‫مؤسسة قطر تُعلن عن تأسيس مركز “إرثنا” خلال منتدى الدوحة

تنصب جهود المركز على تحقيق التكامل بين بحوث وسياسات الاستدامة في مجالات المناخات القاحلة والمدن والمجتمعات المستدامة

الدوحة، قطر,  26 مارس 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع  خلال القمة الدبلوماسية السنوية لمنتدى الدوحة، عن تأسيس مركز “إرثنا – مركزٌ لمستقبل مستدام” تحت مظلتها، وهو مركز غير ربحيّ متخصص في وضع السياسات وإسداء المشورة.

Executive Director, Earthna Center for a Sustainable Future, Dr. Gonzalo Castro de la Mata

 سيواصل مركز “إرثنا” الجهود التي ما فتئت تبذلها مؤسسة قطر في مجال الاستدامة على مر سنوات عديدة، وسيعمل على توجيه منظومة التعليم والبحوث والابتكار في مؤسسة قطر نحو إيجاد حلول تُعزز دور دولة قطر العالمي في وضع سياسات الاستدامة وتكريس الرؤى والإمكانات الفريدة من نوعها التي تتمتع بها البلاد في هذا الصدد.

ستنصب مساعي مركز “إرثنا” على تكريس القيادة الفكرية في صُنع السياسات، وتحديد أولويات هذه السياسات وتعزيزها، وترسيخ الروابط بين مجالات التعليم والبحوث والصناعة، وتوسيع شبكات التعاون لمؤسسة قطر محليًا ودوليًا، وذلك بالتركيز على مجالات الاستدامة في المدن الحارة والقاحلة، والطاقة المستدامة، والاستفادة مما تتمتع به المدينة التعليمية من إمكانات لاختبار أحدث التقنيات وتطبيقاتها المستدامة.

وقد تطرّق الإعلان عن تأسيس مركز “إرثنا” خلال جلسة نقاشية رفيعة المستوى  في حفل افتتاح القمة الدبلوماسية السنوية لمنتدى الدوحة، إلى مناقشة السبل الكفيلة بجعل المدن محور الحلول العالمية لاستدامة الطبيعية والمناخ.

Executive Director, Earthna Center for a Sustainable Future, Dr. Gonzalo Castro de la Mata; Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Qatar H.E. Sheikh Dr. Faleh bin Nasser bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani; Lord Mayor of London, The Rt Hon Vincent Keaveny; President and CEO, Wetlands International, Ms. Jane Madgwick; Global Leader of Climate & Energy at WWF; Former Minister of Environment of Peru and President of COP20, H.E. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal

وتضمنت الجلسة مشاركة نخبة من الخبراء أثروا المناقشة بتصوراتهم، ومن ضمنهم سعادة الشيخ الدكتور فالح بن ناصر بن أحمد بن علي آل ثاني، وزير البيئة والتغير المناخي؛ وسعادة اللورد فنسنت توماس كيفيني، عمدة لندن؛ ؛ وجين مادجويك، الرئيسة التنفيذية لشركة ويتلاندز الدولية؛ ومانويل بولجار فيدال، مدير الممارسات العالمية للمناخ والطاقة بالصندوق العالمي للطبيعة؛ والسيد غونزالو كاسترو دي لا ماتا، المدير التنفيذي لمركز “إرثنا”.

وبهذه المناسبة، صرحت سعادة الشيخة هند بنت حمد آل ثاني، نائب رئيس مجلس إدارة مؤسسة قطر والرئيس التنفيذي للمؤسسة قائلةً: “إنّ ارتباطنا بالطبيعة يظل العنصر الأساسي في بناء مستقبلنا. وانطلاقًا من إسهاماتها الرائدة في مجال الاستدامة، كان لمؤسسة قطر دور هام في دعم الأولويات الوطنية، بدءاً من إسهامها في تعزيز الوعي والثقافة المجتمعية بالاستدامة، ووصولاً إلى إيجاد حلول للتحديات البيئية الملّحة في قطر. وبتأسيس مركز “إرثنا”، فإننا نعمل على بناء الجسور بين الأبحاث ومواطن القوّة في مجتمعنا سعيًا إلى التوّصل إلى الحلول الجديدة للسياسات”.

