رئيس وزراء سانت كيتس ونيفيس ينطلق لتعزيز الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة

لندن, 14 نوفمبر / تشرين ثاني 2021 /PRNewswire/ — دفعت عمليات الإغلاق التي لا نهاية لها وقيود السفر وتعليق التأشيرات المؤقتة من قبل العديد من البلدان خلال الوباء الفرد ذوي القيمة الصافية العالية (HNWIs) على وجه الخصوص إلى البحث عن جنسية بديلة. بسبب هذه الزيادة في الطلب، وصل رئيس وزراء سانت كيتس ونيفيس، الدكتور تيموثي هاريس، إلى دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة. سيقوم رئيس الوزراء بالترويج لبرنامج الدولة للحصول على الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار (CBI) والدخول في اجتماعات لتعزيز العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين خلال فترة إقامته.

يساعد برنامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار، مع تزايد الشكوك حول ضوابط رأس المال والضرائب المرتفعة والاضطراب السياسي، المستثمرين ورواد الأعمال في الشرق الأوسط على ضمان الأمن والتنقل لأنفسهم ولعائلاتهم. سانت كيتس ونيفيس St Kitts and Nevis ظلت الوجهة الأولى لراغبي برنامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار بين عملاء الشرق الأوسط لعدة عقود. وقد تأسس برنامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في سانت كيتس ونيفيس عام 1984، وهو الخيار الأطول أمداً في السوق ومع ما يقرب من أربعة عقود من الخبرة.

 وبحسب إحدى نشرات فاينانشال تايمز، فإن برنامج سانت كيتس ونيفيس يحتل المرتبة الأولى لعام 2021 كأفضل برامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار. كما أن سانت كيتس ونيفيس معروفة بامتلاكهم أكثر العروض شمولاً في منطقة البحر الكاريبي للوجهات بدون تأشيرة وتأشيرة عند الوصول. وفي الوقت الحالي، يمكن لمواطني سانت كيتس ونيفيس السفر إلى أكثر من 160 دولة ومنطقة عبر سبع قارات دون قيود على الأعمال الورقية الشاملة قبل المغادرة.

 كما أنه من المتوقع حضور رئيس الوزراء هاريس احتفال العيد الوطني لسانت كيتس ونيفيس في دبي في 16 نوفمبر 2021. وعلاوة على ذلك، سيشارك وفده، الذي يضم ليس خان، الرئيس التنفيذي لوحدة الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في الدولة، وجوستين هاولي، سفير الدولة لدى الإمارات العربية المتحدة، في العديد من الاجتماعات الثنائية والتفاعل مع مواطني الاتحاد المقيمين في المنطقة.

 صرح ليس خان، الرئيس التنفيذي لوحدة الحصول على الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في سانت كيتس ونيفيس، “لقد أدى حدوث كوفيد-19 منذ ما يقرب من عامين إلى مجموعة من الاتجاهات العالمية، بعضها متوقع وبعضها غير متوقع، حيث أعاد الناس تقييم خطط حياتهم بشكل جذري. كما أن أحد الاتجاهات الرئيسية التي شهدت ارتفاعًا هو استكشاف الأفراد لخيارات الحصول على جنسية ثانية في جميع أنحاء العالم. ومن أجل تسهيل عملية البحث عن الأمن بشكل أفضل لإخواننا وأخواتنا في الشرق الأوسط، فإن وحدة الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في سانت كيتس ونيفيس لديها عرض لفترة محدودة على برنامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار من فئة البلاتينية القياسية”.

يمكّن العرض المؤقت، الذي ينتهي في نهاية عام 2021، العائلات التي يصل عدد أفرادها حتى أربعة أفراد من الحصول على الجنسية مقابل 150,000 دولار أمريكي بدلاً من 195,000 دولار أمريكي. كما يمكن فقط للمتقدمين الذين يجتازون إجراءات العناية الواجبة الصارمة الاستثمار والتأهل للحصول على الجنسية. ويمكن للمستثمرين ضم مجموعة واسعة من المعالين من أفراد الأسرة كجزء من عملية التقديم الخاصة بهم.

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Saudi Arabia official visit to France Strengthens Cultural Ties

Official cultural visit by Saudi Arabia to France features a series of successful strategic engagements, including meetings with the French Minister of Culture and the Director-General of UNESCO

His Highness Prince Badr addressed the UNESCO General Conference

A new agreement signed with UNESCO further recognizes the cultural significance of ancient AlUla, building on existing cooperation between France and Saudi Arabia to enhance the destination.

