‫منظمة PraSaga للبلوك تشين غير الهادفة للربح تبدأ مزاولة أعمالها كمؤسسة

زوغ، سويسرا، 13 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت اليوم منظمة   PraSaga ، وهي منظمة غير هادفة للربح تعمل على تطوير الجيل التالي من شبكات البلوك تشين من الطبقة الأولى (الطبقة الأساسية)، عن اعتمادها رسميًا كمؤسسة سويسرية ( Swiss Foundation ). وتأتي هذه الخطوة المهمّة لمنظمة PraSaga في نهاية النصف الأول من عام 2022 والذي كان حافلًا بالعديد من الأنشطة التي أنجزتها المنظمة، والتي كان من بينها مشاركتها في قمّة البلوك تشين التي عقدتها غرفة التجارة الرقمية في واشنطن العاصمة بهدف المساهمة في تحديد التوجهات المستقبلية في قطاع التشفير، وكذلك مشاركتها في مؤتمر   Consensus 2022  الذي عُقد في أوستن بولاية تكساس لعرض لغتها البرمجية SagaPython -وهي امتداد جديد للغة البرمجة الشهيرة بايثون ( Python )- المدمجة في شبكات البلوك تشين الخاصّة بها.

ويعني اعتماد PraSaga كمؤسسة سويسرية أنّ إدارة منظومة عملها -من الآن فصاعدًا- ستتم من خلال الاحتكام إلى رأي الأغلبية. وستُتخذ القرارات فيها بناءً على سلطة الأغلبية أو أصوات الأغلبية المطلقة، وهو ما يعني أنّه لن يكون بإمكان أيّ كيان منفرد السيطرة عليها؛ وهو ما سيساعد PraSaga على تحقيق هدفها المتمثل في إنشاء شبكات بلوك تشين تُسهم في إيجاد مستقبل أفضل، وزيادة شفافية الجهات الحكومية، وتعزيز كفاءة أداء الأسواق، وتوفير حماية فعّالة من التهديدات.

وفي تعليقه على هذا الخبر، قال مايكل هولدمان، مؤسس PraSaga ورئيسها التنفيذي: “نحن ندرك حجم المسؤولية المترتبة على إنشاء شبكات البلوك تشين والعملات المشفرة من الطبقة الأولى. وإنّ تقييد عملنا بهوامش أرباح والتحكّم فيه من خلال سلطة مركزية لا يتوافق مع الأهداف التي نعتزم تحقيقها في PraSaga ، لكنّ مزاولة أعمالنا كمؤسسة سيمكّننا من النجاح في تحقيق هدفنا الأسمى المتمثل في تحسين الأحوال المعيشية للأفراد في جميع أنحاء العالم؛ وذلك من خلال تمكين كل فرد من التحكّم في البيانات، بالإضافة إلى المساهمة في تطوير الأداء في مجالات متنوّعة مثل العمل على تحقيق الشفافية في تتبع الانبعاثات الكربونية ومعالجة أوجه القصور في سلاسل التوريد العالمية”.

تجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ منظمة PraSaga قد قطعت شوطًا طويلًا في استيفاء جميع اشتراطات اللوائح الحكومية لكي تُعتمد كمؤسسة سويسرية، لكنّه كان أمرًا يستحق العناء؛ وذلك نظرًا لأنّ سويسرا تُعدّ مركزًا ماليًا فريدًا بفضل استقرارها القانوني والسياسي وتركيزها على الابتكار، كما أنّ القطاع المالي السويسري يشتهر عالميًا بإرثه المصرفي الكبير. وعلاوة على ذلك، تواصل سويسرا سعيها الحثيث لتوسيع آفاقها الاستثمارية، وتعمل على تبني الابتكارات الحديثة مثل التكنولوجيا المالية والتمويل المستدام؛ وهو ما يجعلها بيئة عمل مثالية للمؤسسات ذات الرؤية المستقبلية مثل PraSaga .

عن مؤسسة  PraSaga

PraSaga هي مؤسسة سويسرية تعمل على تطوير الجيل التالي من شبكات البلوك تشين من الطبقة الأولى، ويسهم حل ™ SagaChain التكنولوجي لمؤسسة PraSaga في تخطي الكثير من القيود التي تواجه الجيل الأول من شبكات البلوك تشين من الطبقة الأولى؛ حيث يعمل هذا الحل بنجاح على تخفيض رسوم المعاملات، وزيادة قابلية سلاسل التوريد للتوسيع، بالإضافة إلى تخفيض تكاليف التطوير بدرجة كبيرة.

