‫ RedBlue Capital تبدأ جولة استثمار أولية بقيمة 28 مليون دولار مع شركة EVage المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية للمركبات التجارية الخفيفة الكهربائية بالكامل الرائدة في الهند

– واحدة من أكبر جولات الاستثمار الأولية في الهند

نيودلهي، 16 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — استثمرت شركة رأس المال الاستثماري RedBlue Capital ومقرها الولايات المتحدة مبلغ وقدره 28 مليون دولار أمريكي في EVage – الشركة المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية للمركبات التجارية الكهربائية بالكامل الرائدة في الهند لتوريد الشاحنات الكهربائية لأساطيل التوصيل الرئيسية مثل شريك خدمة التوصيل في أمازون الهند. تعد هذه من بين أكبر جولات الاستثمار الأولية لأي شركة هندية ناشئة وستسمح لشركة EVage بإكمال مصنعها الجاهز للإنتاج خارج دلهي في السنة المالية(FY) من عام 2022-23 وتوسيع نطاق الإنتاج.


هذا وقد طورت شركة EVage منصة للمركبات الكهربائية الجاهزة للصناعة تتجاوز جودة الخيارات المماثلة المتاحة في الهند والأسواق الناشئة الأخرى بتكلفة أقل بكثير، مما يؤدي إلى توفير كبير في التكلفة الإجمالية لمدخرات الملكية (TCO) لعملائها.

تستفيد منهجيات التصميم والتصنيع التي تعتمدها شركة EVage مما يقرب من عشر سنوات من ابتكارات الأجهزة والبرامج والعمليات مسجلة الملكية. ستقوم شركة EVage بتصنيع المركبات في

مصانع “التصنيع الدقيق المعياري” ذات الآثار الأصغر على البيئة ومتطلبات رأس المال الأقل من الشركات التقليدية المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية للسيارات.

أول مركبة لشركة EVage ، الطراز . X  (النقطة X )، هي شاحنة تزن طنًا واحدًا مصممة لسوق مركبات التوصيل التجارية، وتخضع لتحول جذري نحو العمل بالطاقة الكهربائية. تم تصميم الطراز .X وبنائه بالتنسيق الوثيق مع عملاء الأساطيل الأوائل بما في ذلك شريك خدمة التوصيل في أمازون الهند، الذي تُعد شركة EVage مورّدًا له.

“منصة شركة EVage للمركبات الكهربائية ومنهجيتها في تصنيعها شيء جديد تمامًا وثمة حاجة ماسة إليها لتسريع التحول للعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية في الأسواق منخفضة التكلفة. قال بريسكوت واتسون، الشريك العام في RedBlue Capital، إن المؤسسين اتبعوا نهجًا نظيفًا تمامًا للحصول على شاحنة تلبي احتياجات أساطيل التوصيل في جميع أنحاء الهند على أساس التكلفة الذي يتفوق على محركات الاحتراق الداخلي. “حقيقة أن مثل هذا المنتج المبتكر يتم استخدامه اليوم من قبل عملاء الأساطيل الرئيسيين يضع شركة EVage في مكانة بارزة في مجالها – هذا هو الفريق الذي يقدم فارقًا بالفعل.”

“تُعد الهند سوقًا يزدهر فيه الطلب على المركبات الكهربائية خاصةً في قطاع المركبات التجارية، ولكن ثمة نقص حاد في العرض. وهنا يأتي دور شركة EVage لسد هذه الفجوة الدقيقة. وأضاف أولاف ساكرز، الشريك العام في RedBlue Capital، “نحن متحمسون للشراكة معهم من خلال صندوق الهند للنمو الأخضر”. سينضم كلا الشريكين إلى مجلس إدارة شركة EVage.