PARIS, Nov. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — During a week-long visit to France, His Highness Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al-Saud, Saudi Minister of Culture, met with his counterpart Roselyne Bachelot, French Minister of Culture, Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, and several other French cultural leaders and institutions.

Saudi Arabia official visit to France Strengthens Cultural Ties

Prince Badr addressed the UNESCO General Conference: “We congratulate UNESCO on its seventy-fifth anniversary, which the Kingdom has been a part of since the beginning as a founder member. Saudi Arabia is committed to working with UNESCO, and its members, in the efforts to unleash the power of culture.”

The day prior UNESCO and the Royal Commission for AlUla signed an agreement that will help preserve the globally significant area, enabling it to become a destination for heritage, nature, arts, and culture. It builds on an existing partnership, through which over 100 French archaeologists and experts are currently working onsite.

France and Saudi have a long history of ongoing cultural exchange. For example, fifty years ago King Khalid helped establish the Arab World Institute in Paris. In 2018, HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud made an official visit to France, meeting with President Emmanuel Macron, where a significant cultural agreement between the two countries was signed.

The Kingdom is hosting a vibrant cultural program of over 100 cultural events, initiatives, and engagements during the coming months, including Saudi Arabia’s first art biennale, Ad-Diriyah Biennale, and first major international film festival, the Red Sea International Film Festival, which will feature French classics.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1687527/saudi_moc.jpg

Mohamed bin Zayed receives call from Grand Imam of Al Azhar

ABU DHABI, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, was congratulated today by His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Professor Ahmed Al-Tayeb, for the UAE winning the bid to host the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in 2023.

This came in a phone call His Highness Sheikh Mohamed received from Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb who hailed the organisation of the event as reflective of the global recognition of the UAE’s efforts in the field of sustainability.

Al-Tayeb said that the UAE is a cherished part of the Arab and Islamic nation and that the country’s successes are a source of pride and inspiration for all Arabs.

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Grand Imam for his sincere and fraternal feelings, wishing him continued good health and further progress and prosperity to the people of Egypt.

Source: Emirates News Agency

New Abu Dhabi Global Market Board of Directors holds its first meeting

ABU DHABI, Chaired by Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, the newly appointed Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) held its first meeting, coinciding with ADGM’s sixth anniversary since its establishment. The meeting reflects ADGM’s strategic vision and reinforces its position as one of the world’s leading international financial centres.

The ADGM board members reiterated their commitment to progressing ADGM’s growth journey, strengthening the financial sector, attracting global companies and investments, and developing a vibrant business environment underpinned by innovation and a robust regulatory framework.

Commenting on the meeting, Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Chairman of ADGM, said: “Abu Dhabi Global Market’s forward-looking vision is in line with the Principles of the Fifty that define the nation’s journey for the next fifty years.”

He stressed the importance of establishing a comprehensive and advanced environment that enables the growth and development of local and international entities both regionally and globally.

The meeting was attended by ADGM’s Vice Chairman, Mohamed Ali Al Shorafa, as well as Hisham Khalid Malak, Khaled Abdulla Al Qubaisi, Dhaen Mohamed Al Hameli, Mansour Mohamed Al Mulla, and Kaj-Erik-Relander.

Since its inception in 2015, ADGM has established itself globally as one of the world’s leading international financial centres.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Industry, business leaders to gather at GMIS2021 to shape future of manufacturing, digitalisation, supply chain operations

DUBAI, The fourth edition of the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS2021) will be held at EXPO’s Dubai Exhibition Centre from November 22-23, followed by side-events and conferences from November 24-27.

The GMIS2021 will convene chief executive officers and senior leaders from some of the largest global and local corporations to explore the latest advances in manufacturing technologies as organisations around the world continue to rapidly embrace digitalisation, shape new business models, and revitalise operations.

The six-day GMIS Week will feature over 125 global speakers, including the two-day GMIS2021 Summit on November 22-23, a Global Prosperity Conference and an Alternative & Renewable Energy Conference on November 24.

The Summit will also host The Green Chain Conference, a multi-stakeholder forum to explore the role of renewable energy solutions, socially responsible investments, and policy frameworks to accelerate the transition to a net-zero future. The conference will draw on over 40 global leaders from governments and the energy industry to promote public-private partnerships and highlight the importance of adopting Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies across the energy sector to advance the global green agenda.

The GMIS Week will also feature country-focused conferences in partnership with the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Italy. In addition, the event will run a six-day manufacturing and advanced technology exhibition to showcase some of the UAE’s most innovative capabilities.

