CGTN: Seeking happiness for the people: China’s journey to common prosperity

BEIJING, Jan. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Back in the 1980s, China allowed some people to get rich first to help others gradually achieve the national goal of common prosperity. Now common prosperity is the priority route to delivering happiness to all the people.

Seeking happiness for the people: China's journey to common prosperity

In 2021, China realized the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects (known as “Xiaokang” in Chinese) and got off to a good start during the 14th Five-Year Plan (FYP) period (2021-2025).

“To ensure that everyone leads a better life, we must never rest on what we have achieved, and there is still a long way to go,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his New Year address on Friday.

Following the blueprint

In the first year of the 14th FYP period, China implemented the blueprint with a focus on the people-centered philosophy and prioritized efforts to foster a new development paradigm, strengthen the role of innovation, and advance the green transformation of the social and economic development.

The people-centered philosophy has been the key to China’s remarkable achievements in the past decades and will guide the country toward common prosperity. After eliminating extreme poverty across the country and accomplishing the “Xiaokang” goal, China embarked on a new journey toward socialist modernization and national rejuvenation.

“On the journey ahead, we must rely closely on the people to create history,” Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said in a speech at a gathering marking the centenary of the CPC on July 1. He vowed that the CPC would address the people’s concerns and promote common prosperity for all.

Chinese leaders have stressed the importance of creating and accumulating social wealth on the one hand, and preventing polarization on the other. First, all Chinese people need to work together to make the “cake” bigger and better; then efforts should be made to divide the “cake” well through proper institutional arrangements, according to a statement released after the Central Economic Work Conference in December.

While putting more emphasis on the domestic market, China also reiterated its pledge to open wider and share development opportunities with the world.

Putting innovation at the center of its modernization drive, China made various scientific and technological breakthroughs such as the launch of the crewed spaceship Shenzhou-13, the landing of the Mars probe Tianwen-1 on the red planet, advancement in the chipmaking industry and leaps in quantum computing.

As green development becomes a priority, China repeatedly stressed its pledges to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, and released a series of policies to realize the goals.

In 2021, the country saw an odyssey of Asian elephants that caught global attention, pledged more investment to protect biodiversity, launched wind power and photovoltaic projects in desert areas, and reiterated its commitment to fighting climate change.

Xi’s top concerns in domestic tours

President Xi made 11 inspection tours around China during the past year, leaving his footprints in dozens of places. There were a number of key issues that Xi highlighted at these stops, which reflected some priority areas of the country’s development in the 14th FYP period and beyond.

From the 2022 Winter Olympics venues and remote villages to nature reserves and small companies, his visits demonstrated China’s commitment to advancing ecological progress and pursuing innovative, green and high-quality development.

“People,” “ecology,” “innovation,” “high-quality,” “security,” “culture,” “service,” “education,” “technology” and “rural areas” are among the top words and phrases Xi mentioned during his visits in 2021, according to CGTN analysis.

In each of his visits, Xi showed deep concern towards the people. He went to old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority regions, and places with poor infrastructure, fragile environmental conditions and victims of frequent natural disasters. He visited the poor, talked with local officials, inspected the conditions and reviewed the poverty alleviation work.

When visiting Guizhou Province in southwest China in February, he emphasized the importance of blazing a new path that prioritizes ecological conservation and green development.

He also highlighted protection of biodiversity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the ecological environment in the Yellow River basin and Saihanba – the once barren land located in north China’s Hebei Province that has turned into one of the world’s largest man-made forests – during his visits to Qinghai, Henan, Shandong and Hebei provinces and the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Amid an increasingly complex external environment, he called for efforts to deepen supply-side structural reform, build a new development paradigm and advance high-quality development on many occasions.

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‫”إعمار” تستقبل 2022 باحتفالات “أمسية الروائع” المبهرة ليلة رأس السنة في “وسط مدينة دبي”

– إعمار تستقبل العام الجديد باحتفالات مذهلة أرادتها تحيّة تقدير إلى دولة الإمارات ودبي من خلال عرض رائع للألعاب النارية، والليزر، والأضواء، والموسيقى.

