها السيولة العميقة والبنية الرقمية المتينة ذات الدقة العالية.

ومشيراً إلى العملاء من المؤسسات والمتداولين الخبراء، قال زو: “لاتزال منصات التداول المركزية خيارهم المفضل إلى حد كبير نظراً لمزايا السيولة التي تتيحها. ولا يمكن بكل بساطة ممارسة نشاطات التداول بأحجام كبيرة عبر منصات لامركزية نظراً للقيود التي تواجهها بناها الرقمية”. واقترح زو أنه بإمكان الباحثين عن الاستثمار في العملات الرقمية على المديين المتوسط والطويل التفكير بشكل الجاد في المنصات اللامركزية.

واختتم زو: “يتمحور دورنا – ودور أي منصة تداول مركزية – حول الاستعداد على أكمل وجه للتبني الشامل والمرتقب لإمكانات البلوكتشين وتقنيات الويب 3.0. وأنا على ثقة بقدرات هذا القطاع الواعد، لأنه في غضون عامين، ستتجلى أسباب ذاك التبني الشامل، وسنرى الجميع يشرعون في استخدام العملات الرقمية”.

Crypto Sets Higher Standards for Proof of Reserves for Traditional Finance: Bybit CEO

  • The new norms after 2022: crypto exchanges have set a high bar in transparency with 100% verifiable proof of reserves
  • DEXs form an important part of a healthy ecosystem by supporting medium and long-term traders
  • Bybit has a calling as a CEX: delivering seamless integration into Web3 for everyday users

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Media OutReach – 28 February 2023 – The future of the crypto industry is one step closer to its full potential, now trust and transparency is at the forefront, said Bybit CEO Ben Zhou. According to Zhou, technology will lead the way in restoring trust in crypto, and legitimate exchanges have what it takes to outperform traditional financial institutions in terms of transparency.

Speaking as part of a panel discussion at Blockchain Life 2023 in Dubai on Monday, Zhou proposed leveraging the open nature and real-time verification that decentralized technology offers. Blockchain is part of the solution, and crypto-native solutions can help armor the financial industry against traditional and new forms of fraud risk. He noted that crypto exchanges are able to offer real-time, verifiable proof of reserves, which is far and above the transparency traditionally offered by financial institutions.

Bybit is committed to managing user funds with the utmost transparency and integrity, which is why it has real-time proof of reserves with a purpose-built Merkle Tree. Users can use their Merkle Leaf code to check that their assets are recorded as liabilities in Bybit’s on-chain wallets down to the granular details.

For Zhou, this kind of technology — powered by blockchain — is the real solution to the constant news of malfeasance in the crypto and wider financial sector. The new industry norm of proof of reserves can offer users more peace of mind and visibility into exchanges’ assets, and this has tilted the conventional power dynamics between the customers and financial service providers, he said.

Zhou went on to talk about the role of crypto exchanges as the industry moves forward from a challenging 2022. While security considerations are a given, Zhou revealed why CEXs are still preferred by serious traders: deep liquidity and powerful infrastructure with millisecond precision.

Referring to institutional clients and professional traders, Zhou said that “centralized exchanges are pretty much their only choice simply because of the liquidity. And you simply can’t do high frequency trading on a decentralized exchange (DEX) due to infrastructure limitations.” However, Zhou suggested that those interested in medium-to-long term trades could consider DEXs as an option.

“Our role — and that of any centralized exchange — is to be ready for mass adoption and be the gateway to Web3 when it happens. So, I still believe in the industry,” Zhou added. “In two years, you will see signs of mass adoption. Your uncles, your aunties, your cousins will all start to use crypto,” he said.

More from Bybit

About Bybit

Bybit is a cryptocurrency exchange established in 2018 that offers a professional platform where crypto traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, excellent customer service and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One’s reigning Constructors’ and Drivers’ champions, the Oracle Red Bull Racing team, esports teams NAVI, Astralis, Alliance, Made in Brazil (MIBR), and Oracle Red Bull Racing Esports, and association football (soccer) team Borussia Dortmund.