CEOs and senior leaders set to outline future manufacturing and technology trends while industry experts will discuss a wide range of topics, including the importance of digitally driven societies, the potential of Energy as a Service, and public-private partnerships to drive industrial growth.

A joint initiative between UNIDO and the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology of the United Arab Emirates, the Summit will gather over 125 leaders from local, regional, and global governments and organisations to explore the evolving integration of humans and machines, reinventing businesses, repurposing capabilities, and rewiring societies. The GMIS2021 agenda will spotlight topics such as Society 5.0, increasing digital mobility at work, sustainable manufacturing, gender equality, and the potential of Energy as a Service.

UNIDO Industrialisation Development Report: The Future of Industrialisation in a Post- Pandemic World will also be highlighted.

The Summit will hold sessions on green manufacturing practices, pathways to achieve net-zero emissions, the future of renewable energy, and the drive towards green investments. #GMIS2021 will also host a dedicated session to highlight the UAE’s recently launched industrial strategy, ‘Operation 300bn’, and its importance in transforming the nation into a diversified, industrial economy over the next decade.

Working together with the international organizations, organising committee and partners, GMIS aims to open up a dialogue between international and regional entities to ensure cross collaboration between industries.

Source: Emirates News Agency

11 new commercial activities added to list of Freelance Professional License

ABU DHABI, The Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi has added 11 new commercial activities to the list of Freelance Professional License that allows individuals including citizens, residents, non-residents to conduct commercial activities from anywhere in the world. These activities are subject to the general regulations of the sole proprietor company.

The new activities added by the Department are related to accounting and auditing, analysing and reviewing accounting and auditing systems, Sharia review consultancy for the transactions of Islamic financial institutions, consultations in the fields of tax, electronic networks, electronic security, innovation and artificial intelligence, information technology network services, design and programming of electronic chips, as well as the design of database systems and electronic risk management services.

Rashed Abdulkarim Al Blooshi, the Undersecretary of ADDED, stressed that this license will enhance the business environment in Abu Dhabi by creating more technical job opportunities as Abu Dhabi aims to attract and retain top-notch individuals and professionals.

He also indicated that the new commercial activities added to the license are part of the department’s keenness to enhance the services sector in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. Furthermore, Al Blooshi mentioned that since the announcement of the Freelance Professional Licence ADDED has issued 1784 Freelance Professional Licences.

Moreover, Al Blooshi also indicated that this license will positively impact Abu Dhabi’s economy as it will allow individuals to work remotely and earn extra income. Also, at the same time, the Freelance Professional Licence has many advantages for businesses as it allows the companies to provide better services to their customers.

To obtain the licence, the applicant must have a minimum of 3 years of experience in the specific field or industry or have earned an academic or professional achievement in that field. The license allows the holder to have a valid residence visa for himself and his family.

Furthermore, those who are willing to apply for obtaining Freelance Professional License may review the details of its commercial activities and requirements by logging in to the Abu Dhabi Business Centre website: www.adbc.gov.ae

Source: Emirates News Agency

Government of Dubai Media Office launches Dubai Edition podcast programme

DUBAI, The Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO) today announced the launch of Dubai Edition, a podcast programme focused on sharing compelling stories from Dubai.

The initiative was announced on the sidelines of Dubai PodFest, the first event of its kind dedicated to podcasting in the region, held at the Dubai Press Club.

Dubai Edition will host officials from the Government of Dubai as well as various figures from the cultural and creative sectors who will share inspirational stories and discuss Dubai’s aspirations for the future. The show will feature short episodes and discuss issues that are of interest to society members.

Dubai Edition, which was conceived as part of GDMO’s efforts to embrace the latest advancements in the media sector, aims to share the unique stories of achievement, innovation and creativity emerging from the emirate with a global audience.

Mona Al Marri, Director General of the Government of Dubai Media Office, said: “The launch of Dubai Edition reflects the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to embrace the latest digital advancements. The programme will serve as a key platform for knowledge-sharing and open dialogue while also communicating Dubai’s inspirational stories to a wide range of podcast listeners.”

In the coming period, Dubai Edition will feature a variety of interviews and talk shows with prominent figures in the Dubai community, organised by Dubai Press Club and Brand Dubai, the creative arm of the Government of Dubai Media Office.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Abu Dhabi Hazardous Materials Management Team begins evaluation of monitoring and response systems for hazardous materials warehouses

ABU DHABI, As a continuation of the programme for monitoring hazardous materials in facilities operating in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the second phase of the Hazardous Substances Monitoring Programme was launched.