رابط الشعار:  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1821901/PraSaga_Logo.jpg


  • The integrated oil services company, based in Nigeria and operating in Sub-Saharan Africawill use GEP SMART’s unified procurement software to support its entire source-to-contract (S2C) process

CLARK, N.J., July 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — GEP®, a leading provider of procurement and supply chain strategy, software and managed services to Fortune 500 and Global 2000 enterprises worldwide, announced that Oilserv Limited (“Oilserv”), the leading Sub-Saharan African oil & gas services company, selected GEP SOFTWARE™, the industry’s leading procurement and supply chain platform, after a competitive selection process.

GEP Logo

Oilserv Limited is an engineering, procurement, construction, installation & commissioning (EPCIC) services and complementary solutions provider to the onshore and offshore oil and gas sector. Oilserv, established in 1992, began operations in 1995 and now boasts some of the largest national and international oil companies as clients. As part of its digital transformation, Oilserv has selected GEP SOFTWARE to transform and automate its entire source-to-contract (S2C) process, encompassing sourcing, project tracking and contract and supplier management. Visit www.oilservltd-ng.com for more information on Oilserv.

GEP SOFTWARE encompasses GEP SMART™, recently named the world’s best procurement software for the second year in a row, and GEP NEXXE™, the next-generation cloud-native supply chain unified platform. It enables clients to drive optimum efficiency, agility, visibility and actionable intelligence into all procurement, purchasing and supply chain functions while eliminating burdensome infrastructure and support costs to achieve maximum ROI.

GEP SOFTWARE™ provides award-winning digital procurement and supply chain platforms that help global enterprises become more agile, resilient, competitive and profitable. With beautifully rendered interfaces and flexible workflows, GEP® provides users fresh, intuitive digital workspaces that yield extraordinary levels of user adoption and meaningful gains in team and personal productivity. GEP products capitalize on machine learning and cognitive computing, advanced data and semantic technologies, IoT, mobile and cloud technologies, and are designed to incorporate continual innovations in technology. GEP’s software integrates quickly and easily with third-party and legacy systems, such as SAP, Oracle and all other major ERP and F&A software. And with superb support and service, GEP is an industry leader in customer satisfaction and loyalty. A leader in multiple Gartner Magic Quadrants, GEP’s cloud-native software and digital business platforms consistently win awards and recognition from industry analysts, research firms and media outlets, including Gartner, Forrester, IDC, Procurement Leaders and Spend Matters. GEP SOFTWARE is part of Clark, NJ-based GEP — the world’s leading provider of procurement and supply chain strategy, software and managed services. To learn more, visit www.gepsoftware.com.

Media Contact (GEP)
Derek Creevey
Director, Public Relations, GEP
Phone: +1 732-382-6565
Email: derek.creevey@gep.com

Media Contact (Oilserv)
Ikechukwu Ossi
Head of Public Relations, Oilserv Limited
Phone: +224 906 800 874
Email: ossi.ikechukwu@oilservltd-ng.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/518346/GEP_Logo.jpg

Highlights of the 5th GIS Software Technology Conference

BEIJING, July 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The curtain falls on the 5th GIS Software Technology Conference (GTC 2022), a global GIS event co-organized by FIG, SaudiGS, CLAERIA,ASPG and SuperMap, and designed to share the latest developments in GIS software, and exchange the best practices in GIS applications. From July 6-8, experts, officials, enterprises, and university representatives from nearly 130 countries came together at GTC 2022 to learn the latest SuperMap GIS technologies, discuss innovative applications of GIS, and explore the future trends of the GIS industry.

Apart from the plenary conference in China, GTC 2022 consists of six in-person sessions in Indonesia, Botswana, Thailand, Senegal, The Philippines, and Peru and four multi-language virtual plenary sessions in English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

The French Plenary Conference witnessed a lively discussion about smart cities, urban planning, rural land management, and the latest 3D GIS technology. Mr. Yankhoba DIATARA, Minister of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Telecommunication of Senegal delivered a warm opening speech. The English Plenary Conference welcomed more than 2,000 attendees from Kenya, Ethiopia, Mexico, Australia, Germany, Greece, India, etc.