سيُسهم مركز “إرثنا” في تمكين الخبراء، والجهات الحكومية، والمعنيين برسم السياسات واتخاذ القرارات، والشركات، والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف، والمجتمع المدني لتشييد مستقبل أكثر استدامة، كما سيعمل على مواصلة البناء على ما حققه مؤسسة قطر والكيانات التابعة لها وجهودها الرامية إلى الحثّ على تبني السلوكيات والممارسات المستدامة.

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من جهته، علّق السيد دي لا ماتا، قائلاً: “تتمحور جهود مركز “إرثنا” على تطوير الأدوات والحلول والسياسات التي من شأنها تحسين حياة الأفراد في بيئة طبيعية ومزدهرة”.

وأضاف قائلاً: ” تقع دولة قطر في صميم التحديات العالمية في مجال مخاطر تغيّر المناخ وتحوّلات الطاقة، مما يمنحنا فرصة مناسبة ليكون لنا دور رائد في الحوار العالمي حول تعزيز السياسات المستدامة. سيجمع مركز “إرثنا” الخبراء المحليين والدوليين داخل قطر ليُسهموا معًا في تصميم وتنفيذ الحلول التي يمكن تطبيقها في المجتمعات عبر العالم بأسره”.

سينظم مركز “إرثنا” برامج مجتمعية في مجالات الطاقة المستدامة، وأمن الموارد وإدارتها، والحماية والاستعادة البيئية، والاقتصاد الدائري، والرفاه الاجتماعي.

لمعرفة المزيد عن “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام”، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.earthna.qa

مؤسسة قطر – إطلاق قدرات الإنسان

مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع هي منظمة غير ربحية تدعم دولة قطر في مسيرتها نحو بناء اقتصاد متنوع ومستدام. وتسعى المؤسسة لتلبية احتياجات الشعب القطري والعالم، من خلال توفير برامج متخصصة، ترتكز على بيئة ابتكارية تجمع ما بين التعليم، والبحوث والعلوم، والتنمية المجتمعية.

تأسست مؤسسة قطر في عام 1995 بناء على رؤية حكيمة تشاركها صاحب السمو الأمير الوالد الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني وصاحبة السمو الشيخة موزا بنت ناصر تقوم على توفير تعليم نوعي لأبناء قطر. واليوم، يوفر نظام مؤسسة قطر التعليمي الراقي فرص التعلّم مدى الحياة لأفراد المجتمع، بدءاً من سن الستة أشهر وحتى الدكتوراه، لتمكينهم من المنافسة في بيئة عالمية، والمساهمة في تنمية وطنهم.

كما أنشأت مؤسسة قطر صرحًا متعدد التخصصات للابتكار في قطر، يعمل فيه الباحثون المحليون على مجابهة التحديات الوطنية والعالمية الملحة. وعبر نشر ثقافة التعلّم مدى الحياة، وتحفيز المشاركة المجتمعية في برامج تدعم الثقافة القطرية، تُمكّن مؤسسة قطر المجتمع المحلي، وتساهم في بناء عالم أفضل.

للاطلاع على مبادرات مؤسسة قطر ومشاريعها، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني http://www.qf.org.qa

للاطلاع على أبرز مستجداتنا، يمكنكم زيارة صفحاتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام

إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام هو مركز غير ربحيّ، أسسته مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع، تتمحور مهامه حول وضع السياسات وإسداء المشورة وتحقيق التأثير المنشود في مجال الاستدامة على المستويين المحلي والدولي.

من خلال العمل على تحقيق التكامل بين الخبرات التقنية والبحثية وإسداء المشورة ودعم قضايا الاستدامة، سيُمكّن “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام الخبراء والباحثين والأكاديميين، والجهات الحكومية، والمعنيين بصياغة السياسات واتخاذ القرارات، والشركات، والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف، والمجتمع المدني من تشييد مستقبل متجدد وأكثر استدامة.

