Sponsoring EURO 2020 is the Inevitable Choice of Hisense’s Globalization Strategy

QINGDAO, China, July 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As the first major tournament after the pandemic, EURO 2020 has attracted great excitement. As the Official Sponsor, Hisense appeared together with subsidiary brands. “If the sponsorship of EURO 2016 is the preliminary global presence, EURO 2020 must be the commencement of Hisense’s various brands and products globalization,” said Jia Shaoqian, President of Hisense Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
Sports marketing has become Hisense’s strategic choice, and the key to elevating worldwide recognition, improving top-tier product recognition and driving sales. This ultimately fulfils the “overseas market contributes to the majority of Hisense revenue” strategic goal. Through sports marketing and continuous strengthening of the globally integrated marketing capabilities, Hisense consolidates the global presence and recognition.

Globalization strategy is a necessary choice

Having a formidable integrated market competence and a highly recognized market reputation are severe requirements to become a top sponsor. Hisense’s sponsorship revealed brand capacity and excellent reputation gained by sports marketing.
Hisense has built 16 R&D centres and 17 production bases, established 54 companies and offices worldwide, keeps expanding global sales and industrial layout since the initial phase of globalization strategy. Furthermore, through charity and sports marketing, it drives visibility for Hisense and achieves universal trust and esteem globally.
By 2020, Hisense’s owned brand revenue accounts for 78% of international marketing revenue. “After 30 years, Hisense is a successful multinational enterprise and a reputable international brand,” said Jia Shaoqian. “To become a globalization enterprise, comprehensive internationalization of product development, manufacturing, branding and marketing are key tactics.” As Hisense Chairman Zhou Houjian persists, strengthening the international marketing system, establishing a self-owned brand is Hisense’s unswerving development path.

Worldwide integrated marketing capability to accelerate globalization
“Having a comprehensive global marketing system and meticulous operational plans is the path to successfully driving enterprise globalization. The globalization of Hisense has been expedited through the accumulation of experience and efforts in five aspects,” said Zhu Dan, President of Hisense International Co., Ltd.

  • Hisense launched a range of marketing campaigns in Europe to maximize the sponsorship benefit: showcasing Hisense’s exclusive brand exposure at Festival Towers in Europe; launched “Trophy Tour”; driving traffic through Twitter giveaway campaigns and increased e-commerce sales. Through variety of campaigns, brand’s influence was successfully increased.
  • Quality controls: By building R&D bases globally, it enables localized production to ensure product quality.
  • Supply chain competence: By establishing global supply chain management centre, offshore bases and partner with local merchandising platforms, Hisense enhances the guarantee of cross-border transportation orders and on-time distribution rates of e-orders, ensuring consumers experience adequately.
  • Integrated system: Hisense utilizes global resources in R&D, manufacturing and sales to assure products’ qualification and meeting consumers’ needs.
  • The utilization of talents: Hisense believes that the foundation of technological innovation is the concentration and development of talents. Hisense has employed many advanced global talents in chip design, A.I and other areas to enhance technology and quality.
Hisense's Appearance in EURO 2020

Sports marketing aided product sales
Continuous dedication in sports marketing successfully boosts enterprise presence but also leads to better sales.
In comparison with EURO 2016, Hisense focuses more on product sales and marketing in EURO 2020. Benefiting from the sponsorship, from January to June 2021, Hisense’s laser TVs overseas sales rose by more than 10 times YOY. “Large screen, Ultra-HD, Perfect quality and World-class sound” are Laser TV’s remarkable features and reasons of choice.
Pang Jing, general manager of Hisense’s international marketing department, said, “Benefiting from the sponsorship experience in EURO 2016 and FIFA World Cup 2018, Hisense is more proficient and efficient in EURO 2020. By establishing more overseas corporates and comprehensive supply chain system, the capabilities of gathering global resources enable Hisense to achieve success in EURO 2020 marketing campaigns. Focusing on increasing product sales and brand reputation has become Hisense’s marketing goal in EURO 2020. Moving forward, Hisense will continue its efforts in sports marketing.”

Hisense is committed to sports marketing, insisting on long-term investment and globalization strategy. From sponsoring EURO 2020, FIFA World Cup to other sports events, through comprehensive capabilities and innovative products, it enables Hisense to maintain competitive advantage within the global market.

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8C-_7PwDU4
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1571339/Hisense_s_Appearance_EURO_2020.jpg
Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuE6pVOLzQs

الجاليات الإيرانية من حول العالم تنظّم فعالية تاريخية على الإنترنت لدعم الديمُقراطية والعدالة في إيران

قادة المقاومة الإيرانية يطالبون بمحاكمة خامنئي ورئيسي لدورهما في مذبحة راح ضحيتها أكثر من 30 ألف منشق سياسي

واشنطن، 9 يوليو 2021 /PRNewswire‏/ — يتم بثّ أكبر حدث دولي سنوي مخصص للعدالة وحقوق الإنسان في إيران، المؤتمر العالمي من أجل إيران حرة، عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ومحطات التلفزيون الفضائية خلال الفترة من 10 إلى 12 يوليو (تموز). وتستضيف هذا الحدث حركة حرية إيران، وهي أكبر الشبكات الداعية لتحرير إيران والتي تتمتّع بقاعدة شعبية كبيرة.