The Onsite Session in Botswana was co-organized by GeoSmart and SuperMap. Mr. Oduetse Tautona, His Worship Deputy Mayor, Gaborone City Council gave opening comments at the event. Mr. Cavin Boy Rowayi, Director of Geosmart shared insights on the overview of GIS in Botswana. Experts from the University of Botswana, Botswana Geoscience Institute, and well-known local firms gave enlightening presentations on GIS applications in mining, drones, urban mapping, etc.

SuperMap partnered with the Senegal Association of Geomatic Professionals (ASPG) to bring the Onsite Session in Senegal. The Ministry of Digital Economy and Telecommunication, The Ministry of High Education, Research and Innovation, and member enterprises of ASPG shared ideas on cadastral management, municipal management, and business development of geospatial companies.

It is the first year that GTC in-person sessions are held in Africa. Africa is a growing GIS market as the digitalization upgrade is spreading across the continent. The value of GIS technology represented by 3D GIS, AI GIS, and Big Data GIS are highlighted in urban management, agriculture, disaster management, etc. SuperMap GIS, as one of the world-leading GIS technology systems, is committed to groundbreaking works in this field and innovative applications to various industries.

Graduate Management Admission Council Announces New Board Members

Six business school and industry leaders join from India, South Africa, Spain, and the U.S.

RESTON, Va., July 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a global association of leading graduate business schools, today announced the addition of six new members to its board of directors: (elected by member schools) Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou, Dean and Professor of Finance, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University; W. Bruce DelMonico, Assistant Dean for Admissions, Yale School of Management, Yale University; Catherine Duggan, Director (Dean), Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town; Anthony Wilbon, Dean, School of Business, Howard University; (appointed by the Board to fill vacancies) Mukesh Butani, Founder and Managing Partner, BMR Legal Advocates; and Itziar de Ros, Director of Corporate Marketing & Communications, IESE Business School, University of Navarra. They started their terms on July 1.

“We are thrilled and grateful for the six outstanding individuals from four continents joining the board of GMAC, bringing with them diverse and inspiring perspectives on graduate management education,” said Sangeet Chowfla, president and CEO of GMAC. “As the industry continues to evolve and adapt in the face of the ever-changing landscape, their onboarding signals GMAC’s strong commitment to its global mission of connecting business schools and candidates in support of growing graduate business education.”

New GMAC Board Members

Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou, Dean and Professor of Finance, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou is the 10th Dean of the Tepper School of Business and the Richard P. Simmons Professor of Finance. Since her arrival in 2020, Bajeux reorganized the leadership structure and started new degree programs that offer Tepper students new options and enhanced flexibility. As well, she launched the first comprehensive Tepper School DE&I Strategic Plan to support diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Tepper School is known for being the birthplace of management science, as well as for its frequent cross-collaboration with the other renowned schools at Carnegie Mellon. In that spirit, Bajeux refreshed its brand positioning to be the school of “The Intelligent Future,” where students learn to combine the power of data with human judgement and imagination to make better decisions. Before her tenure at Tepper, Bajeux was Dean of McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management in Montreal, Quebec where she spearheaded the school of retail management and several new master’s degree programs.

Mukesh Butani, Founder and Managing Partner, BMR Legal Advocates

Mukesh Butani is the Founder and Managing Partner of BMR Legal Advocates, a Tier 1 law firm. He was also Co-founder and Chairman of BMR Advisors, one of India’s leading professional services firms in the areas of Tax, Risk, and M&A. With specialization in corporate international tax and transfer pricing, he has experience in advising multinational corporations and Indian conglomerates on a range of matters concerning business re-organization, cross-border structuring, and tax controversy. Mukesh served as Vice-Chair of the ICC Paris Tax Commission and as a member of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the International Fiscal Association and OECD BIAC. A Fellow Chartered Accountant, he holds a double bachelor’s in accounting, as well as Financial Management and Law. He serves as an Independent Board Member in select leading multinationals and Indian conglomerates and is a visiting faculty at the University of Vienna and the University of Lausanne.

Itziar de Ros, Director of Corporate Marketing and Communications, IESE Business School, University of Navarra

Itziar de Ros is the Director of Corporate Marketing and Communications at IESE Business School in Barcelona. In this role, de Ros is responsible for IESE’s marketing and communications strategy across all its campuses. She joined IESE in 2007 after working in marketing at DuPont, based in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2011, de Ros was made Director of MBA Admissions at IESE, a post she held for six years, managing a team of 20 people from 12 different countries. Since 2021, de Ros has been on the Board of Raventós Codorniu, one of the most prestigious wine and sparkling wine companies in Europe. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of Navozyme, a blockchain-based solutions company based in Singapore. She holds an MBA from IESE, as well as a master’s degree in Digital Transformation and a BA in Business Administration from the University of Navarra.

