CGTN: China-Arab summit carries forward traditional friendship, fosters closer community with shared future

BEIJING, Dec. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The first China-Arab States Summit was held successfully on Friday in the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping and more than 10 Arab leaders. The event, which was an opportunity to bring China-Arab relations to new heights, to elaborate on the spirit of China-Arab friendship, to strengthen future cooperation and to further foster a closer China-Arab community with a shared future, has yielded fruitful results.

Elaborating on China-Arab friendship

Xi elaborated on the spirit of China-Arab friendship featuring “solidarity and mutual assistance, equality and mutual benefit, and inclusiveness and mutual learning,” saying that solidarity and mutual assistance are distinct features of the China-Arab friendship, adding that China and Arab countries trust each other and have forged a brotherly friendship.

Enjoying a long history of friendly exchanges, China and Arab states have come to know and befriend each other through the ancient Silk Road, shared weal and woe in their respective struggles for national liberation, conducted win-win cooperation in the tide of economic globalization, and upheld fairness and justice in the changing international environment, Xi said, adding that all these nurtured the spirit of China-Arab friendship.

Equality and mutual benefit are constant drivers for their friendship, he said, noting that China and Arab states have set an example for South-South cooperation in pursuing mutually beneficial collaboration.

Inclusiveness and mutual learning are key values inherent in their friendship, he said, stressing that China and Arab states keep drawing wisdom from each other’s time-honored civilizations, and jointly promote “peace, harmony, integrity, and truth,” the very essence of civilization.

Seeking common development

Over the years, China and the Arab world have jointly pursued productive common development through mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.

China and Arab states should focus on economic development and promote win-win cooperation, Xi said, stressing that they should strengthen synergy between their development strategies, and promote high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The two sides have established 17 cooperation mechanisms under the framework of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Over the past decade, trade has grown by $100 billion, with the total volume exceeding $300 billion. China’s direct investment in Arab states was up by 2.6 times in the period, with the stock of investment reaching $23 billion, and over 200 BRI projects have been carried out, benefiting nearly 2 billion people of the two sides.

“We are pleased to see the decision by the summit to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era and to formulate the Outline of the Comprehensive Cooperation Plan Between China and Arab States, laying out the blueprint for future China-Arab relations,” Xi said.

Fostering closer China-Arab community with shared future

As strategic partners, China and Arab states should carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and foster a closer China-Arab community with a shared future, so as to deliver greater benefits to their peoples and advance the cause of human progress, Xi said.

China and Arab states should stay independent and defend their common interests, Xi said, adding that China supports Arab states in independently exploring development paths suited to their national conditions and holding their future firmly in their own hands.

China is ready to deepen strategic mutual trust with Arab states, and firmly support each other in safeguarding sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity, Xi said, noting that the two sides should jointly uphold the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, practice true multilateralism, and defend the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

In 2014, Xi first proposed building a China-Arab community of common interests and a community of common destiny at the sixth ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. The proposal was warmly welcomed by Arab countries.

CGTN:China to step up cooperation with Arab states under BRI, GDI, GSI

BEIJING, Dec. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese President Xi Jinping has said China will continue to enhance cooperation with Arab states under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Security Initiative (GSI).

He made the remarks during his meetings with Arab states’ leaders ahead of the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit, both of which kicked off on Friday in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

In his talks with leaders of Arab states, Xi has constantly emphasized the vital importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity, economic development and international cooperation.

National sovereignty

President Xi put forward the GSI while delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022. Xi advocated six principles, including that countries should respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, uphold non-interference in internal affairs, reject the cold war mentality and oppose unilateralism so that countries can together promote security for all in the world.

In his meetings with over ten political leaders of Arab states, including Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kuwait, Tunisia, Iraq, Xi said China sees Arab states as important forces in the multipolar world and attaches great importance to developing strategic partnerships with them.

The current international and regional situations are undergoing profound and complex changes, and China firmly supports all Arab states in safeguarding their national sovereignty, security and stability, and backs the Arab world in following the development paths that suit their national conditions. China also unswervingly opposes external interference in their internal affairs, Xi said.

