‫(1170.48%) تغطية اكتتاب الأفراد في شركة التنمية الغذائية

الرياض، 1 أغسطس 2021: أعلنت شركة السعودي الفرنسي كابيتال، المستشار المالي ومدير الاكتتاب ومدير سجل اكتتاب المؤسسات، ومتعهد التغطية في طرح شركة التنمية الغذائية عن انتهاء الاكتتاب العام في أسهم الشركة يوم الثلاثاء بتاريخ 17/12/1442هـ، الموافق (27/07/2021م)، حيث بلغت نسبة التغطية في أسهم الشركة المطروحة للمكتتبين الأفراد (1170.48%) وبلغ عدد المكتتبين الأفراد (69,598) مكتتب قاموا بضخ (470,532,290) ريال سعودي للاكتتاب في عدد ستمائة ألف (600,000) سهم بسعر (67) ريال سعودي للسهم الواحد.

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وبناءً على ما نصت عليه نشرة الإصدار، فقد تم تخصيص ستمائة ألف (600,000) سهم عادي للمكتتبين الأفراد تمثل (10%) من إجمالي الأسهم المطروحة للاكتتاب العام، بينما تم تخصيص خمسة ملايين وأربعمائة ألف (5,400,000) سهم عادي للمكتتبين ذوي الطابع المؤسسي والتي تمثل (90%) من إجمالي الأسهم المطروحة للاكتتاب.

ونوهت شركة السعودي الفرنسي كابيتال بأن الجهات المستلمة سوف تعمل على إنهاء إجراءات رد الفائض في موعد أقصاه يوم الأربعاء 25/12/1442هـ الموافق (04/08/2021م)، وأن إدراج أسهم الشركة في السوق المالية السعودية سيكون بعد استيفاء جميع المتطلبات والإجراءات ذات العلاقة، وسيتم الإعلان عن تاريخ الإدراج في موقع السوق المالية السعودية “تداول”.

كافة المعلومات والتفاصيل المتعلقة بالاكتتاب متوفرة في نشرة الإصدار على الموقع الإلكتروني لهيئة السوق المالية  www.cma.org.sa والموقع الإلكتروني لشركة التنمية الغذائية www.tanmiah.com والموقع الإلكتروني لشركة السعودي الفرنسي كابيتالwww.sfc.sa.


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RAK Properties net profit rises 348% to AED120 million in H1 2021

RAS AL KHAIMAH, RAK Properties, one of the UAE’s leading property development and tourism infrastructure companies, has announced its financial results for the first half of 2021.

RAK Properties continued its strong performance, with profits increasing during the first half of this year by 348 percent, reaching AED119.8 million, compared to AED26.7 million in the first half of 2020, which reflects its successful strategy in overcoming the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Revenues from the real estate firm, which is listed on the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange, grew by 121 percent to AED265.1 million in the first half of 2021, compared to AED120.02 million in the same period in 2020.

The total income rose to AED106.58, million compared to AED11.4 million in the first half of 2020.

Revenues from development projects were AED131 million, which will be disclosed during the coming period according to the percentage of completion in the projects under construction.

Regarding the reporting of revenues, Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Zaabi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RAK Properties, said, “We are pleased with these results, that prove once again the strength of the real estate market in the UAE and the available investment opportunities that overcome all challenges, and thanks to the wise leadership’s decisions and directives regarding facilities and incentives aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the country and providing an attractive investment environment. The real estate market is on the verge of more exceptional performances during the coming period, with more projects to be delivered soon.”

In its statement, RAK Properties also announced two future projects that will be added to its portfolio, including the Bay Residence project on Hayat Island in Mina Al Arab, and Gateway Residence 2, a residential tower on Raha Island which is located within the Mina Al Arab project.


Source: Emirates News Agency

DAFZA records significant growth in sales revenue in H1 2021

DUBAI, The Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (DAFZA) has announced the results of its operational performance for the first half of 2021. The free zone achieved growth in new sales revenues with an increase of 8.3 percent, which resulted from the rise of 24 percent in the leased areas compared to the same period last year.

These record results are an extension of the strategic plan set by DAFZA at the beginning of 2021, which aims to target the recovering markets after lifting the restrictions on global trade movement in a post-pandemic environment. In addition, the results show an increase in demand for the logistic units and leasing by more than double when compared to 2020.