W. Bruce DelMonico, Assistant Dean for Admissions, Yale School of Management, Yale University

Bruce DelMonico is Assistant Dean for Admissions at the Yale School of Management. He joined Yale SOM in 2004 and has led the Admissions Office since 2006. During his time at Yale, Bruce has helped innovate new technologies and novel methods of candidate evaluation, including early roles in the Slate CRM system, the use of asynchronous video questions, and the adoption of forced-choice non-cognitive assessments. He has sat on a number of industry-related boards and is a past Trustee of the Hopkins School in New Haven, Connecticut. Before joining Yale, Bruce was an attorney focused on First Amendment, white collar, and commercial litigation, working primarily on cases with exposure ranging from $10 million to $10 billion. Bruce holds a bachelor’s degree in Honors English from Brown University, a master’s degree in Literature from the University of Texas at Austin, and a law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law.

Catherine Duggan, Director (Dean), Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town

Catherine Duggan is Director (Dean) of the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business (UCT GSB). Her research examines the political economy of development in Africa, where she has done work in two dozen countries over more than twenty years. Prior to joining the UCT GSB, she was Vice Dean at the African Leadership University School of Business – a new business school in Rwanda – and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. She served on the Harvard Business School faculty for nearly a decade and won several teaching awards, becoming the first woman in the school’s history to win the Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching in the Required Curriculum two years in a row. She earned a Ph.D. from Stanford University and a B.A. with honors from Brown University, both in Political Science.

Anthony Wilbon, Dean, School of Business, Howard University

Dr. Anthony Wilbon is the Dean of the Howard University School of Business. Dr. Wilbon’s particular areas of research include technology strategy, technology innovation and entrepreneurship, operations management, project management, systems development life cycle, and research methodology. Prior to joining Howard University, Dr. Wilbon was a faculty member at Morgan State University’s Earl Graves School of Business and Management. He also previously served in engineering and management level positions and several organizations including the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc., American Management Systems, Inc, and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. A respected academician, Dr. Wilbon completed his BS in Electrical Engineering at Michigan State University, an MBA at Howard University School of Business, and a Ph.D. at George Washington University in Management of Science, Technology and Innovation. He is also the recipient of a Fulbright International Education Administrators Award (France).

Besides the aforementioned, newly elected board members, Sanjiv Kapur, an independent consultant, was re-appointed for a second term. GMAC also recognizes and thanks its outgoing board members: William (Bill) Boulding, Dean and J.B. Fuqua Professor of Business Administration, Fuqua School of Business of Duke University; Tom Buiocchi, Executive Advisor & Former CEO of Service Channel; Erika James, Dean of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; Peter Johnson, Assistant Dean, Full-time MBA Programs & Admissions, University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business; Soojin Kwon, Managing Director, Full-Time MBA Admissions and Student Experience, University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business; and Donna Rapaccioli, Dean of the Gabelli School of Business and Dean of Business Faculty, Fordham University.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. Founded in 1953, GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry, as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s websites, including mba.com, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master’s programs. BusinessBecause and The MBA Tour are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
202-390-4180 (mobile)

Nigeria Welcomes Smart and Sporty ALL NEW GS4 in New Lagos Showroom

GUANGZHOU, China, July 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A powerful and smart SUV from GAC MOTOR, ALL NEW GS4, has been added to the brand’s vehicle lineup in Nigeria on July 7. The new generation ALL NEW GS4 is a modern, dynamic and technology-focused model. The car launch took place on the same day as the grand opening of GAC MOTOR’s ultra-modern showroom in the capital city of Lagos.

ALL NEW GS4 Light Feast Embarks in New Showroom

In Lagos’ brand new G- Style showroom, dozens of press members, VIP customers, and local influencers gathered to witness the debut of the ALL NEW GS4. Distinguished guests including a delegation led by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, officials from the Lagos State Government, and representatives from the Dangote Group also attended the showroom opening and car launch.

