Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi to showcase ‘Mission to Zero’ campaign at ADIHEX

ABU DHABI, The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) will participate in the Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX), the region’s largest event focused on the preservation of cultural heritage.

The exhibition, held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler’s Representative in Al Dhafra Region, Chairman of the Emirates Falconer’s Club, Chairman of EAD, will take place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) from 26th September to 2nd October, 2022.

The theme of EAD’s participation this year is centred around the “Mission to Zero” campaign, with a dedicated focus on the Single-Use Plastic Policy launched in 2020, and through which the emirate-wide single-use plastic bag ban was implemented at the beginning of June 2022.

As part of EAD’s future vision for Abu Dhabi, the Agency has set an ambitious long-term goal to achieve zero consumption of single-use plastics, supported by zero waste and zero carbon emissions, with zero impact on all Abu Dhabi species through the EAD “Mission to Zero” public outreach campaign.

The campaign will include various offline and online activations targeting all community members, government departments and businesses, and, most importantly, young people. The main objective is to encourage Abu Dhabi residents towards more sustainable environmental alternatives such as reusable items to reduce the reliance on single-use items while generating less waste. The Agency plans to strongly reinforce this message during its participation at ADIHEX of this year.

Dr. Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary-General of EAD, said, “With so many facets to ADIHEX and the theme ‘Sustainability and Heritage A Reborn Aspiration’, we are very excited to share with our audience our recently launched ‘Mission to Zero’ campaign. The general public is a very important stakeholder group for us, and we believe they will play a significant role in spreading the campaign’s messages.”

She added, “We look forward to the public adopting environmentally sustainable practices, in a bid to help us reach to our aspirational zero-use target for plastic, carbon emissions and waste. Therefore, ADIHEX 2022 will be a vital platform for us to get our message across and shed light on this ambitious campaign. The ‘Mission to Zero’ campaign will allow us to achieve this goal. We would like all visitors to our stand to feel that they are part of our journey towards a better future for all, especially the future generations who will play a pivotal role in instigating change.”

EAD will also be showcasing a variety of policies they have put in place in recent years, explaining how these policies have contributed to the conservation of the environment and sustainability in Abu Dhabi.

Source: Emirates News Agency


Emirates Cricket Board (ECB) and Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) have today announced the ‘SKYEXCH UAE v Bangladesh Friendship series’.

To be played at the Dubai International Stadium, Dubai Sports City (Dubai), the two T20I series will be played on Sunday September 25th and Tuesday September 27th (2022) between the UAE and Bangladesh.

Mubashshir Usmani, General Secretary Emirates Cricket Board, said: “Emirates Cricket Board is very pleased to welcome Bangladesh to the UAE and we are delighted to host the ‘SKYEXCH UAE v Bangladesh Friendship series’.” “This is a great opportunity for both our teams to fine-tune their T20 skills as they approach their ICC Men’s T20 World Cup (2022) matches. These games will also prove extremely important for our (high) performance team to see where our players stand against a team that is not only a test nation, but a team that has been preparing to compete at one of the highest levels of international cricket – being the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup. We look forward to a highly competitive series on home soil.”

Nizam Uddin Chowdhury, CEO Bangladesh Cricket Board, said: “We are delighted to support, and associate with Emirates Cricket on this upcoming T20 series. I also take this opportunity to thank Emirates Cricket for confirming the arrangements within a very short time.

“This tour will be an important part of the Bangladesh team’s lead up to the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup in Australia. The UAE side has made impressive progress in recent times, and we are all looking forward to a competitive and exciting series. This will provide valuable game-exposure and ensure quality preparations for both nations.”

Source: Emirates Cricket Board


On Thursday, 22, September, 2022, a delegation from Sharjah Media City (Shams) visited Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS) in order to review the services provided to its students with disabilities and to discuss ways of cooperation and development between the two sides. The delegation included His Excellency Dr. Khaled Omar Al Midfa, President of Sharjah Media City “Shams”, and His Excellency Shehab Al Hammadi, Director of Sharjah Media City.

Ms. Mona Abdul Karim Al Yafei, Director of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services, and a number of officials received the delegation upon arrival. During the meeting between the two sides, Ms. Mona spoke about the SCHS’s vision and mission, its course of action, and role in supporting, including and advocating people with disabilities, and the main objectives that define SCHS’s framework for keeping pace with international best practices.

The city manager also talked about the services and activities provided in the various sections and departments of the city in all its branches in Khorfakhan, Al Dhaid and Kallba, and the sources of income and financing on which the city depends on to operate. She talked also about the international accreditations obtained by the city, such as the accreditations of CARF and Pearson.

