‫”دار الأركان” توقع اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع شركة “كومباس” لاستشارات المشاريع لتأسيس شركة استشارية متكاملة لتطوير المشاريع العقارية

أول شركة استشارية لتطوير المشاريع العقارية والإشراف عليها في المملكة العربية السعودية ومدعومة من  أحد أكبر شركات التطوير العقاري في المنطقة

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية، 12  ديسمبر 2021: وقعت شركة “دار الأركان” اتفاقية شراكة مع شركة “كومباس” لاستشارات المشاريع لتأسيس واحدة من أكثر الشركات الاستشارية لتطوير المشاريع العقارية طموحاً في المملكة العربية السعودية ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. وللمرة الأولى، سيعمل مطور عقاري سعودي رائد على تأسيس شركة إقليمية متخصصة في إدارة المشاريع العقارية، لتعزيز خدمات الاستحواذ على حقوق إدارة العقارات وتطويرها والإشراف عليها.

From left - Nawfal Khudairy, Chairman of Compass, Luke Sommerville, Managing Director of Compass, Ziad El Chaar, Vice Chairman of Dar Al Arkan Properties

وفي هذا السياق، قال زياد الشعار نائب رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة دار الأركان للتطوير العقاري: “نحن فخورون للغاية بتوقيع اتفاقية الشراكة الطموحة هذه والتي تجمع بين خبرات اثنتين من أفضل الشركات وأكثرهم ريادة  في القطاع العقاري. وستتيح الاتفاقية لشركة ‘دار الأركان’ تقديم دعمها لشركة ‘كومباس’ ورفدها بالرؤى المدروسة والخبرات العميقة لتطوير المشاريع العقارية والتي تمنحها فرصة الارتقاء بأعمالها إلى آفاق جديدة. وستحرص شركتنا  على تقديم خدمات التطوير والشراء وتنمية الأعمال لهذه الشراكة الجديدة”.

 من جانبه قال نوفل خضيري رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة “كومباس“: “تنسجم اتفاقية الشراكة الاستراتيجية مع طموحاتنا المستمرة وستعزز قدرتنا على تقديم الخدمات المدعومة من المطورين لعملائنا. كما ستمكننا معاً من التعاون في القطاع العقاري بالمنطقة بأسلوب متكامل وتحقيق عوائد عالية على مستوى حقوق الملكية مع استقطاب أفضل المشاريع”.

 وأضاف لوك سومرفيل، العضو المنتدب في شركة “كومباس”: “وقع اختيارنا على شركة دار ‘الأركان’ أحد أبرز شركات التطوير العقاري وأكثرها ابتكاراً في المنطقة انطلاقاً من التزامنا بترسيخ  قيمنا الرئيسية في كل تفصيل من أعمالنا، وحرصنا على تطوير منهجية عمل تؤسس منظومة عالمية المستوى من الخدمات عالية الكفاءة للعملاء وترتقي بإمكانات فريق العمل. وعبر تعاوننا معها، سنتمكن من دخول مرحلة النمو المقبلة. ونعتزم معاً الإعلان عن خدمات الشركة وقطاعات أعمالها ونطاق حضورها في المستقبل القريب، إذ نعمل على ترسيخ دعائم شراكة شاملة ورؤية مشتركة لتحسين البيئات العمرانية، والمجتمعات في نهاية المطاف”.

حول دار الأركان العقارية

دار الأركان العقارية هي ذراع التطوير العقاري لشركة دار الأركان للتطوير العقاري، وهي شركة مساهمة عمرها 26 عاماً مدرجة في السوق المالية السعودية (تداول)، تتخذ من العاصمة الرياض مقراً لها وتعتبر أكبر المطورين العقاريين في المملكة. ترتكز دار الأركان العقارية على تطوير مساكن مصممة بأناقة تديرها بطريقة متميزة، ومراكز تجارية في مواقع استراتيجية في المملكة. وهي تمتلك سجل حافل يتضمن تطوير وتسليم 15,000 وحدة سكنية وما يناهز 500,000 متر مربع من المساحات التجارية، وهي تعكف حالياً على توسيع نطاق أعمالها في جميع أنحاء المملكة وتوسيع وجودها عالمياً في إمارة دبي بالإمارات العربية المتحدة والبوسنة. www.daralarkan.com

 حول “كومباس”

بحضورها الإقليمي وخبراتها في قطاعات عديدة، تقدم “كومباس” للعملاء حلول تطوير المشاريع المصممة حسب احتياجاتهم والقادرة على تقديم الدعم المستمر منذ وضع خطط المشروع الأولى حتى مراحل تنفيذه واستكماله وتسليمه. وتتمتع الشركة بمكانة مرموقة ضمن قطاع البناء والتشييد، والإكساء، والخدمات الهندسية والتصميم. وتنوب “كومباس” عن عملائها في قيادة فرق الشركات الاستشارية، والأطراف المعنية، وشركات المقاولات والموردين لتخطي أي مخاطر أو عقبات تعترض مراحل إنشاء المشاريع، وتقدم المشاريع عالية الجودة وفق الجداول الزمنية والميزانيات المحددة. وفازت “كومباس” بجائزة أفضل شركة لإدارة المشاريع للعام خلال حفل توزيع جوائر الشركات الاستشارية في الشرق الأوسط 2020.