Xi said that no matter how the international and regional situation changes, China always firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore the legitimate rights and interests of their nation. The international community should prioritize the Palestinian issue on the international agenda, keep to the direction of the two-state solution and the principle of “land for peace,” and facilitate the resumption of peace talks based on relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, the Chinese president added.

He also said that China supports all parties in Sudan in continuing to push for a steady political transition through dialogue and consultation, opposes interference by external forces in Sudan’s internal affairs, and supports all factions in Iraq to strengthen unity and cooperation.

Economic development

President Xi proposed the GDI in September 2021 in the face of the severe shocks of COVID-19. He believes that the world should put development high on the global macro policy agenda and strengthen policy coordination among major economies to better ensure policy continuity, consistency and sustainability. In 2013, China launched the BRI to enhance global connectivity, communication and cooperation, and foster a more balanced and equitable world system.

In his meetings with Arab states’ leaders, Xi pledged that China would further work with Arab states to deepen and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including energy, infrastructure, medical care, aviation, finance, 5G communication, e-commerce and marine economy.

He pointed out several countries’ national development strategies, including Saudi Vision 2030, Middle East Green Initiative, Kuwait Vision 2035, Djibouti Vision 2035, Qatar National Vision 2030 and Emerging Comoros Plan for 2030, saying that China will further align China’s development policies and the implementation of the outcomes of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and Forum on China-Africa Cooperation with these states’ development strategies, to bring cooperation between China and Arab states to a new and higher level.

Xi said China would continue to provide developing Arab states with assistance within its capacity, and encourages Chinese enterprises to invest so as to improve local people’s livelihood and boost their economic and social development.

International cooperation

During his meetings with Arab states’ leaders, Xi pledged that China would continue to cooperate with its Arab counterparts in fields including anti-terrorism and poverty eradication.

Over the years, China has assisted Mauritania in advancing road, bridge, hospital and other major projects that benefit people’s wellbeing, Xi emphasized, adding that China will continue to encourage Chinese enterprises to take an active part in Mauritania’s energy, infrastructure and other sectors to bring benefit to the Mauritanian people.

Acknowledging the Somali government’s task of fighting terrorists, Xi said China supports the Somali government in enhancing its ability to maintain stability and fight against terrorism.

Noting China has carried out a number of health, sports and human resources training projects in recent years in Tunisia, Xi said China is ready to steadily advance cooperation with Tunisia in such areas as healthcare, infrastructure and high and new technologies, expand exchanges between human resources as well as local and non-governmental exchanges, and welcome more marketable products and specialties from Tunisia to China.

China and Arab states have strengthened cooperation in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, Bahrain was one of the first countries in the world to approve a Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine.

China would also like to enhance medical and health cooperation, and promote the Chinese language education in Bahrain, Xi said.

‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): استطلاع رأي: 85% من المستجيبين يشيدون بمفهوم الصين للمستقبل المشترك

بكين، 10 ديسمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أشاد ما يصل إلى 85 في المائة من المستجيبين في دراسة استقصائية عالمية بمفهوم “مجتمع له مستقبل مشترك للبشرية” في حين أعرب 94.2 في المائة منهم عن تقديرهم للقيم التي اقترحتها الصين وهي “السلام والتنمية والإنصاف والعدالة والديمقراطية والحرية” لكل البشرية.

تم إجراء الدراسة الاستقصائية من قبل CGTN Think Tank و Tsinghua-Epstein Center for Global Media and Communication . تم استطلاع الرأي على إجمالي 4000 شخص من 20 دولة قبل رحلة الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ إلى المملكة العربية السعودية لزيارة الدولة وحضور القمة الصينية العربية الأولى وقمة مجلس التعاون الصيني الخليجي.

في العقد الماضي، وقعت الصين اتفاقيات تعاون مبادرة الحزام والطريق ( BRI ) مع 20 دولة عربية، ودعمت 17 دولة عربية مبادرة التنمية العالمية التي اقترحتها الصين ( GDI ).