For his part, His Excellency Dr. Khaled Omar Al Midfa, has confirmed that Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services is a role model in making relentless efforts to build people, who is the most precious wealth of the nation. Its establishment reflects the vision and wisdom of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah aimed at promoting volunteer work in development providing social services, education, training and rehabilitation for people with disabilities. This is their legitimate right. This would enhance Sharjah’s position as the global capital of humanity.

The guest delegation began its visit to the city with a tour of the Early Intervention Center, through which Mr. Mohamed Fawzy, the director of the center, introduced them to the library, which includes 1,390 books specializing in disabilities and children’s stories appropriate to the age group in the center.

During the visit, the delegation learned about the multi-sensory room used by occupational therapists for children with autism spectrum disorder who suffer from visual and auditory sensory disorders and some tactile challenges. This room aims to calm the child and reduce his stress, raise the level of his concentration and improve communication skills. In addition, Sharjah City Audiology Center aims to provide a complete hearing assessment, diagnose all cases, and describe appropriate solutions to audio problems.

He said, “We are happy with the services, which Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services offers to all members of society. We are also proud of the working national competencies, who have gained expertise and inspiring experiences in the field of rehabilitation and assistance for persons with disabilities in Sharjah and in the United Arab Emirates. We believe in the city’s ability to highlight Sharjah’s civilized role, which cares for all members of society and provides services that contribute to drawing a bright future for them. We, in turn, have pioneering experiences in empowering people with disabilities, which culminated in last year obtaining the certificate of the International Federation of the Handicapped for environmentally qualified places for people with disabilities (class A), where Shams became a friendly destination for people with disabilities”.

The delegation also visited the Occupational Therapy Center, which provides regular treatment services, consultation, therapeutic guidance, follow-up service, guidance, training and support for caregivers, group movement activity sessions for training on self-care and life skills. It also provides therapeutic horse riding, therapeutic swimming and hydrotherapy.

The tour included a visit to a number of departments and classrooms at Al-Amal School for the Deaf, in the presence of Ms. Afaf Al-Haridi, the school director. The delegation members learned about the accredited academic education that the school offers to deaf and hard of hearing students using the best educational methods and the latest technologies.

He added, “We will continue our efforts by holding more activities, events and workshops in which we aim to rehabilitate all those interested in the field of media, art and creativity, especially persons with disabilities of all categories. At the same time, this completes the role of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services of integrating these groups into society and creating better opportunities for them in the future”.

The Sharjah Media City delegation also visited Al-Wafa School for Capacity Development, where Dr. Samia Mohammed Saleh, the School’s Director received them.  The tour concluded by visiting the classrooms and the school’s drawing and music hall.

During the visit to the headquarters of the Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services, the members of the delegation learned about the centers and schools affiliated with the city, and the services and activities provided therein.

The delegation learned about the total number of beneficiaries in the city and the production projects made by people with disabilities such as the Art of Al Darzah (sewing), the Danat sweet project, Al Zahia smart farm project, etc.

After that, the two sides held a meeting in which an extensive dialogue took place on ways to develop relations between them, including the common interest, and in a way that contributes to supporting and developing the educational level in the city.

In conclusion, the city director thanked Sharjah Media City (Shams), praising its support and keenness to develop cooperation with Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services. She hopes for the continuation of this cooperation between the two parties.

Source: Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services

‫Vantage تفوز بثلاث جوائز في جوائز Forex العالمية 2022

سنغافورة، 25 سبتمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / —  حصلت Vantage ، الوسيط الدولي متعدد الأصول، على ثلاث جوائز في  جوائز الفوركس العالمية لعام 2022 – البيع بالتجزئة ، التي نظمتها Holiston Media .

Stephen Solares and Raymond Okafor, Business Associates for Vantage, at the Global Forex Awards Ceremony, Limassol, Cyprus, on 22 September 2022

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جوائز الفوركس العالمية 2022 – تجار التجزئة في إصدارها الخامس، وتكرم الشركات التي تستخدم أحدث التقنيات، وتقدم تداولًا منخفض التكلفة، وأدوات بحث سوق شاملة، وبرامج تعليمية متقدمة، وخدمة عملاء عالمية المستوى لمتداولي التجزئة.

يقول مارك ديسباليريز، رئيس قسم الإستراتيجية والتجارة في Vantage ، “يشرفنا أن نتلقى هذه الجوائز في جوائز الفوركس العالمية 2022 – البيع بالتجزئة. مرت Vantage بتحول هائل منذ تمرين إعادة التوسيم لدينا العام الماضي، وهذه الجوائز هي تأكيد للاتجاه الذي اتخذناه كعمل تجاري”.

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