Guests were welcomed with a cocktail reception before enjoying an enrapturing performance by Nigerian singing sensation Johnny Drille. Meanwhile,hundreds observed the brand’s milestone by tuning into the event live-stream on social media.

Diana Chan, chairman of GAC MOTOR’s Nigerian franchise holder CIG Motors, expressed delight in the night’s success and revealed the further plans from GAC MOTOR in the country. “We are so proud to open our showroom,” she said.  “And we plan to open five of such facilities across the country.”

Updating A Successful Model

The original GS4 model sold over one million units and received multiple internationally renowned awards for its exquisite craftsmanship and quality. The ALL NEW GS4, from exterior design to inner components, displays an additional layer of sophistication.

The model’s revamped design retains its classic “Light-and-Shadow” aesthetics but displays sharper curves and a broader grille.

It is also equipped with GAC MOTOR’s new generation 270T engine and the All-New Aisin 6AT Tiptronic Transmission for a powerful, stable, and easily handled driving experience. The trendy SUV also boasts a long list of safety features including a body made of 100% high-strength steel and multiple intelligent driving assist technologies.

Seizing Market Opportunities in Nigeria

With its many upgraded features and compelling design language, the ALL NEW GS4 is expected to continue GAC MOTOR’s legacy of Chinese craftsmanship amongst Nigerian buyers.

With many more exciting launches to come, GAC MOTOR will continue to deliver innovative automobile technology at the highest level of quality for global users.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1858296/image.jpg

Vipp Interstis earns the Best Place to Work certification for the second year in row

PARIS, July 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Vipp Interstis, a leading french BPO company with operations in Africa offering offshore solutions to French and European companies, has recently been recognized as one of the best places to work for the second consecutive year. During the assessment, the company received outstanding scores across several aspects of their workplace, such as Incentives, Work/Life Balance and Culture resulting in its recognition among the employer of choice in Africa. Below are some key insights about the company results:

  • 98% of the employees would recommend the organization
  • 8 key engagement workplace factors were evaluated and validated
  • 2022 is the second year where Vipp Interstis Group received the certification for its African operations

In a statement Charles-Emmanuel Berc, Chairman and CEO of the group, he said, “Our employees are wonderful. We are happy to be able to provide them, thanks to orders from our international customers, with an environment and working conditions conducive to their personal development. I am very proud today that they testify to their commitment to the adventure and make our company a remarkable employer in cities like Cotonou, Yaoundé or Lomé.”

For Stanislas Assoa, Production Director Africa, he commented, “On a continent where working conditions often take second place, this certification confirms our social policy. With our collaborators, we write a page of history where the requirement, is not dissociated from the benevolence. We are listening and determined to go even further.”

Best Places to Work is an international certification program, considered as the ‘Platinum Standard’ in identifying and recognizing top workplaces around the world, providing employers the opportunity to learn more about the engagement and the satisfaction of their employees and honor those who deliver an outstanding work experience with the highest standards in regards to working conditions.

For more information, please visit www.bestplacestoworkfor.org

Adani Sportsline names its UAE ILT20 cricket team as Gulf Giants

AHMEDABAD, IndiaJuly 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The sports arm of the Adani Group, Adani Sportsline, has announced the name of its team in the UAE International League T20 (ILT20) as ‘Gulf Giants’.

The ‘Gulf Giants’ is an extension of Adani Sportsline’s brand – Gujarat Giants. Adani Sportsline engages with fans through popular Indian leagues such as the Pro Kabaddi League, the Big Bout Boxing League, and the Ultimate Kho Kho League under this brand. Similarly, it aims to engage and connect with cricket fans worldwide through the brand, ‘Gulf Giants’, at the UAE ILT20. The word ‘Gulf’ in the name refers to the region in which the matches will be played.

The golden falcon in the logo is the national bird of the UAE and is regarded as a powerful symbol of strength. To maintain the uniformity of the team’s identity, the logo’s colours are drawn from the Giants team family. The Adani Group is also very proud to be participating in a tournament that will be held in a country with a rich culture and history.

Gulf Giants has also named Andy Flower, former Zimbabwe captain and 2010 ICC World T20-winning coach (England team), as its head coach for the inaugural season of the ILT20, which will take place between January and February 2023. Andy Flower, arguably Zimbabwe’s greatest ever cricketer, brings three decades of cricketing experience. He was also the head coach of the IPL franchise Lucknow Super Giants until recently.