The first phase was completed in the Q4 of 2020 by the Abu Dhabi Hazardous Materials Management Team (AD-HMMT) – headed by the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD), which also has 28 members from a range of local and federal entities.

The programme is chaired and supervised by Brigadier Humaid Saeed Alefreet, Deputy Director of Security and Ports Affairs Sector at the General Command of Abu Dhabi Police.

During this phase, the monitoring and response systems in the warehouses of hazardous materials in the Emirate were evaluated. The process saw warehouses that were being monitored linked to the early warning system, a move which will preserve national gains, provide a safe working environment, prevent deaths and sustain the pioneering results achieved in the field of fire prevention.

Furthermore, it will also help to reduce emergency response times and help hasten control of any fire incidents at the warehouses in accordance with the best international standards and practices. The programme is part of Abu Dhabi Government’s vision to make the Emirate one of the safest cities in the world.

Brigadier Humaid Saeed Alefreet, explained: “This system will contribute to preserving the country’s gains and the safety of its residents, further fostering a culture of safety across all sectors of society. We will also follow up on developments and stay up-to-date by using the latest mechanisms and equipment to preserve our national gains and the safety of lives and property, in line with our strategic vision and goals.”

“The vision and objectives of the hazardous materials strategy adopted in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its implementation plan involves working: “Towards a society and a safe environment from the risks of hazardous materials.” This will be achieved through a programme of collaboration and coordination, and bringing to bear the smartest electronic systems available, in cooperation with all relevant authorities.”

Brigadier Alefreet stated that work is currently underway to connect the remaining hazardous materials warehouses in the emirate with the early warning system, and make its installation a key requirement for future warehouse licence approval. This will contribute to controlling and fighting fires in record time. The purpose of the early warning system is to avoid loss of life and property and reduce environmental risks resulting from these accidents. The connection will also monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the warehouses’ alarm and firefighting systems to ensure that they operate with the highest efficiency during any incidents.

Brigadier Alefreet added that this work was connected closely with the study carried out by the concerned authorities in the team, through which the financial cost of connecting the warehouses of hazardous materials with surveillance cameras was reviewed. Studies were conducted and locations identified on a number of different facilities that were evaluated during the previous evaluation stage. The study involved assessing the numbers and types of cameras required in each facility, according to best practice, which depends on the types and quantity of hazardous materials that each facility deals with, and the numbers and sizes of the warehouses.

Brigadier Humaid Saeed Alefreet stressed the importance of effectively managing hazardous materials during their life cycle by monitoring all facilities dealing with these materials. Similarly, it is vital to audit the materials and ensure their compliance with prevention and public safety protocols. It’s also imperative to connect storage facilities with control and response systems to enhance the safety and security of the Emirate and avoid loss of life and property while combating environmental risks.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Dubai PodFest explores future of podcasting in Arab world

DUBAI, Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Media Council, Dubai PodFest, the first event of its kind dedicated to podcasting in the region, today discussed the future of podcasting in the Arab world and the massive opportunities in the sector.

Held at the Dubai Press Club, the event brought together more than 200 prominent podcasters and audio content creators, in addition to leading organisations in the sector.

The inaugural edition of the event, which was organised by DPC, tackled a range of topics including engaging and attracting subscribers, measuring performance, challenges and opportunities for content creators and the growth of the MENA podcast market. Dubai PodFest 2021 also highlighted the experiences of various podcasters from across the Arab world and discussed their roles in promoting positive content and inspirational stories.

During her opening speech, Mona Al Marri, President of Dubai Press Club, welcomed the participants to the event and said: “The Dubai PodFest reflects the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, over two decades ago to establish DPC as a platform for advancing Arab media development.”

She added: “As part of our efforts to support Dubai’s vision to embrace the latest advancements in the media sector, DPC is keen to support the development of the Arab podcasting sector and enhance its reach and impact globally. Events like these are critical for generating new insights on accelerating the sector’s growth in the region.” Al Marri stressed the importance of strengthening the growth of the sector and further enhancing the quality of podcasting content in the region.

During the event, she announced the launch of Dubai Edition, a podcast programme which will host officials from the Government of Dubai as well as various figures from the cultural and creative sectors who will share inspirational stories from Dubai.

Maitha Buhumaid, Director of DPC, also delivered a speech during which she expressed her appreciation to the participants and said that Dubai PodFest has been able to provide an enriching platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between participants on the podcasting industry. She expressed the hope that these discussions can continue in the future in order to support the digital transformation of the Arab media industry. DPC is committed to working with leading organisations and platforms to support the development of audio content on podcast platforms, she added.