يُدير “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام برامج سنوية متعددة في مجال الاستدامة، تركز على المناخات القاحلة والجافة والمُدن المتجددة والمُستدامة والطاقة المُستدامة في ظلّ الإمكانات النموذجية التي تتمتع بها المدينة التعليمية لاختبار أحدث التقنيات والممارسات في مجال الاستدامة.

تتركز مساعي “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام” على تطوير الأدوات والحلول والسياسات لتوفير بيئة طبيعية مزدهرة تهدف إلى تحسين نمط حياة أفراد المجتمع وذلك من خلال العمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع المجتمع لإعادة ابتكار وتصميم الحلول من خلال استخدام مواردنا بما يُلبي احتياجاتنا المحلية وثقافتنا المجتمعية، ويُمكّننا من إيصال رسالتنا المفعمة بالأمل إلى العالم، والعمل بشكل مؤثر على تعزيز إرثنا.

AIM 2022 to tackle investment trends and strategies for maximising potential of businesses

DUBAI, The UAE’s excellent handling of the pandemic and the implementation of key business accelerators are being seen by economic experts as strategic factors in the continued growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the country.

Looking to create more interest in investing not only in the UAE but also across the globe, the 2022 edition of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM), which will be held from 29th to 31st March, 2022 at the Dubai Exhibition Centre at Expo 2020 Dubai, affirms its role as a key global player in the move to gain international economic growth.

Held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the Annual Investment Meeting is an initiative of the UAE Ministry of Economy designed to provide a framework for global exchange on the key principles underpinning international investment to achieve smart and inclusive global growth.

AIM’s theme for this year is ‘Investments in sustainable innovation for a thriving future’. The exciting three day event is jam packed with workshops, lectures and networking events that are focused on bolstering and improving sustainable investments via six set pillars–FDI, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI), Startups, Future Cities and the Projects of the 50, which is a series of developmental and economic undertakings designed to accelerate the country’s further development and consolidate its position as a highly preferred destination for talents and investors.

The mentioned pillars are expected to help achieve a six-pronged goal–enable the entry of key business opportunities from different parts of the globe; empower SMEs and give due recognition to their contributions to the global economy; encourage investors to diversify their portfolio, establish new contacts and get a better understanding of local investment flows; assist investors in acquiring venture capital and seed funding; encourage governments and investors to rally their support for innovation-based, smart city solutions and driving in more support and assistance for the 50 Projects initiative. These six pillars are expected to provide strong value points for the participants–making attendance a must for stakeholders of the world’s investment landscape.

Under the pillar aimed towards attracting more FDI into the country, the activities prepared are focused on enabling the entry of more business opportunities coming from various parts of the world.

The show will also be introducing an Investors’ Hub initiative where representatives of top investment houses, investment corporations, development banks, sovereign wealth funds, and portfolio investors can interact with official government envoys to forge investment partnerships and collaborations globally. Other related activities under this pillar include B2B, G2B, and G2G meetings, a special gala dinner, high-level networking lunch, and an Investment Awards initiative that will recognise the best FDI projects in each region of the world.

Meanwhile, for the pillar aimed to discover new SME sources, the activities to be offered at AIM 2022 look to empower SMEs and give due recognition to their contributions to the global economy. One of the key highlights under this pillar is the roll-out of an initiative called the ‘Made in Series,’ which will give SMEs the opportunity to showcase their products and services across an international platform.

The third pillar, which is aimed towards improving Foreign Portfolio Investment, will encourage investors to diversify their portfolio, establish new contacts and get a better understanding of local investment flows. In line with the fourth pillar, the move to support the early stages of a startup will be highlighted by activities aimed to assist investors in acquiring venture capital and seed funding. These initiatives include a National Winner competition, a special startup award that will honor startup companies for their innovative business models and brilliant application of technology for their business, and a Startup Global Technopreneurs feature. Additional activities include networking meetings, and B2B, G2G, and G2B meetings.

The fifth pillar, which is centered on helping the global arena in the creation of smart future cities, will be offering activities that encourage governments and investors to rally their support for innovation-based, smart city solutions. These initiatives include an exhibition, workshops, key meetings, and the rollout of the Future Cities awards. Lastly, the sixth pillar, which looks to rally in key support for the UAE’s 50 Projects initiative, will include a series of workshops and networking-focused activities.