“I am very proud to be associated with the Adani Group, particularly Adani Sportsline. Most people are aware of the company’s power, size and reach in general, and it’s wonderful to see their commitment to sports. The Adani Group is also very proud of its support for Indian Olympic sports. It’s exciting to be a part of any of the big franchise tournaments, and the ILT20 has big plans to be a major franchise tournament. As leaders, our job is to serve the players as best we can, and this principle is very important to me,” said Andy Flower.

Adani Sportsline envisions inculcating a culture of sports at the grassroots level and providing world-class opportunities and infrastructure for future champions in India, apart from promoting home-grown sports in India by participating in major Indian and global sports leagues.


‫ Kawaiiverse Hackathon 2022: بناء النظام البيئي للألعاب Kawaiiverse

بهدف احتضان Anime Metaverse المملوكة للمجتمع، أطلقت Kawaiiverse مؤخرًا أول هاكاثون لها على الإطلاق مع مهمة العثور على مواهب واعدة من جميع أنحاء العالم، بدءًا من مشاريع الألعاب.

رود تاون، إنجلترا، 13 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / — ستتاح الفرصة لفرق مطوري الألعاب والأفراد الذين لديهم شغف بالألعاب للفوز بجائزة أولية قدرها 5000 دولار وخيارات لمواصلة تطوير لعبتهم بدعم من SmartML للانضمام إلى Kawaiiverse ، المركز المركزي لمبدعي الأنيمي والمانجا في blockchain . النظام البيئي للألعاب هو مجرد بداية لهذا الانقلاب والفرص مفتوحة لمزيد من المطورين المهتمين للانضمام.

Kawaiiverse Hackathon 2022 - Bouncing into the Anime Metaverse

Kawaiiverse هو مشروع مشترك بين Imba ، وهي شركة ألعاب مشهورة مع العديد من الألعاب الناجحة و Oraichain ، وهو أول حل ذكي وآمن في العالم للويب 3 الناشئة، Dapps القابلة للتطوير، والذكاء الاصطناعي اللامركزي. بدأت Kawaiiverse مع جزر كاواي، وهي لعبة زراعة على طراز الأنمي في عام 2021 مع رؤية لبناء Anime Metaverse ، حيث يمكن للجميع اللعب والابتكار والتواصل والربح. بعد العديد من التحديثات الاقتصادية، تعمل جزر كاواي الآن على نموذج اقتصاد مستدام، مصمم لحماية رموزها من التضخم المفرط وحل واحدة من المشاكل الرئيسية لألعاب P 2 E .

جنبًا إلى جنب مع الاقتصاد المتوازن، لدى Anime Metaverse الآن شبكته الفرعية الخاصة على Oraichain مع دعم EVM و Cosmos الكامل، يقوم الفريق بإنشاء بنية تحتية أساسية قوية للتطوير في المستقبل.

تصميمًا منه على توسيع النظام البيئي للألعاب، وهو أحد الخطوط الأساسية لـ Kawaiiverse ، يعقد فريق المطورين الآن أول اختراق للمشروع على الإطلاق. دعوة جميع مطوري الألعاب المستقلين واستوديوهات الألعاب المستقلة حول العالم للانضمام، وتطوير نموذج أولي للعبة من اختيارهم والازدهار جنبا إلى جنب مع النظام البيئي المتنامي باستمرار.


عند الانضمام إلى الهاكاثون، ستحظى الفرق المشاركة بفرصة للاستفادة مما يلي:

·  تقديم المشورة الخاصة حول تطوير الألعاب و البلوك تشين من المتخصصين في كاواي؛ 

·  منحة أولية لا تقل عن 5000 دولار لتطوير المشروع مع إمكانية التمويل في المستقبل؛

·  الوصول الحصري لأدوات مطوري Kawaiiverse مع تعليمات خاصة من خلال تطوير مهندسين من Oraichain ؛

·  دعم بيع NFT في Kawaiiverse ، مع هيكل مشاركة الأرباح على المدى الطويل؛

·  مخطط تقاسم الإيرادات من سوق NFT ومن اللعبة التي يقومون بتطويرها.

يمكن العثور على مزيد من التفاصيل من https://hackathon.kawaii.global/ .

فرق من المطورين المستقلين واستوديوهات الألعاب المستقلة، قم بإعداد فكرتك، وإعداد النموذج الأولي والاستعداد للانضمام إلى Kawaiiverse .