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RAK Ruler receives Ambassador of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

RAS AL KHAIMAH, H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, received today, at his Palace at the Saqr bin Mohammed City, Robert Michel Lauer, the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the UAE, and discussed with him the cooperation between the two countries across various sectors.

Welcoming Ambassador Lauer, H.H. Sheikh Saud lauded the friendship that the two countries share, which help ensure further growth and prosperity for their peoples.

In turn, the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah for his great hospitality.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Suhail Al Mazrouei honours winners of inaugural edition of MoEI’s Research and Innovation Award

DUBAI, Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, honoured the winners of the first edition of the Research and Innovation Award, organised by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI) to accelerate the development of innovative solutions to challenges in energy, water, infrastructure, transport, and housing.

Coinciding with the UAE Innovates 2023, the award ceremony drew the participation of senior officials at MoEI and other government entities and representatives of private sector companies and stakeholders.

The Award covered six key areas, including the impacts of climate change on the resilience of the energy and infrastructure sectors, better integration of urban planning, future mobility solutions, innovative housing solutions, balanced national energy, and water security and sustainability. It targeted participations from the government sector, private sector, universities and R&D centers, startups, individual researchers and experts, and youth.

The winners of the government sector category were Al Ain City Municipality, Dubai Municipality, Abu Dhabi City Municipality, Ras Al Khaimah Municipality, and Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.

For the private sector category, the awards went to Bee’ah Group and Abu Dhabi Distribution Company. Awards for the universities and R&D centres category were bagged by Khalifa University, University of Sharjah, Abu Dhabi University, University of Wollongong in Dubai, and New York University Abu Dhabi.

Winners of the start-ups category were Wahaj Solar and Mawarid Desert Control, and for the individual researchers and experts category, Dr. Umair Hasan, Zeeshan Hameed, Zafar Said, Adel bin Hassouna Hamami, Dr. Ameena Al Sumaiti, and Rami Asad bani Shamsa secured the awards.

Noora Saeed, Asma Al Mazrouei, Asma Daher, and Sumaih Al Dhuri were awarded for the youth category.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Al Mazrouei said, “Innovation is in our DNA. As we follow in the steps of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, we are keen to drive efforts to turn the UAE into a global center of excellence. To help achieve this goal, we launched the Research and Innovation Award that aims to incorporate innovation into the processes within our various sectors. We are confident that the winning studies and solutions submitted by the participants will advance our sustainability agenda at the Ministry. This year’s edition comes at a critical time, as we gear up to host the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) this November at Expo City Dubai.”

For her part, Nusaiba Al Marzouqi, Director of Studies and Research and Chief Innovation Officer at MoEI, said, “The Ministry is keen to support innovators, adopt excellence, and build human capacities as part of its strive to establish an innovation ecosystem. The Research and Innovation Award fits perfectly into our drive. This edition has received 128 applications from 60 entities and individuals. With the help of 76 judges of experts and professors, we managed to evaluate and shortlist the submissions to eventually handpick 24 ground-breaking studies that we celebrate today. We will work with the winners to implement their studies that will improve our processes at the Ministry.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

Sheikh Nahyan bin Zayed reconfigures the Board of Directors of Al Dhafra Shooting Club

His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Sports Council, issued a decree on the restructuring of the Board of Directors of Al Dhafra Shooting Club.

According to the decree, His Excellency Salem Saeed Salem Al Sabousi assumes the chairmanship of the club’s Board of Directors, and members of the board Ahmed Mohammed Rashid Al Mazrouei, Mubarak Obaid Mubarak Al Mansouri, Abdullah Hamad Ali Al Marri, and Sanad Mubarak Al Mazrouei.

The term of the new council is for three years from the date of issuance of the decree.

Source: Abu Dhabi Sports Council

Synchronoss Announces Strong Messaging Platform Growth in Asia Pacific Fueled by Advanced Messaging

Global Service Providers Utilizing Synchronoss Platforms to Deliver Value-Added Services to Tens of Millions of Subscribers

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Feb. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (“Synchronoss” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: SNCR), a global leader and innovator in cloud, messaging and digital products and platforms, today announced strong growth in Asia Pacific, primarily fueled by growth in its Advanced Messaging business. Through partnerships with global service providers, specifically in Japan, the company continues to expand its global footprint, supporting tens of millions of subscribers in the region.

