CCTV+: China Media Group president delivers New Year message to global audience

BEIJING, Jan. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China Media Group (CMG) President Shen Haixiong addressed the global audience on the first day of 2022, with the focus on the reflection of the CMG’s work over the past year and the group’s great roles in future news coverage.

“The New Year’s first ray of sunshine is illuminating the world. The new year is the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese lunar calendar. I would like to extend my best wishes from Beijing, wishing you a year full of prosperity and vitality!” Shen said.

Noting that the CMG has served as a witness to the remarkable past and recorded the country’s achievements through its dedicated work, Shen said that China’s overseas broadcasting services will continue this in 2022.

Shen also said that presenting China’s stories well to global audiences remains the CMG’s mission.

The CMG president said that reporting based on facts should be the fundamental principle of global journalists, and in the meantime, the group has debunked lies and myths in news stories regarding issues such as COVID-19 and Afghanistan.

He said the group has established a diverse and inclusive cooperation mechanism with international media partners.

The CMG president also referred to China’s scheduled hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games – the world’s biggest sporting event of 2022.

Shen said China Media Group is ready to bring the event to global audiences, with cutting-edge technologies and its newly-launched Olympic Channel.

“During the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, CMG broadcast the world’s first live coverage of Olympic events on a 4K Ultra HD channel. The channel attracted more than 400 million viewers within three months of its launch. In just over 30 days, the Olympic flame will once again be lit in Beijing, during Chinese New Year. With the technologies of ‘5G+4K/8K+AI’, CMG has set up a livestreaming carriage on the high-speed train from Beijing to Zhangjiakou, Hebei province. It’s the first tech solution in the world to record and broadcast with Ultra HD streaming on high-speed trains,” Shen said.

Shen also said that in 2022, the CPC will hold its 20th National Congress to draw a blueprint for China’s future.


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‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية: الصين تتعهد بتحقيق مزيد من التقدّم في عام 2022

بكين, 1 يناير / كانون الثاني 2022 /PRNewswire/ — يمثل عام 2022 أهمية كبيرة لدى الصين في إطار سعيها نحو تحقيق الهدف المئوي الثاني المتمثل في بناء دولة اشتراكية حديثة عظمى قوية في جميع الجوانب.

وقد ألقى الرئيس الصيني «شي جين بينغ» كلمة في اليوم الأخير من عام 2021، قال فيها: «لنتمكّن من تحقيق حياة أفضل لجميع المواطنين، علينا ألا نكتفي أبدًا بما حققناه في السنوات السابقة، فلا يزال أمامنا طريق طويل يجب أن نقطعه لنتمكّن من تحقيق أهدافنا الشاملة.»

منذ عام 2014، وعلى مدار تسع سنوات متتالية، جرت العادة على أن يلقي الرئيس الصيني «شي» كلمة للتهنئة ببدء العام الجديد؛ يحثّ فيها الشعب الصيني على استعراض الإنجازات المحققة خلال العام المنصرم وإدراك متطلبات المرحلة المقبلة.

الصين تضطلع بمسؤولياتها التاريخية

وبعد أن توجّه بالتحية للشعب الصيني، واصل الرئيس الصيني كلمته واصفًا عام 2021 بأنّه كان عامًا «بالغ الأهمية بالنسبة للصين».

وأضاف: «لقد قطعنا شوطًا كبيرًا في مسيرتنا لتحقيق الهدف المئوي الثاني، وبدأنا مرحلة جديدة من بناء دولة اشتراكية حديثة في جميع الجوانب نسير فيها بخطى ثابتة لتحقيق النهضة العظيمة للأمة الصينية.»

في عام 2021، حققت الصين هدفها المئوي الأول المتمثل في بناء مجتمع يتمتع بقدر معتدل من الرخاء في جميع الجوانب، كما احتفل الحزب الشيوعي الصيني (CPC) في هذا العام بالذكرى المئوية لتأسيسه، واستعرض إنجازاته الكبرى والتاريخية وخبراته الملهمة خلال المائة عام الماضية.