قال إندرفير سينغ، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة EVage: “نرحب بشركة RedBlue Capital في مهمتنا لتعزيز اعتماد المركبات الكهربائية في الهند، مع ما يترتب على ذلك من فوائد اجتماعية وبيئية واقتصادية. عندما ابتكرنا منصتنا المعيارية متعددة المركبات عالية التكيف في عام 2014 ، كانت رحلة إلى المجهول. إن نجاح الشركات العالمية الجديدة المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية وتأثيرها على التحول للعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا إنما هو شهادة على ما يمكننا القيام به في الهند والبلدان الأخرى ذات الأسعار سريعة التقلب. “

وأضاف إندرفير قائلًا: “نحن نوظف العاملين لدينا بقوة من أفضل شركات السيارات والطيران في الهند وعلى مستوى العالم ونبحث عن الأشخاص الملهمين الذين يدفعهم الإيمان بالرسالة ويفهمون قيمة التحول للعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية في وسائل النقل حول العالم، ولا سيما في الأسواق الناشئة”.

حول EVage :

قامت شركة EVage بدمج تصميم السيارات مع براعة هندسة الطيران لإعادة تصور صناعة التنقل وتحويلها. وقد أدى ذلك إلى قيام الشركة بتطوير منتجات مبتكرة مثل لوح التزلج الفردي المعياري لتصميم أنواع متعددة من المركبات، وهيكل خارجي خفيف الوزن ولكنه قوي مغطى بمواد مركبة من الدرجة الفضائية، وبطاريات فائقة الاستقرار مع كيمياء متقدمة، وكلها مصنوعة في مصنع دقيق فائق الكفاءة.

توظف الشركة حاليًا حوالي 50 شخصًا من خلفيات الطيران والسيارات في مركزها للبحث والتطوير والروبوتات في موهالي، الهند.

لقراءة المزيد – www.evage.in

حول RedBlue Capital :

RedBlue Capital هي شركة رأس مال استثماري في مرحلة مبكرة تدعم الشركات العالمية الناشئة في قطاعات النقل والخدمات اللوجستية وتحول الطاقة. قاد المؤسسان الشريكان أولاف ساكرز وبريسكوت واتسون الاستثمار في Maniv Mobility حيث كانا مستثمرين مهمين في شركات التنقل الرائدة مثل Zoomo و Revel و Phantom Auto و Cognata و Autofleet، وغيرها الكثير. اقرأ المزيد على www.red.blue

للتواصل الإعلامي:

Sonali Bagchi

9873242084 -91+


Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1725923/EVage_One_Tonne_Truck.jpg

CGTN America launches ‘Together For A Shared Future’ media action

BEIJING, Jan. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — CGTN America launches the “Together For A Shared Future” media action. The program includes the video messages of high-profile guests, expectations from a senior IOC member and Olympic athletes on the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, as well as celebrations of Chinese New Year of Tiger in Washington, D.C.

China Media Group President and Editor-in-Chief Shen Haixiong delivered an online video message introducing the world to a state-of-the-art 5G livestreaming studio.

CGTN America launches 'Together For A Shared Future' media action

In his video message, Shen invites media colleagues from all over the world to use the studio, built on the high-speed train being used during the Games.

He says China is ready for the Games and “let us be together for a shared future.”

China’s Ambassador to the U.S., Qin Gang, also shared a special video message to ice hockey fans, saying that people love the sport because the game reflects “the sportsmanship of mutual respect” and “fair play”.

Ambassador Qin Gang also said that the Beijing Winter Olympics is using the best ice-making technology in the world, and will produce “zero-carbon emissions”.

Dick Pound, International Olympic Committee senior member, along with other Olympic figures, also shared their excitement for the upcoming competition in China.

Several American Olympic players, including three-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist Shawn White, said they were very hopeful for the upcoming Games, showing a great eagerness to compete in Beijing on the world stage.

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games coincide with the Chinese New Year. CGTN America launched a celebration of Sport, Unity and Happiness for the upcoming Year of the Tiger at the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.