H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of DAFZA, said, “DAFZA’s strong performance in the first half of this year confirms its ability to attract and sustain foreign direct investments. As well as its strategic role in supporting the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, in positioning Dubai as the capital of the global economy. Our results were an expected response to the recovery of the global trade movement and the opening of markets, proving the high confidence the emirate enjoys globally.”

“The emirate will be hosting the upcoming major global event Expo 2020, which will shed light on the exceptional experience led by the UAE and the emirate of Dubai in directing and attracting investments and creating opportunities. This means the coming phase will be a promising period of recovery that will positively reflect on our economy and the other neighboring markets,” Sheikh Ahmed added.

DAFZA achieved strong results by launching a set of economic incentives and packages to attract new investors. This led to an increase in the number of registered companies by 88.4 percent compared to the same period in 2020.

DAFZA maintained its position as a preferred destination for multinational companies and succeeded under the current circumstances in increasing the number of registrations for those companies by 23.5 percent.

DAFZA also supported small and medium-sized companies by providing advanced solutions that create opportunities for commercial and service expansion in the region. As a result, DAFZA recorded an increase in the number of small and medium companies by 96.4 percent compared to the same period last year.

DAFZA’s total trade reached more than US$39 billion in the first quarter of 2021, with an increase of 4.7 percent compared to the same period in 2020. The free zone also achieved a trade surplus of AED 2.44 billion. As a result, DAFZA’s contribution to Dubai’s trade accounted for 11 percent during the first quarter of 2021, in which it maintained the same level in the first quarter of 2020.

Dr. Mohammed Al Zarooni, Director-General of DAFZA, said, “DAFZA’s achievements during the first six months of this year highlight its relentless pursuit and keenness to provide a single global business model, underlining its leadership as one of the most advanced and developed free zones in the world. The free zone also plays a key role in supporting the direction of the UAE and the emirate of Dubai in economic diversification, as DAFZA supports more than 1,800 companies across more than 20 economic sectors.”


Source: Emirates News Agency

Ajman University to host open days for non-Arab students from 14th-16th August

AJMAN, In a bid to assist in university admissions for Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and other students in the UAE, Ajman University will host exclusive open days for these students from 14th to 16th August, 2021.

The open days will be held at the Sheikh Zayed Centre at the Ajman University campus.

Ajman University will offer a 30 percent discount on tuition fees for the first academic year to these students and also a waiver of admission fees.

The offer is open to all applicants from various Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and other curricula, such as the CBSE, ICSE, ISC Boards of India; FBISE, Karachi and Lahore Boards of Pakistan; and the Bangladeshi National Curriculum, among others. This is an indicative list and the offer applies to all curricula from these countries available in the UAE.

As several of these boards are yet to announce final examination results, and there may be delays due to the pandemic, Ajman University will accept predicted scores, in lieu of the final scorecard for admissions.

“At Ajman University, it is our constant endeavour to create diverse and intellectually rich student cohorts. We welcome students from Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and other curricula to apply and take advantage of the numerous benefits Ajman University is offering to help them secure their academic futures,” said Dr. Karim Seghir, Chancellor, Ajman University.

During the open days, applicants can visit the centre and receive detailed guidance on the course of their choice, benefit from assistance in creating their application and avail a number of other benefits. Students may also apply online through the Ajman University website at apply.ajman.ac.ae.

To ensure everyone’s safety, all attendees must undergo a COVID-19 DPI, test which will be available free on campus, and observe all social distancing guidelines.


Source: Emirates News Agency

Zakat Fund reaches target revenue for H1 2021

ABU DHABI, The Zakat Fund has reached its target in collecting 76 percent of its revenues in the first quarter of 2021, totalling AED152,513,269.

Abdullah Aqeeda Al Muhairi, Secretary-General of the Zakat Fund, said that 101,855 Zakat givers authorised the fund to distribute their Zakat money through various channels, which was a 58 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

Traditional channels dominated the largest share of revenues, mainly through the Zakat Centre and bank transfers amounting to AED80,054,304, followed by revenues via smart applications totalling AED46,829,700, and electronic payments valued at AED21,639,957.


Source: Emirates News Agency