وكان الرئيس الصيني قد أعلن في 1 يوليو من هذا العام عن تحقيق الصين لهدفها المئوي الأول المتمثل في بناء مجتمع يتمتع بقدر معتدل من الرخاء في جميع الجوانب، واعتبر أنّ القضاء على الفقر هو «المهمّة الأساسية» التي يجب إنجازها لتحقيق الأهداف الإنمائية للبلاد.

وفي كلمته يوم الجمعة الماضي، قال الرئيس الصيني: «لقد قاد الحزب الشيوعي الصيني مئات الملايين من الشعب الصيني حتى تمكّن من إنجاز هدفه المتمثل في بناء مجتمع يتمتع بقدر معتدل من الرخاء والقضاء على الفقر؛ وهو ما يسهم أيضًا في النمو العالمي.»

وأضاف: «إنّ جهود الصين في مكافحة جائحة كوفيد-19، وما قدّمته من لقاحات لمختلف دول العالم يُعدّ إنجازًا آخر نفخر به.»

واستعرض الرئيس الصيني المكالمات الهاتفية والاجتماعات الافتراضية التي أجراها مع قادة الدول ومسؤولي المنظمات الدولية؛ مشدّدًا على أنّه لا يمكن لدول العالم أن تكتب فصلًا جديدًا في بناء مستقبل مشترك للبشرية إلا بالوحدة والتضامن والتعاون.

ومن الجدير بالذكر أنّ الصين قدّمت -حتى الآن- ملياري جرعة من لقاحات كوفيد-19 إلى أكثر من 120 دولة ومنظمة دولية.

الصين مستعدّة للمضي قدمًا نحو المستقبل

وفي ثنايا حديثه عن العام المقبل، قال الرئيس الصيني: «إنّ انظار العالم متجهة نحو الصين… والصين في أتمّ جاهزية للوفاء بالتزاماتها.»

ستستضيف بكين دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الشتوية 2022 بعد حوالي شهر من الآن، وبذلك تكون بكين أول مدينة في العالم تستضيف كلًا من الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية والشتوية.

وذكر الرئيس الصيني أنّ تحقيق النهضة العظيمة للأمّة الصينية لن يكون مهمّة سهلة المنال، وشدّد على أنّ تحقيق إنجازات تاريخية لن يتم إلا بالقيام بما وصفه «بالثورة الجريئة على الذات».

وكان الحزب الشيوعي الصيني قد استعرض في دورته الكاملة السادسة للجنة المركزية التاسعة عشرة (19)، والتي عُقدت في نوفمبر الماضي، الجهود التي قام بها الحزب خلال القرن الماضي، واعتمد المبادئ التوجيهية اللازمة لتحقيق النهضة الوطنية مستلهمًا الدروس التاريخية في مسيرة الحزب.

كما قرّر الحزب عقد المؤتمر الوطني العشرين (20) في النصف الثاني من عام 2022؛ وهذا المؤتمر يُعدّ حدثًا سياسيًا مُهمًّا للغاية لكل من الحزب والدولة.

وفي ختام كلمته، قال الرئيس الصيني: «إنّ احتياجات شعبنا هي شغلي الشاغل، وأسعى دومًا لتحقيق تطلعاته.»

رابط الفيديو:

UAE condemns Houthi attempt to target southern region of Saudi Arabia with bomb-laden drones

ABU DHABI, The UAE has expressed its strong denunciation and condemnation of the attempts by the terrorist Houthi militia to target the southern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with three drones carrying bombs, which were intercepted by Coalition forces.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), the UAE considered this to be a dangerous escalation and cowardly act that threatens the security, safety, and lives of civilians and called for taking all necessary measures to protect civilians from Houthi threats.

MoFAIC reaffirmed its solidarity with the Kingdom over these terrorist attacks and reiterated its stance against all threats to the Kingdom’s security, stability, and the safety of its citizens and residents.

“The security of the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is indivisible, and any threat facing the Kingdom is considered a threat to the UAE’s security and stability,” the Ministry noted.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Expo 2020 Dubai pavilions celebrate world’s lushness

DUBAI, A love of nature is something very much on display across a range of pavilions at Expo, with each offering their own interpretation of greenery, forests and animals.