طرح الرئيس شي مؤشر التنمية العالمية في المناقشة العامة للدورة 76 للجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة في 21 سبتمبر 2021، داعيًا المجتمع الدولي إلى وضع التنمية في مرتبة عالية على جدول أعمال السياسة الكلية العالمية والعمل معًا لتوجيه التنمية العالمية نحو تحقيق مرحلة أكثر توازنًا وتنسيقًا وشمولية.

ووافق 78.4 في المائة من الذين خضعوا للاستقصاء على مؤشر التنمية البشرية المرتبط بنوع الجنس، معتقدين أن “التنمية طريقة هامة لحل المشاكل العالمية”، في حين أقر 79.4 في المائة منهم بثمار التعاون التي حققتها “مجموعة أصدقاء GDI ” التي شاركت فيها الصين.

يشهد العالم اليوم تغيرات عميقة لم يسبق لها مثيل في قرن من الزمان. وتواجه كل من الصين والبلدان العربية المهمة التاريخية المتمثلة في تحقيق التجديد الوطني وتسريع التنمية الوطنية.

ولتحقيق هذه المهمة، اتفق 85.2 في المائة من المجيبين على أنه ينبغي للبلدان أن تتخذ إجراءات فعالة للتصدي بشكل مشترك للمخاطر والتحديات في التنمية العالمية، في حين يتوقع 84.7 في المائة من المجيبين أن تعزز البلدان تنمية عالمية أكثر شمولًا وتنوعا وأن تحافظ بشكل مشترك على الاستقرار الاقتصادي العالمي.

في مواجهة الظروف الوطنية المختلفة، قال 84.1 في المائة من المجيبين إن الشرط الأساسي للتعاون هو احترام مسارات التنمية والاختلافات في الأنظمة في مختلف البلدان، ويتوقع 89.6 في المائة من البلدان حل النزاعات الدولية من خلال الحوار والتشاور.

وعلاوة على ذلك، وافق 85.6 في المائة من المجيبين على مبادرة الأمن العالمي التي اقترحتها الصين، معتقدين أن الأمن شرط أساسي للتنمية.

اقترح شي GSI في حفل افتتاح منتدى بواو لمؤتمر آسيا السنوي 2022 في أبريل لتعزيز الأمن للجميع في جميع أنحاء العالم.

وأشار 80.8 في المائة من المجيبين إلى أن الهيمنة وسياسة القوة تهددان الأمن العالمي، وعارضوا الهيمنة وسياسة القوة وفرض عقوبات تعسفية على بلدان أخرى، في حين أشار 80.4 في المائة من المجيبين من البلدان النامية إلى أن عقلية الحرب الباردة وسياسة القوة تهدد السلام العالمي وتفاقم التحديات الأمنية، وينبغي للبلدان أن تعمل معا لبناء هيكل أمني متوازن وفعال ومستدام.


International Boxing Association concludes first day of Global Boxing Forum

ABU DHABI, The International Boxing Association has concluded the first day of its Global Boxing Forum (IBA GBF) in Abu Dhabi after a vast array of discussion panels, keynote speeches, roundtables and seminars.

The key theme of this year’s IBA GBF is “ensuring sound opportunities for athletes and IBA’s place in the Olympic Games”. The IBA GBF brought experts and industry leaders together to discuss relevant topics, such as “Sport for Peace and its Power to Support Conflict Resolution”, “Challenges and Solutions for Boxing Development on The Five Continents”, “Sports and Governance Integrity”, “Career Development Journey from the IBA to Professional”, “Digital Media and its Role in Developing Boxing in the Gulf Region”, “Social Responsibility and Humanitarian Initiatives Powered by Boxing”, and “IBA’s Digital Transformation”.