العرض المميّز الذي نقلته وسائل الإعلام حول العالم ليشاهده قرابة 3 مليارات شخص، يحتفي بكّل ما تمثّل دبي من حيوية، وانفتاح وإبداع.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 1 يناير / كانون الثاني 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

نظّمت “إعمار”، شركة تطوير العقارات المتكاملة الرائدة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، احتفالات مبهرة ليلة رأس السنة في “وسط مدينة دبي” أطلق عليها اسم “أمسية الروائع”، احتفاءً بحلول العام الجديد 2022. حيث شهد برج خليفة عروضاً مذهلة للألعاب النارية مصحوبة بلوحات إبداعية من الضوء والليزر والموسيقى، تناغمت مع عروض “نافورة دبي” الآسرة، لتشكلّ مجتمعة عرضاً متكاملاً ومشوّقاً أدهش الحضور والمشاهدين حول العالم.


وهذه الاحتفالات الرائعة التي شهدها “برج خليفة” وأنارت سماء دبي، لقيت اهتماماً عالمياً واسعاً، حيث تابعها قرابة 3 مليارات شخص حول العالم بواسطة البثّ المباشر، ما جعلها واحدة من أكثر احتفالات ليلة رأس السنة مشاهَدة في العالم.

وفي هذا الصدد، قال محمد العبّار، مؤسِّس شركة “إعمار”: “تفخر “إعمار” باستعراض ما تمتاز به دبي من ابتكار وإبداع أمام الجمهور العالمي، ليس فقط من خلال احتفالات ليلة رأس السنة، بل ومن خلال تجارب عالمية المستوى أيضاً نعمل على ابتكارها على مدار العام. فدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة هي تجسيد لرؤية وقيادة حكيمة حقّقت من خلالهما على مدى السنوات الخمسين الماضية إنجازات مشهودة في شتّى المجالات والميادين، وشركة “إعمار” إنما تتطلّع قُدُماً للاضطلاع بدور بارز في مسيرة التقدّم والازدهار باتجاه مزيدٍ من الإنجازات خلال السنوات الخمسين القادمة بإذنه تعالى.”

ومن ناحية أخرى، احتلّت صحّة وسلامة جميع الحاضرين في احتفالات “إعمار” لليلة رأس السنة قمّة الأولويات بالنسبة إلى المنظّمين. حيث امتازت الاحتفالات بدقّة تنظيمها بفضل التعاون الوثيق بين مختلف الفرقاء المعنيين، ودعم ومساعدة الهيئات الحكومية في دبي، بما في ذلك “دائرة الاقتصاد والسياحة” في دبي، و”هيئة الطرق والمواصلات”، و”شرطة دبي”، و”الدفاع المدني”، و”هيئة الصحة بدبي” وجميع أعضاء “لجنة تأمين الفعاليات”، بالإضافة إلى كامل فريق عمل “إعمار”، والمورّدين، وعدد كبير من المتطوّعين.

وعلاوة على ذلك، أعلنت “إعمار” عن تمديد عروض الضوء والليزر الأروع على الإطلاق، حيث سيكون بإمكان الزوّار الاستمتاع بمشاهدة عروض احتفالات رأس السنة الجديدة يومياً على واجهة برج خليفة وذلك لغاية 31 مارس. وأما الأشخاص الذين لم يتمكّنوا من حضور الاحتفالات في “وسط مدينة دبي” أو متابعتها مباشرة ليلة رأس السنة، فباستطاعتهم الآن مشاهدتها عبر قنوات “إعمار” على منصّات التواصل الاجتماعي.

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CGTN: Looking forward to 2022, China vows never to rest on what it has achieved, ready for a long way ahead

BEIJING, Dec. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As China strides toward the second centenary goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects, 2022 will be another important year.

“To ensure that everyone leads a better life, we must never rest on what we have achieved, and there is still a long way to go,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping on the last day of 2021.

Since the year 2014, Xi has delivered New Year addresses for nine consecutive years, leading the Chinese people to look back at achievements and looking to the journey ahead.

China fulfills responsibility to history

After sending greetings to the Chinese people, the president continued his address with describing the year 2021 as “exceptionally significant”.

“At the historical convergence of the Two Centenary Goals, we have set out on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects and are making confident strides on the path toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” he said.

In 2021, China realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respect, the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrated its centenary, and the resolution on major achievements and the historical experience of CPC over the past century was adopted.

He announced on July 1 that China has realized its first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Poverty eradication is considered the “bottom-line task” in attaining this milestone development goal.

Realization of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and elimination of extreme poverty is what the CPC has delivered to the Chinese people, and it is also a contribution to the world, Xi said on Friday.

China’s fight against COVID-19 and contribution to the global COVID-19 response is another highlight.

Reviewing phone calls and virtual meetings with foreign leaders and heads of international organizations, he said that only through unity, solidarity and cooperation can countries around the world write a new chapter in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

To date, China has provided two billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations.