The Singapore Pavilion, for example, houses more than 170 species of plants, as seen on everything from hanging gardens to vertical walls. To achieve this green, multi-layered landscaping look, many plants were procured from Dubai nurseries for pre-growing from 2019, and more than 150 trees and palm trees were planted on-site.

In the Malaysia Pavilion, visitors are surrounded by three ‘green walls’, or small vertical gardens, as they walk down the winding slope that leads them to the galleries within. A rainforest-style hall, surrounded by some 3,000 trees, immerses visitors with the visuals and acoustics of thunderstorms, fog and animal calls, as well as flowing water and abundant foliage, while 3D projection maps show the many famous animal species in the country.

Then the Sweden Pavilion, itself referred to as ‘The Forest’, features 2,500 cubic metres of wood from the Söderbärke locality, designed to reduce carbon emissions and express the Swedish way of life. The design channels the diversity and breadth of the forest, with small open spaces, and even treehouses. Sweden claims to plant more trees than it cuts down, with forests representing more than 70 per cent of the country’s landscape.

Next is the Cambodia Pavilion, with a virtual visit to the beach, and the sounds of waves and seagulls. Visitors can also learn about the agricultural sector, which is essential to the economy, and the most important crops and seeds produced by the country, as well as the tools used.

The Suriname Pavilion, representing the smallest country in Latin America – yet one where forests cover 93 per cent of the land – is also worth a look. Here, visitors can wander between waterfalls and greenery, learn about the local wildlife the state is trying to protect from extinction, and discover rare species.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Visa presale offers exclusive chance to purchase FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2021 tickets online

ABU DHABI, With just over one month to go until the opening match kicks off, Visa cardholders have the chance to purchase tickets starting 2 January 2022, at 12:00pm UAE time (GMT+4), during the exclusive Visa Presale for the FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2021 presented by Alibaba Cloud.

It will be the fifth time Abu Dhabi has staged the Club World Cup in the space of 13 years having played host in 2009, 2010, 2017 and 2018.

Fans have an exclusive opportunity to secure match tickets on by using a Visa card until 12:00pm UAE time (GMT+4) on 7 January. Visa, the Official Payment Services Partner of FIFA, is the preferred payment method for fan ticket purchases for the FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2021 .

A range of affordable tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Prices range from AED 20 for a Category 4 ticket up to AED 200 for a category 1 ticket for the final.

“As the FIFA Club World Cup approaches fast, it is a great source of pride for the sporting community in the UAE to welcome the world to the global sports capital of Abu Dhabi for such a prestigious event and play host to the continental champions of the world.” said Mohammed Abdulla Hazzam Al Dhaheri, spokesperson for the FIFA Club World Cup UAE Local Organising Committee.

“This tournament will serve as another great showcase of Abu Dhabi’s ability to host world-class events, while adhering to the highest safety standards to ensure the safety of fans, players, officials and all our guests. Our city has a proven successful track record of hosting major sports events in recent years, while prioritising the highest health and safety standards. Fans in the Emirates and beyond are set to enjoy an incredible tournament with world-class football. Through working closely with FIFA, we are sure everyone will enjoy watching a memorable tournament and new pages of the beautiful game’s history written in our city,” he added.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the host country will provide the required safeguards to protect the health and safety of all involved in the competition. Information on coronavirus safety measures for this event will be published soon on

The FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2021 will see the world’s top teams compete for the most prestigious honour in global club football in Abu Dhabi over 10 days in February.

All matches will take place in two stadiums – Mohamed bin Zayed Stadium and Al Nahyan Stadium.

Participating teams include the champions of Concacaf (Monterrey), UEFA (Chelsea), CONMEBOL (SE Palmeiras), the AFC (Al Hilal SFC), and CAF (Al Ahly SC), Al Jazira from the UAE and OFC representative, AS Pirae.

A last-minute sales phase, giving fans a final chance to purchase any remaining tickets, will take place following the exclusive Visa Presale. Tickets will be available via

Source: Emirates News Agency