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1857331/Kawaiiverse_Hackathon_2022___Bouncing_Anime_Metaverse.jpg


Kawaiiverse Hackathon 2022: Building the Kawaiiverse gaming ecosystem

Aiming to incubate the community-owned Anime Metaverse, Kawaiiverse recently launched their first ever Hackathon with the mission to find promising talents from all over the world, starting with gaming projects.

ROAD TOWN, England, July 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Teams of game developers and individuals with passion for games will have a chance to win an initial prize of $5,000 and options to further develop their game with SmartML’s support to join Kawaiiverse, the central hub for Anime and Manga creators in blockchain. The gaming ecosystem is just the beginning of this metaverse and opportunities are opening for more interested developers to join.

Kawaiiverse Hackathon 2022 - Bouncing into the Anime Metaverse

Kawaiiverse is a joint venture between Imba, a renowned game company with multiple successful games and Oraichain, the world’s first intelligent and secure solution for emerging Web3, scalable Dapps, and decentralized AI. Kawaiiverse started with Kawaii Islands, an anime-style farming game in 2021 with the vision to build an Anime Metaverse, where everyone can play, create, connect and earn. After several economy updates, Kawaii Islands is now running on a sustainable economy model, designed to protect their tokens from hyperinflation and solve one of the main problems of P2E games.

Along with the balanced economy, the Anime Metaverse now has its own subnetwork on Oraichain with full EVM and Cosmos support, the team is setting a strong foundation infrastructure for future development.

Determined to expand the gaming ecosystem, one of the core lines of Kawaiiverse, the developer team is now holding the project’s first ever hackathon. Calling for all independent game developers and indie game studios around the world to join, develop a prototype for the game of their choice and flourish along with the ever growing ecosystem.


Joining the Hackathon, the participating teams will stand a chance to take:

  • Private advising on Gaming Development and Blockchain from the Kawaii specialists;
  • An initial grant of at least $5,000 to develop the project with potential for future funding;
  • Exclusive Kawaiiverse developer tools access with private instructions by developing engineers from Oraichain;
  • NFT sale support in Kawaiiverse, with a long-term profit sharing structure;
  • Revenue sharing scheme from NFT marketplace and from the game they are developing.

More details can be found fromhttps://hackathon.kawaii.global/.

Teams of independent developers and indie game studios, prepare your idea, set up the prototype and get ready to join Kawaiiverse.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1857331/Kawaiiverse_Hackathon_2022___Bouncing_Anime_Metaverse.jpg

‫LambdaTest تطلق الطبعة الأولى من مؤتمر Testμ الخاص بها

مؤتمر Testμ (TestMu) عبر الإنترنت سيكون حول الاتجاهات المهمة في المشهد التجريبي وسيساعد المختبرين/المطورين على إلقاء نظرة على مستقبل الاختبار.

سان فرانسيسكو13 يوليو 2022/PRNewswire/ — أطلقت LambdaTest ، وهي منصة سحابية رائدة لاختبار الجودة المستمرة، الطبعة الأولى من مؤتمر Testμ . سيتم عقد الحدث المجاني على الإنترنت لمدة ثلاثة أيام بين 23 و 25 أغسطس 2022. سيركز على الاتجاهات المهمة في الفضاء وسيتطلع إلى الكشف عن مستقبل الاختبار. سيتعلم المشاركون أيضًا كيف تبتكر الشركات الرائدة لتحقيق التميز في الاختبار.

LambdaTest Logo

المتحدثون الرئيسيون في مؤتمر Testµ يشملون قادة الفكر البارزين مثل Maaret Pyhäjärvi ، مهندسة الاختبار الرئيسية في Vaisala ؛ ريتشارد برادشو، الرئيس التنفيذي في Ministry of Testing ؛ شيثانيا كولار، المدير الإداري وقائد هندسة الجودة في Deloitte US ؛ براديب جوفينداسامي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Qualizeal ؛ مانيش شارما، مدير العمليات في LambdaTest ، ومانوج كومار، نائب رئيس علاقات المطورين في LambdaTest . سيكشف LambdaTest أيضًا عن أكثر من 20 مكبر صوت ذائع الصيت عالميًا وهم جزء من التشكيلة في الأيام القادمة.