China ready for a long way ahead

“The world is turning its eyes to China, and China is ready,” Xi said when eyeing the coming year.

The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games are about a month away, making Beijing the first city in the world to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.

Noting that realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be no easy task, he stressed the importance of carrying out “bold self-revolution so as to gain the historical initiative”.

The sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee held in November reviewed the Party’s endeavors over the past century, setting a guideline for the Party to achieve national rejuvenation by learning from history.

The plenum also decided to convene the 20th CPC National Congress in the second half of 2022, a highly important event of great political significance for both the Party and the country.

“The concerns of the people are what I always care about, and the aspirations of the people are what I always strive for,” Xi said.

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World leaders laud Expo 2020 as beacon of hope, resilience and international solidarity

DUBAI, In the three months since opening its doors to the world, Expo 2020 Dubai has provided a beacon of hope for millions of people from around the world who have visited and participated, both physically and virtually, bringing together the international community in a show of resilience in uncertain times.

During those months, leaders and dignitaries from across the planet have attended the event, and their praise has been glowing – labelling Expo “a beacon for global optimism” and “an incredible accomplishment”, while highlighting its “vision” and how it has provided the world with “hope and a sense of dignity” and a “ray of light”.

Expo 2020 will continue to bring the world together during challenging times, with the need for resilience continuing in the face of the global pandemic, and demonstrating that, now more than ever, we need to keep pulling together as an international community.

A key moment will see Expo host the first Global Goals Week to be held outside of the United Nations in New York from 15th-22nd January – bringing to life the Sustainable Development Goals, as the push continues apace to create a better, fairer and more just world by 2030.

It will be the seventh Theme Week held under Expo’s flagship Programme for People and Planet, helping to drive positive action and crucial collaboration between nations from across the world, and embodying Expo’s theme and purpose of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’.

Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations, said: “At a time when there is a dark cloud, you have presented a real vision for what we can do to recover better, for how the world can look beyond the UAE – beyond your neighbourhood – into this global community. You’ve given hope and a sense of dignity to everyone that has participated in this Expo.”

Wavel Ramkalawan, President of the Republic of Seychelles, said: “[Expo 2020] is a beacon for global optimism, for responsible and sustainable world development, for nations standing together against adversity, for personal and collaborative creativity, for the unique beauty of human harmony and – most importantly – friendship, communication and recognition that – when it comes to determining a healthy future for planet Earth – we are all in this together, from the largest nation to the smallest.”

Participants are confident that Expo will spark ideas and innovations that will help create a cleaner, safer, healthier world for everyone.

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, said: “Expo gives us the possibility to develop innovative solutions not just for the good of our own country but for the global market and global good. It is a true opportunity for co-creation, for innovation. I’m confident that the partnership created here at the Expo will strengthen cooperation between Sweden and the UAE and the countries of the world, and that we will be able to generate new ideas and solutions together.”

His Majesty King Letsie III, King of Lesotho, said: “Expo 2020 Dubai will succeed in its noble mission of ‘Connecting Minds’, and as a result of that achievement, an incubator will be created that will hatch sustainable solutions to our common problems – solutions that will hopefully create a more prosperous and peaceful future for us all.”

Hosting the most significant global gathering – during a pandemic – has not been easy, but world leaders praised Expo 2020 for welcoming the world in a safe and responsible manner.

Emmanuel Macron, President of France, said: “We’re very happy to be here, and I want to congratulate the UAE for this Expo, because at a time when we see COVID-19, and so many threats and issues, organising the Expo here and making it a success – because it’s already a success – is good for your country. It’s good for everybody.”

Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General, ASEAN, said: “I congratulate the United Arab Emirates for successfully convening the global community together here in Dubai. By bringing the world together during this most challenging of times, the UAE demonstrates its leadership as a driving force for global cooperation and unity which is true to the theme of the World Expo 2020 of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’.”

Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation, said: “Pulling off the organisation of such a major event would be a major feat at any moment in time. But doing so in a period of uncertainty, such as the last 18 months, is an incredible accomplishment.”

Cooperation, resilience and solidarity will continue be of paramount importance in the second half of Expo 2020, which runs until 31st March, 2022, Expo 2020, with visitors invited to join the making of a new world in a celebration of human creativity, innovation, progress and culture.