Fans were treated to giveaways, including stuffed tigers and pandas.


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8RWCtuCdig

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1727249/CGTN_America_launches__Together_For_A_Shared_Future__media_action.jpg

Breakbulk Middle East to promote women’s effective participation in the industry

DUBAI, Breakbulk Middle East (BBME), the region’s largest breakbulk and project cargo event, will host the ‘Women in Breakbulk Breakfast, as part of its commitment to increase female participation.

The forum will feature top female executives, who will discuss ways to overcome challenges they face in the sector. They will also offer insights and tips to aspiring female professionals on how they can move up the ladder and change the male-dominated narrative within the maritime, project cargo and breakbulk industry.

Due to be held under the patronage of the UAE’s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI), on 1st and 2nd February at the Dubai World Trade Centre, BBME will bring together professionals including women from different sectors, enabling end-to-end supply chain dialogue.

Facilitating female participation in the dialogue about the future of the sector is essential for the development of the segment. By focusing on women leaders in the through the Women in Breakbulk Leadership Forum, the primary aim of BBME is to bridge the gender gap in the breakbulk and project cargo industry. It further aims to attract some of the brightest young female talents in this key segment.

Hessa Al Malek, Advisor to the Minister for Maritime Transport, Affairs, MoEI, said, “In a fundamentally male-dominated profession, we have seen quite a few women leaders rise to top management positions and even start their own ventures. This has largely been due to their individual efforts but also due to the support they have received. The UAE provides females equal opportunities as men to follow their dreams and establish their careers in the fields they choose. In line with our vision, I believe that Breakbulk Middle East has maintained an active role in inclusion of females through the Women in Breakbulk initiative, where aspiring professionals can witness first-hand the success stories of their counterparts.”

Nawal Yousef Alhanaee, Director of the Future Energy Department, MoEI, said, “Closing the gender gap is of utmost priority to enhance the business landscape. Introducing young female professionals to successful women in the sector will encourage them to be more enthusiastic about their field because they can envision themselves as top leaders one day. Breakbulk Middle East has introduced a wonderful platform to facilitate discussions on how the industry can encourage young women to choose a career in the sector. This will help develop local talent in the Middle East and create better organisational structures for the future generations.”

A 2021 survey conducted by Gartner Inc shows that women comprise 41 percent of the supply chain workforce in 2021, up from 39 percent in 2020. According to the survey, every leadership level saw an increase in representation, except the executive level that witnesses a slight decline. In 2021, women accounted for 15 percent of executive level roles, down from 17 percent in 2020.

Leslie Meredith, Marketing Director, Breakbulk Events and Media, said, “Bridging the gender gap is an ongoing challenge. Year after year, at Breakbulk Middle East, we ensure that we highlight this issue by addressing the challenges. Companies are becoming more aware due to the greater emphasis on Inclusion and Diversity; however, we still have to continue our efforts to spread awareness about roles in the industry that women can occupy, motivating them to be actively involved in the sector and excel at it. This year too, as part of the ‘Women in Breakbulk’ initiative, we will unite women leaders to share their perspectives on the skills that are important for continued success in the industry.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

Global leaders to join climate virtual ADSW Summit tomorrow

ABU DHABI, The ADSW Summit, hosted by Masdar and part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, will take place virtually tomorrow, January 17 between 1:00pm – 9:00pm GST. The ADSW Summit will convene more than 80 global leaders, including heads of state, policy makers, and international business leaders, as the United Arab Emirates aims to take the agenda global sustainability forward and accelerate pathways to net zero.

The opening sessions of the ADSW Summit will include a head of state address from Halimah Yacob, President, Republic of Singapore who will stress the importance of collective climate action and highlight the far-reaching impact climate change is already having on the lives and livelihoods of people all around the world.

ADSW 2022 is the first major sustainability event after the COP26 climate change conference, and acts as a global catalyst for COP27, which will be held in Egypt in 2022, and COP28, which will be hosted by the UAE in 2023.