Participants in the first session of the event, titled ‘The Future of Podcasting’, discussed ways to widen the audience for podcasting and the challenges facing podcasting in the region, such as being able to monetise podcasts.

During the session, speakers highlighted the importance of using the right tools when producing podcasts and keeping the content fresh in each episode in order to keep attracting more listeners. Participants also pointed out the need for podcasters to develop their storytelling skills, focus on quality and share insightful information from credible sources.

During a second panel discussion titled ‘New Avenues for Content Creators’, participants shared their insights on the opportunities available for content creators in the MENA region, enhancing the diversity of music content on podcast platforms, as well as the impact of the global pandemic on the consumption of digital music and entertainment.

The session shed light on how companies can take advantage of massive growth opportunities in the podcasting sector and how content creators can increase their subscribers and monetise their podcasts.

The third session titled ‘Podcast Platforms’ discussed the distribution of ad revenues among podcasters and podcast platforms and the key marketing tools available to maximise reach and income. The session also examined what podcast platforms offer content creators.

Participants in the session pointed out that the Arab podcast industry has great potential for growth and that investing in good content and understanding the needs of audiences is crucial in order to succeed in podcasting.

On the sidelines of the event, podcast network and cultural consultancy Dukkan Media announced the launch of a podcast about Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) titled ‘Show Me Your Wallet’. To be hosted by Co-founder of Dukkan Media Reem Hameed, the first of its kind podcast in the MENA region will share weekly highlights of the NFT world in a short and fast format.

As part of event, several leading organisations and content creators set up their equipment to podcast live from Dubai PodFest. Al Arabiya and Sky News Arabia were among the prominent media companies that podcast from DPC.

Dubai Press Club also organised different activities related to podcasting on the sidelines of the event.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Education professionals meet in first in-person event in post pandemic era

DUBAI, Education is an essential pillar to venture into the future, achieve sustainable development, and transition to a knowledge economy, said Dr. Mohamed Ebrahim Al Mualla, Undersecretary for Academic Affairs, UAE Ministry of Education.

Addressing this year’s edition of GESS Dubai 2021, the Middle East’s largest education show, on opening day, Al Mualla said, “Our presence here today constitutes an exceptional opportunity to discuss contemporary and emerging educational issues, and build on educational achievements, following a difficult period the world witnessed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which cast a shadow over several sectors, including education.”

According to Al Mualla, the next fifty years in the UAE’s education sector will focus on fostering a high-quality education system that ensures competitiveness at the early childhood stage; an innovative global educational system that enhances future skills; alignment of higher education outputs with the needs of the future labor market; and an advanced and flexible national qualifications system that copes with the requirements of future economic development. “This is in addition to a sustainable service system for people of determination, starting from early detection to leading the future, and a proactive holistic system for nurturing talent that stimulates production and competitiveness, and finally, well-being and sustainable quality of life in learning environments,” he added.

Meanwhile, Birgit Lao, Ambassador-at-large for education, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, talked about wellbeing in the time of hybrid learning in addition to how the Estonian education system survived the remote learning crises suddenly brought about by COVID-19.

During her presentation, she shared the findings of a study conducted in Estonia during the Covid-19 pandemic focusing on wellbeing during distance learning. Sharing some of the survey’s highlights, she said, “More than 50 percent of the students liked distance learning, and around 24 per cent of parents noticed study difficulties. More importantly, about 87 per cent of the students solved their individual tasks.”

Dr. Petar Stojanov, Global Partner, Innovation, Talent and Future Strategy at Black, talked about the future of education and how technology and talent are shaping the future of education. He said, “I want to make a very productive statement as I stand here on stage at a technology education conference to tell you that technology is not the answer. But it is the enabler of it.”

He mentioned that the World Economic Forum’s top 10 important skills in the workforce are complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility.

But, he said, “I would argue to all of you that these are not the skills that we’re teaching young people at the moment.”

Welcoming education professionals from around the world to this year’s edition of GESS, Matt Thompson, Project Director, Tarsus, organisers of the Middle East’s leading education show said, “Today, we look to the future with optimism as we take inspiration from our speakers and experts who see a great opportunity for education to be a significant tool for transformation for progress and sustainable development.

The three-day event features more than 140 speakers and over 150 CPD accredited sessions. Scheduled on November 14 to 16, 2021 at Zabeel Halls 4, 5 & 6 of the DWTC, GESS Dubai is free to attend for education professionals and will also feature the latest education-focused products and solutions from over 400 local and international companies and brands from over 30 different countries, with dedicated country pavilions such as the UK, Germany, India and Korea.

Source: Emirates News Agency