International leaders to join Iranian resistance movement at the Free Iran World Summit 2021, demanding accountability for Iran’s clerical regime and prosecution of its leading officials for their role in crimes against humanity.

وبعد النجاح الذي شهده هذا الحدث العام الماضي والذي استضاف ملايين المشاهدين من خمس قارات و177 دولة، سيتم بث الحدث على الهواء مباشرة ضمن قمة تستمر لثلاثة أيام حيث سينضم الإيرانيون وأنصار المقاومة من 50,000 موقع في 105 بلد ومن جميع أنحاء إيران إلى أعضاء من حركة مجاهدي خلق في معسكر أشرف-3.

 وفي الوقت نفسه، سيجتمع الآلاف من الإيرانيين عند بوابة براندنبورغ في برلين وسيعقدون اجتماعات في 16 عاصمة ومدينة رئيسية حول العالم، بما في ذلك باريس وواشنطن العاصمة ولندن وأمستردام وستوكهولم وأوسلو وفيينا وروما وبودابست وجنيف.

 وسيحضر القمة 1029 من كبار الشخصيات السياسية وأكثر من 250 المشرّعين من أوروبا وكندا ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، وهذا إلى جانب 30 عضوًا في الكونجرس الأمريكي و11 رئيس وزراء ورئيسًا و70 وزيرًا سابقًا من أوروبا والشرق الأوسط و30 من كبار المسؤولين الأمريكيين.

وسيتحد الحاضرون والمتحدثون في هذا الحدث للمطالبة بالمساواة والعدالة وحقوق الإنسان في إيران. ومن المتوقع أيضًا أن يدعو البعض علنًا إلى محاكمة رؤساء نظام الملالي علي خامنئي وإبراهيم رئيسي المُعين مؤخرًا بعد الانتخابات الإيرانية التي ثار حولها الجدل.

وقالت الرئيسة المنتخبة للمجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية مريم رجوي ردا على نتائج الانتخابات: “إن تنصيب قاتل جماعي ومجرم ضد الإنسانية كرئيس يعكس يأس النظام [و]ينذر بالإطاحة بالنظام الديني الحاكم. ولا بُدّ أن يواجه إبراهيم رئيسي العدالة أمام محكمة دولية”.

وستبدأ تجربة البث المباشر في الساعة 9 صباحًا بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدة، وسيُتاح للجمهور من حول العالم مشاهدة البث مجانًا على الإنترنت عبر أي من المواقع التالية:

  • Twitter: ‎@Iran_policy, @NCRIArabic, @hambastegi_meli
  • Facebook: ‎@IranNCR, @NCRIArabic, @HambastegiMeliIranian

حول المؤتمر العالمي من أجل إيران حرة 2021
يُعد المؤتمر العالمي من أجل إيران حدثًا سنويًا تنظمه حركة حرية إيران، وهي شبكة شعبية عالمية من المغتربين الإيرانيين والمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان وأكثر من 300 منظمة متحالفة تدعم الحرية والمساواة وحقوق الإنسان في إيران. لمزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة https://iranfreedom.org/en/freeiran.

سارة رحيمي
الهاتف: ‎+1 (571) 281-7167
حركة حرية إيران

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1560372/Free_Iran_World_Summit_2021.jpg

50,411 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in past 24 hours: MoHAP

ABU DHABI, The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) has announced that 50,411 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered during the past 24 hours.

The total number of doses provided up to today stands at 15,915,717 with a rate of vaccine distribution of 160.92 doses per 100 people.

The vaccination drive is in line with the Ministry’s plan to provide the vaccine to all members of society and acquire immunity, which will help reduce the number of cases and control the spread of the virus.

Source: Emirates News Agency

South Sudan is ready to write a new narrative, says Commissioner General for South Sudan at Expo 2020

DUBAI, South Sudan will turn 10 years old. It has been a difficult first decade, but it’s time for the world’s youngest country to map out a brighter future. The next World Expo in Dubai is a first step to changing the narrative, says Deng Deng Nhial, Commissioner General for South Sudan at Expo 2020 in an opinion piece: Monitoring the news has been a depressing business in South Sudan.

With headlines swamped with references to conflict and famine, and naysayers repeatedly doubting the durability of our peace agreement, it has not been easy for our country to look forward to a brighter future.