Source: Emirates News Agency

AD Ports, Kuwait General Administration of Customs sign MoU to establish virtual trade corridor

ABU DHABI, AD Ports Group today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) with the Kuwait General Administration of Customs to establish a new virtual trade corridor between the UAE and Kuwait, under the supervision of Department of Economic Development – Abu Dhabi (ADDED).

The signing took place in Kuwait following a visit by DED’s Logistics Committee, under the patronage of Abdulwahab Al Rushaid, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investments – Kuwait and in presence of Dr. Matar Hamed Al Neyadi, UAE Ambassador to Kuwait. The MoU was signed by Capt. Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, Managing Director and Group CEO of AD Ports Group, and Suleiman Abdul Aziz Al Fahd, Director of the General Administration of Customs – Kuwait.

Under the MoU, Maqta Gateway, AD Ports Group’s digital arm, will develop the new virtual trade corridor based upon its Advanced Trade & Logistics Platform (ATLP), under the supervision of ADDED, establishing new policies, procedures and systems integrations to support a virtual trade corridor that will further simplify and facilitate cross-border trade.

With the establishment of the new virtual trade corridor and implementation of integrated solutions, customs authorities in both countries will be able to access pre-arrival information for international cargo movements, making cross-validation of information significantly faster and promoting pre-clearance of goods.

The MoU will also provide for accelerated procedures for expediting shipments of perishable goods, reducing dwell time at borders.

The digital integration also has significant safety and security benefits, improving visibility for authorities over any possible risks associated with goods that move between the two nations, as well as reducing the inspection rate and simplifying procedures for authorisation holders.

Dr. Al Neyadi said, “The UAE and Kuwait have a vast cooperation opportunity as they both have exceptionally promising markets. We are confident that the cooperation between AD Ports Group and Kuwait General Administration of Customs to establish the first virtual trade corridor between the UAE and Kuwait, will enhance trade exchange between the two countries, and will support their efforts in achieving digital transformation goals, streamlining shipping procedures to reduce transportation and shipping costs, as well as expanding economic cooperation, facilitating the development of the supply chains, and encouraging business investment, by building on the best digital solutions and logistics services provided by the virtual trade corridor.”

Rashid Abdul Karim Al Balooshi, ADDED Under-Secretary and Chairman of the Higher Committee of Logistics Development, said, “This MoU sets the stage for deeper cooperation with our trade partners. By establishing this virtual trade corridor, we will generate positive impact on the UAE and Kuwaiti economies and support the wider efforts of our wise leadership to promote trade and fraternal bonds between our nations, establishing Abu Dhabi as a leading trade and logistics hub in the region.”

For his part, Al Fahd said, “We are pleased to sign the MoU with AD Ports Group, which comes within the framework of our strategic plan to develop the capabilities of the customs ecosystem in Kuwait with the aim of facilitating business, reducing manual reviews for completion of administrative and customs procedures, and facilitating the trade community in both countries through an agreement that benefits from the advantages of Global Logistics Passport.”

Dr. Noura Al Dhaheri, CEO of Maqta Gateway, Head of the Digital Cluster, AD Ports Group, said, “The newly announced virtual trade corridor aims to realise a host of enhanced policies, procedures, and system integrations that will accelerate cross-border movements of goods traded between the two countries.

“Since its founding, Maqta Gateway has committed its efforts towards advancing the digitalisation of the region’s trade, logistics, and industrial landscape through the implementation of novel solutions that are transforming industry.

“By digitalising clearance and shipment delivery through this virtual trade corridor, we will be able to deliver real benefits for importers and exporters in Kuwait and the UAE, while simultaneously enhancing security and realising new levels of efficiency.”

The long-standing bilateral trade ties enjoyed between the two GCC countries in recent years has seen the rapid growth of several key commodity markets. In 2021, the UAE imported more than two million tonnes of petroleum oil products valued at an estimated AED3.79 billion from Kuwait, as well as 143,408 tonnes of petroleum coke and tar valued at AED213 million.