The wider agenda for the ADSW Summit includes important sessions on the global energy transition, the future of transportation, the health energy nexus, carbon capture and storage, the blue economy, and the increasing importance of environmental, social, and governance criteria in making decisions.

The ADSW Summit will feature keynotes, fireside chats and panel sessions with other global leaders including; Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands; Sheikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Representative of HM the King for Humanitarian Works and Youth Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain, President, Bahrain Olympic Committee; Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization; Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, Group CEO & Managing Director, Mubadala; Ray Dalio, Co-Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Bridgewater Associates, LP; Mariam bint Mohammed Saeed Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment; Thomas J. Vilsack, US Secretary of Agriculture; John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate; Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan Al Nahyan, Minister of State.

Held annually since 2008, ADSW has become one of the latest sustainability platforms in the world, with more than 45,000 people from 175 countries participating in ADSW 2020. As a global platform supporting economic development, knowledge sharing and innovation, ADSW is aligned with the UAE’s ‘Principles of the 50,’ which chart a course for the nation’s prosperity over the next five decades.

As well as the ADSW Summit, events still to come at ADSW include the Opening Ceremony and the Zayed Sustainability Prize Awards Ceremony, the World Future Energy Summit, Innovate, Youth 4 Sustainability Hub, WiSER Forum, and the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum.

Source: Emirates News Agency

EcoWASTE 2022 begins Monday featuring 35 local, international companies

ABU DHABI, The eighth edition of EcoWASTE 2022 Exhibition and Forum kicks off tomorrow under the slogan “exploring future opportunities for waste management to achieve a circular economy”.

EcoWASTE 2022 will be held as part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week and organised with the strategic partnership of the Abu Dhabi Waste Management Centre (Tadweer).

The Exhibition will be open until 19th January at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) across 1,100 square metres, with the participation of more than 35 local, regional, and international companies, 12 of them participating for the first time.

As a strategic partner in the exhibition, Tadweer has invited all companies and specialists to visit the Exhibition to learn about the latest technologies in the field of waste management. During the Exhibition, they will get to see the most prominent projects that the Centre is working on based on its pivotal role in achieving the objectives of the UAE’s circular economy policy by adopting new, more advanced, and effective mechanisms in the field of waste collection, transportation, and treatment.

Dr. Salem Al Kaabi, Director-General of Tadweer, said, “EcoWASTE 2022 Exhibition and Forum is an important event in terms of strengthening joint efforts for confronting the challenges of sustainable waste management. The Exhibition provides a comprehensive platform for participants to exchange expertise and learn about the latest developments in waste recycling technology, in addition to providing opportunities to improve cooperation among various sides to move in calculated steps towards sustainable economic development.

“Waste management and treatment is one of the most common challenges facing the countries of the world, including the UAE, due to the constant growth in the economy and the population. This requires taking pre-emptive steps and innovative strategies to confront these challenges by employing the latest technologies to turn waste from an environmental burden into energy and products that could be used in various sectors and contribute to the national economy. With our participation in the event, we will shed light on the Centre’s role in achieving a sustainable future for the UAE and realise its ambitions for transitioning to a circular economy,” added.

Dr. Salem Al Kaabi will participate in various panel discussions, which centre on managing food waste, managing medical waste during the pandemic, and circular economy, across the three days of the EcoWASTE 2022 Exhibition and Forum.

EcoWASTE Exhibition will host the Waste Management Solutions Forum, scheduled to be held on 17th January, the keynote speech will be delivered by Dr. Salem Khalfan Al Kaabi, in which he will focus on the importance of the event and the desired results. will also review the UAE’s experience in transitioning to a circular economy, and the importance of strengthening public-private partnerships to keep pace with the accelerating challenges facing the waste management sector. The Forum’s programme includes a series of panels with the participation of a group of industry leaders and company representatives on topics of great importance. These topics include circular economy; rethinking product manufacturing and packaging strategies; circular economy; enhancing employment opportunities through B Corp certifications; how to use technology to design waste management services; the future of waste management; landfill reduction strategies; the importance of applying approved safety standards in waste management; and other topics.