Civil war has brought a dark cloud over the nation, but all of us – civil society, our 64 tribes, women, youth, religious leaders – are tired of conflict. It hurts when we see its effects: poverty, lack of access to quality education and healthcare, and a dearth of economic opportunity. Every South Sudanese citizen knows that we cannot go on like this, and that such poverty is patently wrong in a country so rich in almost every other respect.

In my opinion, South Sudan is one of the wonders of the world: a country bursting with untold stories and untapped potential, from our outstanding biodiversity and prolific wildlife, to our fertile soils and huge agricultural resources, to our vast oil and mineral reserves.

We are a country of opportunity. To unlock this potential and create a better future, we must build on our progress so far, including the implementation of the 2018 Peace Agreement through the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) – a huge milestone for our country that rekindled the immense hope and excitement that surrounded independence on 9 July 2011.

Our priority must be to cement peace, but we must also educate the world about South Sudan, strengthen our relations with other countries and attract investment. We must tackle South Sudan’s reputation, using collaboration as a tool for political reconciliation and re-establishing the nation in a world that is growing increasingly globalised.

A massive international re-branding exercise is needed, and our participation at the next World Expo in Dubai, UAE, provides exactly that. Expo 2020 is an unrivalled platform for us to tell the world that we are at peace, to showcase our culture, our people, our heritage and our resources, attracting investors to different sectors of the economy and propelling us to the next stage of development.

The UAE, Expo’s host, is one of our most loyal friends. A staunch supporter of our peace efforts, it also provided 7.5 metric tons of medical supplies and testing kits to assist our efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 during the height of the pandemic.

Abu Dhabi is home to our only Embassy in the Gulf region and one of just 20 worldwide – a measure of the admiration we have for the UAE’s incredible vision and progress, and the value we place in its position as a global hub for trade, technology and tourism that can offer South Sudan direct access to markets across the world.

Expo 2020 Dubai will open up South Sudan to partnerships, enabling us to send our message to millions of people and collaborate directly with 190 other participating countries. It will provide a stage for us to set out our opportunities and challenges and discuss ways of working together with the rest of the world. For South Sudan, this is what the Expo 2020 theme of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ is all about.

Take the issue of food security, and how the world must feed an expected 8.5 billion people by 2030. South Sudan, with its 645,000 sqkm of land, 95 per cent of which is arable, needs to be part of this conversation, because with the right investment and the right infrastructure to deal with climate challenges, we can grow anything. We can become the breadbasket of Africa and still have enough fruits, vegetables and beef left to export to the rest of the world.

Look at the opportunities for ecotourism. Our rich lands are teeming with wildlife. Elephants, giraffes, lions and antelopes, including oryx, eland and more than 1.3 million white-eared kob, can be found across eight major national parks and 13 game reserves, while the UNESCO-protected Sudd wetlands swell to almost the size of the UK during the rainy season and are home to more than 1,000 species of birds. It is no exaggeration to say that South Sudan has the potential to rival the Serengeti.

In our oil, gas and mining industries, too, peace will help open up concessions after investment stalled during the war. South Sudan has estimated crude reserves of one billion barrels, and a wealth of minerals, including gold, iron ore, copper, diamonds and bauxite.

There are a multitude of possibilities, and we need to work together – with the world’s expertise – to help us grow.

Expo 2020 will be our launch pad, with our striking, all-white pavilion reflecting the fact that the real, peaceful South Sudan, is an undiscovered gem. The pavilion represents a blank canvas of opportunity, unfilled pages just waiting for the next, bright chapters to be written.

This Expo will be huge, not just for us, but for the entire continent of Africa. With every country having its own pavilion, the world has a real opportunity to pull together, to build bridges, attract investment, collaborate with the international community, assess global challenges, put our heads together and fix global challenges.

As for South Sudan, our dream of a peaceful and prosperous nation is as strong as it was 10 years ago. We may be a young country, but our people are passionate and inspired and determined, and the next World Expo will take this message to the world.

Source: Emirates News Agency

‘Man of Humanity’ award, recognition of Mohamed bin Zayed, UAE’s pioneering humanitarian role: Hamdan bin Zayed

ABU DHABI, H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler’s Representative in Al Dhafra Region, has said that the award given by the Vatican to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, “is a recognition of his pioneering humanitarian role.”

Sheikh Hamdan made the remarks following the announcement of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, as the recipient of the Vatican’s Foundation Gravissimum Educationis “Man of Humanity” award last week.

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed has been making strenuous efforts in international humanitarian and relief domains with tremendous contributions to instil values of peace and peaceful co-existence,” he said.

The award also recognises the UAE’s pioneering role in all humanitarian fronts, particularly the efforts to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world, Sheikh Hamdan added.

“His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is following in the path of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who devoted his life to humanitarian work at domestic, regional and international levels,” he said in conclusion.

Source: Emirates News Agency