Shoukry stresses Egypt’s categorical rejection of any military operation in Rafah

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry received Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of New Zealand, as part of the New Zealand minister’s visit to Egypt during the period from March 31 to April 2.

Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the meeting dealt with the overall bilateral relations between Egypt and New Zealand, especially since this year witnesses the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Shoukry expressed Egypt’s aspiration to host a round of political consultations at the level of assistant foreign ministers during the current year, which represents an opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries in various frameworks and fields.

On the other hand, the two ministers addressed a number of regional files especially the situation in Gaza as shoukry warned from the continuing catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, stres
sing the need for the Security Council to ensure the immediate implementation of Resolution 2728 and the entry of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in a safe, rapid and unhindered manner. The Foreign Minister also renewed Egypt’s categorical rejection of any scenarios targeting the forced displacement of Gaza’s residents, or the ground invasion of the Palestinian city of Rafah.

Source: State Information Service Egypt