In Japan, Rich Communications Service (RCS) technology enables consumers to engage with brands and businesses safely and securely, and provide the best user-experience for the Japanese customers. Through a long-standing partnership with WIT Software, Synchronoss Advanced Messaging is enabling mobile operators NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, and SoftBank to deploy a cross-operator RCS experience supporting 32.5 million subscribers.

“We are delighted to witness the unique success of the +Message service in Japan based on the WIT RCS messaging platform, and together with Synchronoss we are ready to leverage our common offer of rich messaging for other carriers that want to generate new revenue opportunities,” said Luis Silva, CEO at WIT Software.

Another prominent service provider in Asia Pacific recently announced a major milestone, delivering email services to over 50 million users. The end-to-end email platform, powered by Synchronoss Email Suite and the Mx9 core messaging platform, is highly scalable and ensures security and data privacy for its subscribers.

“The recent deployments and milestones are fueling the momentum of our Messaging platforms in the Asia Pacific region,” said Jeff Miller, President and CEO of Synchronoss. “This year, we look forward to working with our strategic partners, especially WIT Software, to deliver innovative messaging solutions that enable new ways to connect, collaborate, engage, and transact business.”

About Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq: SNCR) builds software that empowers companies around the world to connect with their subscribers in trusted and meaningful ways. The company’s collection of products helps streamline networks, simplify onboarding, and engage subscribers to unleash new revenue streams, reduce costs and increase speed to market. Hundreds of millions of subscribers trust Synchronoss products to stay in sync with the people, services, and content they love. Learn more at

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Domenick Cilea

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Matt Glover / Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8776895

Ras Al Khaimah announces creation of free zone dedicated to digital and virtual asset companies

RAS AL KHAIMAH, The Government of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) has announced its intention to launch RAK Digital Assets Oasis, the world’s first free zone dedicated to digital and virtual asset companies. The announcement was made today at Blockchain Life 2023.

Commenting on the new free zone, Sheikh Mohammed bin Humaid bin Abdullah Al Qasimi, Chairman of RAK International Corporate Centre (RAK ICC) and Chairman of RAK Digital Assets Oasis, said, “We are proud to further the UAE’s position as a primary destination for innovation with the launch of RAK Digital Assets Oasis. We are building the free zone of the future for the companies of the future. As the world’s first free zone solely dedicated to digital and virtual asset companies, we look forward to supporting the ambitions of entrepreneurs from around the world with our progressive, supportive, and quick-to-adapt approach, and our innovation-enabling environment.”

Making the announcement, Dr. Sameer Al Ansari, CEO of RAK Digital Assets Oasis, said, “I am privileged to help implement the forward-thinking vision of the leadership of Ras Al Khaimah to enable, foster, and promote innovation in new and emerging sectors of the future. With the UAE’s established reputation as an innovation hub, RAK Digital Assets Oasis delivers a truly unique offering to global entrepreneurs bringing together an unmatched combination of accessibility and liveability, supported by Ras Al Khaimah’s business-friendly infrastructure, progressive policies, and an international lifestyle offering.”

RAK Digital Assets Oasis will be a purpose-built, true innovation-enabling free zone for non-regulated activities in the virtual assets sector. It is intended to be the only free zone in the world solely dedicated to digital and virtual assets service providers innovating in new and emerging sectors of the future including metaverse, blockchain, utility tokens, virtual asset wallets, NFTs, DAOs, DApp, and other Web3-related businesses. RAK Digital Assets Oasis will open for applications in the second quarter of 2023.

“We look forward to welcoming the world’s brightest Web3 minds with their most disruptive ideas that uncover new approaches to creating a better future. We are committed to empowering the next generation of global entrepreneurial talent to build transformative solutions and create impact, while shaping the future of businesses and economies,” Dr. Al Ansari added.