Macky Sall, President of Senegal, said: “Our world, plunged into a deep economic gloom, certainly needs this ray of light to bring back some colour and help rebuild hope for a better future. In this sense, the universal Expo is both a showcase for nations and a factor for peace and dialogue between cultures and civilisations. This is what Expo 2020 is all about.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Ras Al Khaimah sets two Guinness World Records through 2022 fireworks show

RAS AL KHAIMAH, Welcoming hundreds of thousands of spectators from around the world, the Ras Al Khaimah New Year’s Eve Celebrations (RAKNYE 2022) dazzled all with a spectacular fireworks display that smashed two Guinness World Records.

Ushering in the New Year with a heightened spirit of positivity and optimism, the fireworks show was also a tribute to the UAE as it marks its 50th year of formation and an ode to Ras Al Khaimah’s growing stature as one of the region’s leading tourism destinations.

Rising majestically from the Arabian Gulf, the fireworks display featured innovative pyrotechnic drone performances, over 15,000 effects, spanning an area of over 4.7 kilometres. The 12-minute spectacle was specially choreographed to reflect the joy of reunion with six themes set to epic orchestral music. The symphony of lights and music provided the visitors, several of whom had been camping at designated spots with family and friends from the day before, one of the most enriching festive experiences.

A spokesperson of the organising committee said, “RAKNYE2022 is our tribute to the leadership and people of Ras Al Khaimah and the UAE not only as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our nation but also in preparation for the Next 50 Years. Delivering the message of hope, positivity, resilience and confidence, the fireworks display, and the New Year’s Eve festivities brought together people again to celebrate safely. With this event, we once again underlined the reputation of Ras Al Khaimah as the leading tourism destination that welcomes visitors from across the world.”

RAKNYE 2020 fireworks display was conducted in a six-act sequence starting with the countdown just before midnight setting the stage for an ephemeral theatre of wonder. Ushering in the New Year with a spectacular tower of lights at a height of 1,055.8 metres (over 1 km) taller than any building in the world. This was followed by the ‘Happy New Year’ message written in the sky with firework drones, the sequence lit up the arena in multiple hues. These two sequences broke two new Guinness World Records for Ras Al Khaimah.

The next sequence was a tribute to the UAE backed by orchestral music, celebrating the achievements of the nation and its people. The elegantly designed fireworks segued to the next act when hundreds of drones displayed the UAE’s 50th Anniversary logo with a brilliant display. What followed was another stunning show that defined the UAE’s ambition for the next 50 years.

The grand finale was in two parts – one a multi-colour display of lights followed by a super-massive expanse of white that illuminated the skyline of Ras Al Khaimah with the message of hope and ambition.

Setting the first Guinness World Records title for the ‘Highest Altitude Multirotor/Drone Fireworks Display’ was the tower of fireworks 1,055.8 metres high, taller than any skyscraper in the world. Using state-of-the-art drone technology, the specially designed fireworks was breathtaking in its scope and scale.

The second Guinness World Records title was for the ‘Most Remote Operated Multirotors/Drones Launching Fireworks Simultaneously’, when 452 drones launched fireworks simultaneously to create the ‘Happy New Year’ visual in the sky. For the feat, the organisers leveraged advanced pyrotechnics and integrated wireless technology, lighting up the shores of the emirate in majestic brilliance.

The fireworks shells for the show, with rapidly changing colours, were developed using a proprietary technology that continues to be closely guarded by the family-owned firework manufacturing business in Italy. More than 5,000 hours of work went into preparing for the show that also deployed over 130 sea pontoons and a fleet of hundreds of pyrotechnic drones.

Source: Emirates News Agency

DEWA announces new working hours at its Customer Happiness Centres

DUBAI, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has announced new working hours at its Customer Happiness Centres in line with the Government of Dubai’s decision to change the weekly work system in the emirate from the beginning of 2022.

Working hours at DEWA’s Customer Happiness Centres will be from Monday to Friday. Working hours at DEWA’s head office and Al Quoz Centre will be from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday, and from 7:30 to 11:30 am on Fridays.

Working hours at Burj Nahar Centre and DEWA’s Centre in Al Twar (Dubai Municipality) will be from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm Monday to Thursday and from 7:30 to 11:30 am on Fridays. The Future Customers Happiness Centre at Ibn Battuta mall will follow the mall’s working hours throughout the week.

DEWA provides all its services on its smart app and website ( Customers can enquire about or apply for a large number of DEWA’s services by reaching out to the Customer Care Centre round the clock on 04-6019999 (IVR).

They can also enquire through DEWA’s verified WhatsApp account, which is supported by Artificial Intelligence through Rammas, DEWA’s virtual employee. Customers can also interact with DEWA through Hayak for text and video calls, and Ash’ir for live video chats using sign language for People of Determination with hearing difficulties.

Source: Emirates News Agency