On 17th January, the Forum will host a panel entitled “Circular Economy: Making Waste Economically and Environmentally Sustainable”. The panel will discuss revitalising the circular economy and providing commercial incentives that give real value to sustainable waste economically and environmentally. The second day of the Forum will include a speech by Mohammed Saeed Al Dehhi, Head of Collection and Transportation Projects Department at Tadweer.

On the final day of the Forum, Dr. Salem Al Kaabi will participate in a panel on “Landfill reduction strategies”, which will shed light on the steps needed to drive change in sustainable waste management. The opening speech of the final day will be delivered by Husain Ahmed Al Amoodi, Director of the Licensing, Tariff and Customer Service Department at Tadweer.

To emphasise the importance of applying safety standards in waste management, Dr. Hani Hossni, Director of the Environment, Health, and Safety Department at Tadweer, will give a presentation showcasing the Centre’s expertise in this field, followed by another presentation entitled “Transforming Waste Into Biofuel” by Dr. Udayan Banerjee, Policies and Legislations Specialist at Tadweer.

The Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, which will be held from 15th-19th January 2022, is a global platform hosted by Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) with the goal of accelerating the pace of sustainable development.

Source: Emirates News Agency

80 percent growth in bank deposits in 10 years: Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre

ABU DHABI, Deposits at UAE banks grew 80% to AED1,884 bn in 2020 from AED1,049 bn in 2010, according to a report by the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre.

The report, which documents the developments witnessed by the banking sector over the past decades, highlights the steady growth in bank deposits to AED1.471 trillion in 2015 from AED1.049 trillion in 2010.

The document indicated that the number of commercial banks operating in the UAE totalled 58 in 2020 against 51 in 2010. It highlighted the major mergers between a number of national banks that produced the likes of Emirates NBD in 2007 and FAB in 2017 as well as the merger involving the Union, and Hilal banks with the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, and the Dubai Islamic Bank’s acquisition of Noor Bank in 2020.

The report highlighted the fast pace of economic, urban and social development in the UAE over the past five decades and the resultant impact on the insurance sector, which represents one of the key drivers of the Gross Domestic Product.

The licensed companies working in the insurance sector increased from 238 in 2010 to 314 in 2015 to 406 in 2020, according to the report.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Tunisia beat Mauritania 4-0 to revive Afcon Round of 16 hopes

YAWUNDE, Tunisia revived their hopes of reaching the Round of 16 after beating Mauritania 4-0 in an Africa Cup of Nations fixture at Limbe Stadium on Sunday.

It was Hamza Mathlouthi who put them ahead in the sixth minute before captain Wahbi Khazri grabbed a brace in the eighth and 64th minute and Seifeddine Jaziri sealed the emphatic Group F victory with a wonderful effort in the 66th minute.

Having lost their opening fixture against Mali by a solitary goal and in a controversial manner, Tunisia started the game against the Lions of Chinguetti with urgency and it was not a surprise when they took the deserved lead with only six minutes played.

The win left Tunisia third on three points from two matches while the Gambia, who will later take on Mali, are top of the group with four points.

In the meantime, a stoppage-time clanger from goalkeeper Badra Ali Sangare meant Ivory Coast could only draw 2-2 with Sierra Leone at the Africa Cup of Nations.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Mohammed bin Rashid meets with President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea

DUBAI, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, today met with the President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in and his accompanying delegation at Expo 2020 Dubai.

During the meeting, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid praised the strategic partnership between the UAE and the Republic of Korea, and the keenness of both countries to further boost bilateral relations in various areas.

“The strategic partnership between the UAE and the Republic of Korea provides many opportunities to enhance cooperation in various fields, including the economy, trade, food security, health, culture, space, energy and tourism,” His Highness said, noting that the UAE is the Republic of Korea’s top trade partner in the region.