“يسعى الجميع للحصول على منتجات عالية الجودة هذه الأيام بسبب زيادة المنافسة وزيادة طلبات العملاء. لا يمكن أن تكون الجودة فكرة لاحقة، وبالتأكيد لا يمكن حقنها لاحقًا دون تأثير كبير. هذا يعني أن الفريق بأكمله يحتاج إلى لعب دور، وأحد الجوانب التي يمكن أن تساعد هو الاختبار. يحتاج المطورون والمختبرون على وجه الخصوص إلى إجراء الاختبار في أقرب وقت ممكن. للقيام بذلك، نحتاج إلى التعلم المستمر وتحسين مهاراتنا. ستكون Testμ فرصة رائعة للقيام بذلك”. هذا ما قاله ريتشارد برادشو، الرئيس التنفيذي ل Ministry of Testing . “يسعدني أن أكون المتحدث الرئيسي في المؤتمر عبر الإنترنت وأتطلع أيضًا إلى بعض التفاعلات المثيرة للتفكير.”

سيمكن المؤتمر المشاركين من التواصل مع قادة الفكر العالمي من خلال جلسات الخبراء وورش العمل والدروس التعليمية، مع منحهم أيضًا مساحة للتواصل مع المختبرين والمطورين من أكثر من 130 دولة، وعرض مهاراتهم، والفوز بجوائز مثيرة من خلال مسابقات Test-a-thon و Blog-a-thon .

“مؤتمر Testµ هو كله عنك، يا مجتمعنا الحبيب. نحن نحضر ممارسين من الطراز العالمي لمشاركة معارفهم وأفكارهم حول كل شيء من الجوانب الفنية العميقة للاختبار إلى الجوانب التي لا يتحدث عنها كثيرًا مثل الثقافة”، هذا ما قاله مانوج كومار، نائب الرئيس للعلاقات الإنمائية في LambdaTest . “نحن نهدف حقًا إلى توفير منصة للمجتمع للتعلم من بعضهم البعض واكتشاف إمكانيات جديدة. نتوق لرؤيتك في المؤتمر عبر الإنترنت وفتح مستقبل الاختبار بجودة عالية معًا”.

جمعت LambdaTest مؤخرًا 45 مليون دولار في جولة مشروع بقيادة Premji Invest بمشاركة المستثمرين الحاليين. أطلقت الشركة أيضًا HyperExecute ، وهي منصة تنسيق اختبار ذكية من الجيل التالي تساعد المختبرين والمطورين على تشغيل اختبارات الأتمتة من البداية إلى النهاية بأقصى سرعة ممكنة، و Test at Scale (TAS) ، وهي منصة اختبار الذكاء وقابلية الملاحظة.

إذا كنت مهتمًا بأن تكون جزءًا من مؤتمر Testμ ، فيمكنك التسجيل هنا مجانًا – https://www.lambdatest.com/testuconf-2022 .

 نبذة عن LambdaTest

LambdaTest  هي منصة اختبار سحابية مستمرة الجودة تساعد المطورين والمختبرين على شحن التعليمات البرمجية بشكل أسرع. يعتمد أكثر من 7000 عميل ومليون مستخدم في 130 دولة على LambdaTest لتلبية احتياجاتهم من الاختبارات.

توفر منصة LambdaTest تنسيق اختبار آمن وقابل للتطوير ومتعمق للعملاء في نقاط مختلفة في دورة حياة DevOps (CI/CD) :-

·  تتيح سحابة Browser & App Testing للمستخدمين تشغيل كل من الاختبارات اليدوية والآلية لتطبيقات الويب والجوال عبر أكثر من 3000 متصفح وأجهزة حقيقية وبيئات نظام تشغيل مختلفة. 

·  يساعد HyperExecute العملاء على تشغيل وتنسيق شبكات الاختبار في السحابة لأي نظام أساسي ولغة برمجة بسرعات فائقة لتقليل وقت الاختبار عالي الجودة، مما يساعد المطورين على بناء البرامج بشكل أسرع. 

·  يساعد Test at Scale (TAS) المطورين في الحصول على تحكم دقيق في جودة الاختبار من خلال اكتساب رؤى عميقة حول تنفيذ الاختبار، وإدارة الاختبار غير الواضحة، وتقليل أوقات التغذية الراجعة من خلال تشغيل الاختبارات المتأثرة فقط، وبالتالي، المساعدة في الحصول على ملاحظات أسرع حول تغييرات الكود.   TAS مفتوح المصدر ويدعم أطر عمل اختبار متعددة.

الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721228/Lambda_Test_Logo.jpg