Among those who participated in the IBA GBF Abu Dhabi 2022 press conference were Umar Kremlev, President of the International Boxing Association; Hassan Al Hammadi, Secretary-General of the UAE Boxing Federation’; legendary boxers Estelle Mossely, Evander Holyfield, Kostya Tszyu, Roy Jones Jr and Tammara Thibeault. Angela Barnes was the moderator. The IBA GBF Abu Dhabi 2022 is the first forum held in the Middle East. The previous two editions of the forum, held in 2018 in Sochi and in 2019 in Ekaterinburg, already proved the effectiveness of the IBA GBF as a platform for fostering the effective development of the sport.

Umar Kremlev stated, “It has been my utmost pleasure to host the 3rd edition of the IBA GBF in Abu Dhabi. The IBA envisions this forum to be a catalyst for positive, two-way dialogue and the spark towards further advancements in boxing. The key and overarching theme of the IBA GBF is about the integral need for sound governance in international boxing; sports and governance integrity are essential to all international sports federations. That is why we recognise the need to bring together leading voices of the boxing community to engage in discussions which elevate us as a collective whole.”

Kremlev added, “The IBA is committed to ensuring that the entire sport of boxing, boxers, and all international sporting federations connected to boxing, can work in cohesion to create a harmonious and thriving boxing ecosystem. Through forums and events such as the IBA GBF, we will remain dedicated to showcasing the IBA’s imperative role in all boxing-related activities, including the Olympic Games.”

Hassan Al Hammadi said, “As boxing continues to grow and thrive in the UAE, we are delighted to host the IBA GBF in Abu Dhabi for its inaugural edition in the Middle East. The discussions, insight and transferable knowledge will help to enhance the sport in this region further.”

Al Hammadi added, “It has been an honour to work closely with the IBA and recognise first-hand the esteem and merit they bring to boxing. I look forward to welcoming them again as we use the IBA GBF Abu Dhabi 2022 as the foundation of a fruitful working relationship.”

Roy Jones Jr, multiple world champion in professional boxing and Olympic Silver Medallist, remarked, “The IBA GBF Abu Dhabi 2022 has been a resounding success. There is no boxing without the IBA; it truly is the home of boxing, and they have showcased that once again by creating imperative and meaningful discussions that prioritise the athletes first across all levels. Our athletes are the most important part of the boxing community. Without them, we have no boxing ecosystem. It deeply encourages me to see organisations like the IBA recognising that and being the vocal champion of all boxers.”

The IBA GBF enables all participants of the international boxing movement to openly exchange ideas, learn from the best practice in the sports industry and create new connections.

Source: Emirates News Agency


The first day of the FIBA 3×3 World Tour Abu Dhabi Final has drawn to a close – and what a spectacle we saw. Twelve games from the best 12 3×3 teams on the planet entertained and encapsulated the sold-out arena, with eight teams going through to today’s final. Those qualified are:









The audience were also treated to seeing the finals of the 3×3 Community Basketball Championship. Thanks to Abu Dhabi Sports Council, local teams from across the UAE have had the chance to compete at local basketball courts, with the winners getting to battle it out at the main arena itself. Winners were:

Open Height Men’s Division

Winner: For Three

Open Height women’s division

Winner: FBMA

5’10” & below women’s division

Winner: Ballers Nation

5’10” & below men’s division

Winner: masters- thread & needles

Suhail Al-Arifi, Executive Director of the Events Sector at the Abu Dhabi Sports Council, confirmed that: “the first day’s competitions witnessed a large audience, and a collection of the best 3×3 basketball players in the world, while the opening ceremony reflected the spirit and vitality of the basketball game on the newest waterfront in Abu Dhabi (Yas Bay).

“Abu Dhabi Sports Council was keen to provide all success factors for the Championship, in order to complement the successes achieved in the past years. I would also like to thank to the close cooperation and distinguished partnership with the International Basketball Federation,” added Al-Arifi.

It is worth noting that the 2022 season started 7 months ago and covered 11 cities around the world. More than 440 basketball matches were held with thousands of points scored, all in aid of reaching the last stop of the Tour in Abu Dhabi, ready to compete for the podium glory, and of course vie for the prize purse of $375,000.