During the same period, the State of Kuwait imported over 18.94 million tonnes of pebbles and stones for use in construction from Abu Dhabi, valued at AED650 million. It also imported 16 and 18 tonnes of gold and jewellery that were valued at AED3.16 billion and AED2.8 billion, respectively.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Emirates Food Security Council meeting discusses global food security challenges

DUBAI, The Emirates Food Security Council examined global food security challenges and their local repercussions during its first meeting of 2022, chaired by Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment.

The gathering drew the participation of the Council’s members from the ranks of concerned federal and local government authorities, in addition to representatives of the National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre, and the US Regional Agricultural Office, as well as a host of international food market experts.

Almheiri highlighted the Council’s vital role within the UAE’s food security system as the central authority supervising the implementation of the National Food Security Strategy 2051 and the execution of plans and directions aimed at enhancing food production and food value chain management, establishing pioneering food projects, supporting the national economy, increasing the country’s competitiveness, and encouraging the public to contribute to boosting food security.

“The UAE works to meet its goal of ranking at the top of the Global Food Security Index by 2051 through utilising data to inform strategies that advance the transition to a sustainable future, and ensuring the provision of safe and healthy food at affordable prices. We look forward to more achievements in the food security space in 2022,” she said.

“We must understand urgent global challenges if we want to confront them and overcome food insecurity. This requires everyone to view food from a holistic perspective as a pivotal factor in achieving a qualitative shift towards a better future, which the country is driving by investing in agritech and collaborating with international organisations, agricultural entities, and other stakeholders,” she added, emphasising that food security is a priority for the UAE. Almheiri reiterated the importance of boosting the sector’s resilience in the face of global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts that adversely affect the continuity of food supply chains.

The meeting was attended by Sultan Alwan, Assistant Under-Secretary for the Regions Sector at the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE); Yousef Al Ali, Assistant Under-Secretary for the Electricity, Water and Future Energy Sector at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure; Dr. Hussain Abdul Rahman Al Rand, Assistant Under-Secretary for the Public Health Sector at the Ministry of Health and Prevention; Dr. Amna Al Dahak Al Shamsi, Assistant Under-Secretary for the Care and Capacity Building Sector at the Ministry of Education; Osama Amir Fadhel, Assistant Under-Secretary for Industrial Affairs at the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology; Saeed Al Bahri Al Ameri, Director-General of Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority; Dawoud Abdulrahman Al Hajri, Director-General of Dubai Municipality; Dr. Abdulaziz bin Butti Al Muhairi, Director of the Sharjah Health Authority; Abdul Rahman Al Nuaimi, Director-General of the Municipality and Planning Department in Ajman; Salem Khalfan bin Hussein, Director of the Environment Protection and Safety Sector at Umm Al Quwain Municipality; Dr. Saif Mohammed Al Ghais, Executive Director of the Ras Al Khaimah Environment Protection and Development Authority.

The meeting explored several important mechanisms to enhance the UAE’s food security, the impact of international conflicts and rising commodity prices on the country’s food system, and the outcomes of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale. The attendees reviewed ways of cooperation to support local food producers and enforce food-related legislation.

The members also examined the challenges facing the country’s agriculture and food sector and the mechanisms for dealing with them at the federal level, such as exempting production inputs and agricultural equipment from tariffs and taxes. They recommended setting up an executive team with members from the Ministry of Economy (MoE), MOCCAE, and Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority to define and standardise mechanisms for enforcing legislation governing food products.

In addition, discussions involved the competitiveness of the UAE’s food sector, the need to increase local production and reduce operational costs for farmers and agricultural companies, the challenges of the agricultural sector that need to be addressed jointly by the local and federal governments, such as the high costs of establishing agricultural businesses, including license fees and technical requirements, the need for an umbrella organisation supporting small farms, and the importance of providing agricultural insurance and financing to farmers at competitive terms. Moreover, the participants emphasised the high possibility of exposure to global price changes, particularly in terms of animal feed, and the reluctance to work in agriculture due to low ROI.