Ras Al Khaimah has established a reputation as a global business-friendly hub with political stability, a progressive, supportive, and quick-to-adapt approach, and an innovation-enabling environment in a strategic time-zone that fills the gap between financial centres in the West and the East. RAK Digital Assets Oasis’ unique lifestyle proposition will support companies with robust, innovation-enabling adoption frameworks, advisory and professional services, hybrid workspaces, accelerators and incubators, sandboxes, access to funding, and an environment that encourages entrepreneurs to imagine, create, and evolve.

The free zone aligns with the UAE’s position as a primary destination for innovation. RAK Digital Assets Oasis will be a remote-work friendly, globally connected destination for digital and virtual asset companies building innovative business models for the future that will be well positioned to tap into the region’s emerging markets.

Source: Emirates News Agency

RAK Ruler receives Azerbaijani ambassador

RAS AL KHAIMAH, H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, today received Elchin Bagirov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UAE, who called on him on the occasion of the beginning of his new assignment.

During the meeting, held at his palace at the Saqr Bin Mohammed City, Sheikh Saud welcomed the ambassador and wished him good luck in his mission which would contribute to developing cooperation between the two friendly countries at all avenues.

In turn, Bagirov extended thanks and appreciation for the RAK Ruler for his warm welcome and hospitality.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Saeed bin Maktoum crowns winners of Modon Abu Dhabi Padel Master

Sheikh Saeed Bin Maktoum Bin Juma Al Maktoum, President of the UAE Padel Association, presented the trophies to the winners of the 2023 World Padel Tour season opener Modon Abu Dhabi Padel Master during the awards ceremony that took place among a packed crowd on the centre court located on Bab Al Nojoum, Hudayriyat Island.

Agustín Tapia/Arturo Coello Manso defeated Alejandro Galán Romo/Juan Lebrón Chincoa (7-6 / 6-3) to win the Men’s tournament, while Ariana Sánchez Fallada/Paula Josemaría Martín clinched the Women’s title by beating Alejandra Salazar Bengoechea/Gemma Triay Pons [6-3 / 6-3]. Also awarded were Ariana Sánchez Fallada and Arturo Coello Manso, who were bestowed the ‘Most Valuable Player’ award in their respective categories.

The sold-out finals provided thrilling excitement from some of the world’s top players who battled it out in the custom-built court on the beach. The winning duos expressed their delight at being awarded the highest-ever World Padel Tour points haul of 2,000 points.

Aref Al Awani, general secretary of Abu Dhabi Sports Council, said: “Abu Dhabi has cemented its position as a premier host of world-class sporting events. The Modon Abu Dhabi Padel Master has proven to be a resounding success, not only for the players and spectators, but for the entire regional sports industry. It has provided invaluable opportunities for the growth and development of padel in the UAE and the wider Gulf region, showcasing Abu Dhabi’s defining sporting infrastructure and capabilities. The event has been a testament to the emirate’s potential as a hub for global sports, and we are incredibly proud of the Emirati players, who participated and demonstrated the country’s potential as a padel powerhouse. We will continue to support and encourage the growth of the sport in the UAE.”

Padel’s meteoric rise as the fastest-growing sport in the region is nothing short of remarkable, and the World Padel Tour Modon Abu Dhabi Padel Master provided a unique opportunity to embrace the sport’s burgeoning popularity, creating a platform to celebrate and appreciate the UAE’s padel community and passionate enthusiasts.

Ramon Agenjo, president of the World Padel Tour, said: “The Modon Abu Dhabi Padel Master has been an exceptional event, showcasing Abu Dhabi’s readiness to host sports events and our commitment to fostering a vibrant culture for sports in the region. The qualifications of the Emirati players, and the region’s first-ever participation in the main draw of a World Padel Tour tournament, mark a significant moment for the sport in the Arab world, inspiring young players and promoting greater diversity and inclusion in the sport. We are proud to have organised this event with the Abu Dhabi Sports Council and thrilled to have been a part of such a prestigious tournament, which has brought together the world’s top players and local talents, furthering the growth and development of padel in the UAE and the wider Gulf region.”

Source: Abu Dhabi Sports Council