Source: Abu Dhabi Sports Council


Emirates Cricket, in partnership with ITW Consulting, has today confirmed the next instalment of their highly-popular, engaging, D20 – Domestic 20-over – tournament. ITW has secured Fancode as Powered by Sponsors and Exclusive Digital Streaming partner in India and ‘dafanews’ as Jersey Sponsor for all 6 teams.

2022’s second edition of the D20 will be played at the Dubai International Stadium starting Monday December 12, where six teams will compete through 33 matches – to and including the final on Wednesday December 28 (2022).

Mubashshir Usmani, General Secretary Emirates Cricket Board, said: “Emirates Cricket is delighted to have an established and sustainable pathway for the growth and development of our game at the domestic level, and the D20 is an integral step along this path. At this incredibly exciting juncture in Emirates Cricket’s history, we look at this series as a perfect facilitator to highlight and introduce more of UAE’s cricketing talent to the world. We are committed to elevating our local players onto the global stage through our pathways.”

“The success of this tournament is a testament to the dedication of our board as well as our Councils and affiliates,and we extend our thanks to ITW Consulting, as partners of both our D10 and D20 tournaments who take our domestic talent to the cricket-loving world through various streaming services.”

The six teams; five domestic, and an ‘Emirates Blues’ team – formed by Emirates Cricket Board, will comprise of a mix of the Emirates most talented senior and up-and-coming male players. All matches will be broadcast live across various regions utilising varied streaming and social media platforms, which will be announced soon.

Richard Saldanha – Director New Business ITW MEA said: “We are delighted to be part of this Emirates Cricket first-class cricket program with Emirates D20 and D10. As a commercial and media partner ITW has been producing these matches Live with TV ready broadcast set-up for streaming platform. These matches will be streamed Live on Fancode in India and other regions with our partner platform Cric-tracker on youtube and Sportseye on Facebook.“

‘dafanews’ has been secured as Principal Jersey sponsors of all the 6 teams in Emirates D20 tournament.

Source: Emirates Cricket Board


Celebrating the incredible power of cricket as a sport and the thrill and entertainment the T20 format provides, the International League T20 Official Anthem ‘Halla Halla’ was launched last night on the league’s YouTube channel and digital platforms.

The two-minute 14-second anthem produced and performed by Rapper Badshah, who has gifted us with hits such as Let’s Nacho, Kala Chashma, DJ Waley Babu and Garmi among others, has already started making waves and is set to capture the imagination of the cricket fans in the coming days as well as throughout the month-long tournament.

The superstar has produced another thunderous performance and the anthem is set to get the cricket fans in the mood for world-class cricket entertainment at the ILT20, which will begin post a glittering opening ceremony at Dubai’s Ring of Fire (Dubai International Stadium) on Friday, 13 January 2023 and the tournament will be hosted till the grand finale on Sunday, 12 February at the same venue. Badshah along with famous US singer Jason Derulo will be performing at the opening ceremony.

Speaking about the launch of the ILT20 Anthem, Mubashshir Usmani, General Secretary, Emirates Cricket Board said, “It’s very important for cricket fans to associate a tournament with a catchy anthem and we are absolutely delighted to launch the ILT20 Anthem Halla Halla today. Badshah has produced a magnificent anthem which will certainly motivate one and all to dance to the beats and get ready for the excitement that will unfold in the ILT20.”

Meanwhile, Rapper Badshah expressed, “I am really happy with the way the anthem has come out. I wanted to ensure that we produce a catchy tune and I think we have done a great job. I hope that the cricket fans love the tune and share it with friends and family. I am so honoured to associate with the ILT20 and it gives me immense pleasure to produce and feature in their official anthem Halla Halla.”

The ILT20 Anthem #HallaHalla is available across all ILT20 digital platforms and the full video is available on the ILT20’s YouTube page. Please find the link to the video

Making its debut in January (2023), the inaugural ILT20, which has received multi-year ICC approval, will be played across the UAE’s exemplary, world-class Cricket facilities in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Cricket fans across the world can catch the LIVE telecast of this exciting cricket league on ZEE’s linear channels, digital platform, Zee5 as well as Zee Cinema SD, Zee Cinema HD, Zee Anmol Cinema, &Pictures HD, &Flix SD, &Flix HD, Zee Zest SD, Zee Zest HD, Zee Bangla Cinema and Zee Thirai.