“We are proud of the strategic cooperation between the UAE and the Republic of Korea. Prominent strategic projects such as the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant are proof of the depth of relations between the two friendly nations. We also appreciate the active participation of the Republic of Korea pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai,” H.H. Sheikh Mohammed added.

The relations between the UAE and the Republic of Korea have witnessed significant progress in a number of vital sectors, with the volume of non-oil trade between the two countries reaching $4.8 billion in 2020, His Highness said. “During the next phase, we plan to draw up plans to further expand cooperation in areas of common interest, as well as explore development opportunities in priority sectors,” Sheikh Mohammed said.

Attending the meeting were H.H. Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; H.H. Lt. General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior; H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs; H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and Chairman of Emirates Airline & Group; H.H. Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum; and Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence.

President Moon Jae-in thanked His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, for the hospitality, highlighting the strong ties between the two friendly countries.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and President Moon Jae-in witnessed the signing of agreements and several Memorandums of Understanding (MoU’s). An MoU was signed between the UAE Ministry of Defence and the Republic of Korea’s Defence Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA) on medium and long-term cooperation in the fields of defence industries and technology. The MoU was signed by Major General Dr. Mubarak Ghafan Al Jabri, Assistant Under-Secretary for Support and Defence Industries at the UAE Ministry of Defence and Kang Eun-Ho, Korea’s Minister of Defence Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA).

UAE’s Tawazun Economic Council (Tawazun) signed an MoU with Korea’s LIG Nex1 Co. The MoU was signed by Muammar Abdulla Abushehab, CEO of Tawazun Technology and Innovation (TTI) and Hyeonsoo Lee, Executive Vice President of Global Business Group.

Two MoU’s between UAE’s Tawazun and Korea’s Hanwha Systems Co. were signed by Muammar Abdulla Abushehab and Son Jae-il, CEO of Hanwha Systems.

Additionally, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and President Moon Jae-in witnessed the signing of three agreements between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and a number of Korean entities. They include a Framework Agreement between ADNOC and the Export – Import Bank of Korea signed by Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Managing Director and Group CEO of ADNOC, and Moon –Kyn Bang, Chairman and President of The Export – Import Bank of Korea.

A Joint Study Agreement was signed between ADNOC, KNOC and SK Gas hydrogen/ammonia and another agreement between ADNOC and KNOC on ammonia cargo.

Source: Emirates News Agency

COVAX delivers its 1 billionth COVID-19 vaccine dose

GENEVA, A global initiative to ensure the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across the world has completed the delivery of its one billionth dose.

On 15th January 2021, a shipment of 1.1 million COVID-19 vaccines to Rwanda included the billionth dose supplied via COVAX, according to a press release issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Sunday.

COVAX is co-led by Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi (The Vaccine Alliance) and WHO, alongside key delivery partner the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

“Together with our partners, COVAX is leading the largest vaccine procurement and supply operation in history, with deliveries to 144 countries to date. But the work that has gone into this milestone is only a reminder of the work that remains,” said WHO.

The WHO press release revealed that as of 13th January 2022, out of 194 Member States, 36 WHO Member States have vaccinated less than 10 percent of their population, and 88 less than 40 percent.

COVAX’s ambition was compromised by hoarding/stockpiling in rich countries, catastrophic outbreaks leading to borders and supply being locked. And a lack of sharing of licences, technology and know-how by pharmaceutical companies meant manufacturing capacity went unused.

COVAX is working with governments, manufacturers and partners to ensure that when countries receive vaccines they can get them to people quickly.

“With updated vaccines in the pipeline, now is the moment for all citizens to demand that governments and pharmaceutical companies share health tools globally and bring an end to the death and destruction cycles of this pandemic, limit new variants and drive a global economic recovery,” WHO affirmed.

Source: Emirates News Agency