The Council stressed the need to integrate agriculture and food data at the local and federal levels to inform decisions and respond to changes, develop a unified mechanism to deal with food loss and waste through a holistic perspective, support agricultural accelerator programs and projects that enhance food security, facilitate technology transfer, drive agricultural R&D focusing on modern technologies suitable for the local environment, control the imports of food products that compete with local products in terms of pricing, especially during local seasonal production, incentivise the hospitality and catering sector to purchase local agricultural products, and regulate promotions by major retail stores that affect the competitiveness and profitability of local products.

The participants recommended creating a team comprising representatives of MoE, MOCCAE, and Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority to develop and implement solutions to food security challenges within six months.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Jamila Al Qasimi, “The average cost of educating a student with a disability is 30,000 dirhams per year”

During the academic year 2021-2022, 1993 persons with disabilities benefited from the educational, rehabilitation and training programs offered by Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) to its students of different nationalities and disabilities. The city offers these services in accordance with the best and latest international practices.

About 642 employees supervise the provision of these services, 52 of whom are persons with disabilities. Although the average cost of tuition fees for one student in the city during the academic year is 30,000 dirhams, the actual cost ranges between 20,000 dirhams and 80,000 dirhams, depending on the type of disability and the services the person needs.

With the launch of the zakat campaign organized by the city every year in the holy month of Ramadan under the slogan “Your Zakat to Support our Education,” Her Excellency Sheikha Jamila bint Muhammad Al Qasimi, the city’s president, has confirmed that 80% of the total of city’s students benefit from the zakat campaign. The zakat money cover for their tuition and education fees.

She showed the proportions of the city’s financial resources to cover the operational cost of providing education, training, rehabilitation and treatment services for people with disabilities. The Government of Sharjah contributes 29%, 22% of Zakat funds, 28% of donations and endowment management, and 21% of tuition fees and other activities.

She also pointed out that the city is proud of the academic achievements of its students. The city has graduated 90 high school students, 12 of whom have obtained a university degree, and 23 of them are still at collage.

She said, “The city has integrated 568 students with disabilities into schools. It has contributed to the employment of 395 people with disabilities in public and private institutions. About 7,512 children have benefited from the early detection and screening program organized by its Early Intervention Center”.

His Excellency the President of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services spoke about the goal of this year’s zakat campaign, which is to pay the tuition fees for 471 male and female students who are eligible for zakat funds.

Education is one of the legitimate ways to spend zakat money, as it achieves stability for the family and provides a permanent source of livelihood. The slogan “Your Zakat to Support our Education” reflects this trend. It is consistent with the principles, goals and interest of the city in urging the people of the community to contribute to the education of persons with disabilities and empower them scientifically and cognitively according to the latest and best practices.

Since 1989, the city bases its annual campaign on the fatwa issued by the Permanent Fatwa Committee in the Emirate of Sharjah permitting the collection, acceptance and presentation of Zakat money to persons with disabilities. A special committee studies the financial situation of families with persons with disabilities to determine who is really in need because they cannot make a living. In this case, SCHS as being a nonprofit organization pays money to educate persons with disabilities. If SCHS cannot do this, SCHS becomes entitled to take from Zakat money, because it falls under one of the seven categories entitled to Zakat money according to the Islamic law, which is those in debt on their behalf or on behalf of others.

Her Excellency Sheikha Jameela bint Muhammad Al Qasimi directed her sincerest thanks to partners, sponsors and supporters of the zakat campaign. They are Sharjah Islamic Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, Sharjah Ports, Customs and Free Zones Authority. In addition to, Etisalat, GPCA Group, Nazo Corporation. She also thanked media sponsors, which are Sharjah Broadcasting and Television Authority, Rimal International Company for Advertising, Site Global Company, and to everyone who contributed zakat funds to support the city and its services.

In turn, Mr. Jihad Abdul Qader, the General Coordinator of the Zakat Campaign, explained that SCHS would receive donations through wire transfers to Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services bank accounts in Sharjah Islamic Bank and Dubai Islamic Bank and through text messages.

Sharjah Islamic Bank, AE060410000011203320004

Dubai Islamic Bank AE960240007580560448601

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank AE290500000000010260597

In addition, through text messages, and all those wishing to communicate by phone can call 0562160222.

With all security and safety measures taken, brothers wishing to contribute can contact the city so that its representative comes to receive their donations.

Source: Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services