Franchise teams, comprising 84 International and 24 UAE-based players, include Abu Dhabi Knight Riders (Kolkata Knight Riders), Desert Vipers (Lancer Capital), Dubai Capitals (GMR), Gulf Giants (Adani Sportsline), MI Emirates (Reliance Industries), and Sharjah Warriors (Capri Global). ILT20 news, updates and interactive chat can be found via and @ILT20Official on facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, snap chat and linkedin.

Source: Emirates Cricket Board

‘Dubai Destinations’ campaign returns to highlight Dubai’s unique winter attractions and experiences

DUBAI, Under the directives of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Media Council, the ‘Dubai Destinations’ winter campaign returns this year to showcase the attractions and experiences that make the emirate a top pick among global destinations in the cooler months of the year.

The collaborative campaign, implemented by Brand Dubai, the creative arm of the Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO), highlights an array of activities and experiences that people can enjoy amidst the wonderful winter weather.

This season, Dubai offers residents and visitors amazing adventure, entertainment, food, art, culture, sports and fitness experiences and more.

Featuring engaging content from diverse stakeholders, the campaign tells the story of Dubai’s emergence as one of the world’s best winter destinations.

To mark the launch of the campaign, Brand Dubai hosted an event for the media, influencers and content creators at the GDMO to showcase the activations and experiences the latest campaign will be highlighting to local and global audiences.

Brand Dubai also announced the launch of the Dubai Destinations website, which will share content, videos and guides related to the campaign.

Vindicating Dubai’s strengths, a global study released late last month named the emirate the “world’s best winter-sun destination”. According to The Winter Sun Index issued by travel package provider ParkSleepFly, Dubai has been tagged on Instagram more than 111 million times and has the most winter-related ‘things to do’ Google searches in the world, reaching 55,000. Another study by Remote, a global talent consultancy, issued last month, ranked Dubai the second-best winter destination for digital nomads.

Mona Al Marri, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director of the Dubai Media Council and Director-General of the GDMO, said, “The Dubai Destinations campaign once again brings together government entities, industry stakeholders, the creative community and media to offer a new window into Dubai’s exciting winter destination experiences.

The campaign is a celebration of the places, activities and attractions that provide memorable experiences in the season. The initiative will showcase the covetable culture, fascinating food, pristine beaches, stunning mountain landscapes, unique modern lifestyle, exciting adventures, centuries-old heritage and futuristic cityscapes that Dubai offers.”

“The campaign will weave together compelling narratives from diverse sources about what makes Dubai a truly unique place to visit and explore. Content creators of all nationalities can participate in the campaign by contributing their unique stories and creative content about Dubai’s attractiveness as a winter destination. The campaign aims to convey Dubai’s distinctive character that combines its modern spirit and cosmopolitan ethos with its rich history and heritage,” she added.

The Hatta region will be a key focus of the campaign, whose current season will run until February 2023. The region’s picturesque mountain scenery, archaeological sites and other tourist attractions will be prominently featured in the campaign.

Shaima Al Suwaidi, Director of Brand Dubai, said, “The creative initiative will highlight an array of top-rated experiences for people of different tastes and age groups at its beaches and waterfronts, public parks and entertainment venues, world-class hotels, restaurants, and natural attractions in the Al Marmoom area and Hatta. The collaborative storytelling campaign will share compelling content on Dubai’s winter destinations and events through guides, creative videos and social media as part of Brand Dubai’s objective to enhance Dubai’s profile as a must-visit destination.”

Al Suwaidi added that as part of the winter campaign, Brand Dubai will continue to launch a series of guides to raise the visibility of the emirate’s various winter attractions. The guides will cover must-try winter activities, outdoor sports activities, camping journeys, winter pop-ups, outdoor dining options and other attractions.

Source: Emirates News Agency