 للاستفسارات الإعلامية، يرجى التواصل مع المكتب الإعلامي:  Nora Feidi, nora.feidi@bcw-global.com, +971.4.450.7600

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1707787/Dar_Al_Arkan.jpg

Chevron Lummus Global and Saudi Aramco Sign LC-HOPI+ Collaboration and Licensing Agreement

RICHMOND, Calif., Dec. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Chevron Lummus Global LLC (CLG) and Saudi Aramco announced that they have signed a Joint Collaboration and License Agreement to co-develop and license Saudi Aramco’s Heavy Oil Processing Initiative (HOPI+) technology.

HOPI+ aims to achieve relatively higher conversion of vacuum residue and other available heavy feeds, including incremental crude, using CLG’s LC-FINING platform (jointly referred to as LC-HOPI+). The LC-HOPI+ innovative process is expected to help minimize both CAPEX and OPEX and significantly improve margins for bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading.

CLG Logo

In 2019, Saudi Aramco joined CLG at its research and development facility in Richmond, California, to create and develop the initial concept pilot testing. Success there led to further HOPI+ evaluations against different process schemes, which further helped quantify the technology’s added value.

“HOPI+, combined with CLG’s LC-FINING platform, is an innovative concept that simultaneously increases crude throughput and converts residue to valuable transportation fuels and petrochemical feedstock while minimizing capital and energy,” said Ujjal Mukherjee, Managing Director, CLG. “The initiative further strengthens the relationship between Saudi Aramco and CLG as we develop, pursue and commercialize new and innovative technology.”

“This collaboration with Chevron Lummus Global reflects the focus of Saudi Aramco on breakthrough technologies that generate added value across the hydrocarbon chain,” said Motaz Al-Mashouk, Executive Director, Saudi Aramco.

Chevron Lummus Global and Saudi Aramco now intend to co-develop LC-HOPI+ technology before global commercialization by CLG.

About Chevron Lummus Global
Chevron Lummus Global (CLG), a joint venture between Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and Lummus Technology, is a leading process technology licensor for refining hydroprocessing technologies and alternative source fuels, as well as a global leader in catalyst system supply. CLG offers the most complete bottom-of-the-barrel solution for upgrading heavy oil residues. Our research and development experts are continuously seeking advancements in technology and catalysts that will improve operating economics for your next project. For more information, visit www.chevronlummus.com.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1372812/CLG_fullcolor.jpg

‫شركة استرازينيكا المشرق العربي يُعترف بها كواحدة من أفضل أماكن العمل في مجال الأدوية لعام 2021

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 12ديسمبر / كانون أول 2021 /PRNewswire/ — تم الاعتراف مؤخرًا بشركة استرازينيكا المشرق العربي https://edenred.ae/، التابعة لشركة الأدوية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية متعددة الجنسيات، كواحدة من أفضل أماكن العمل في الأردن ولبنان والعراق. وتأتي هذه الشهادة نتيجة لتحليل مستقل أجرته منظمة أفضل أماكن العمل (Best Places to Work) ويلقي هذا التحليل الضوء على تفاني الشركة في الحفاظ على ثقافة مكان العمل المتميزة.

أفضل أماكن العمل هو بمثابة برنامج شهادات دولي، يعتبر “المعيار البلاتيني” في تحديد أفضل أماكن العمل في جميع أنحاء العالم والاعتراف بها، مما يوفر لأصحاب العمل الفرصة لمعرفة المزيد حول مشاركة موظفيهم ورضاهم، وتكريم أولئك الذين يقدمون خبرة عمل مميزة تتمتع بأعلى المعايير فيما يتعلق بظروف العمل.

وصرح رامي سكاندار، الرئيس القطري لاسترازينيكا في الشرق الأدنى وبلاد المغرب العربي، قائلًا: “نعتقد في استرازينيكا الشرق الأدنى والمغرب العربي، أن الأشخاص الذين يقفون وراء الأرقام أكثر أهمية من الأرقام نفسها. ونضمن لكل من يختار العمل في شركتنا أن يصل إلى إمكاناته الكاملة ويقدم مساهمة قيمة للمؤسسة. وأنا أيضًا فخور بالحفاظ على هذه الجائزة للبنان والأردن والعراق، ولكن أتطلع إلى توسيعها لتشمل المزيد من البلدان ضمن مجموعة الشرق الأدنى وبلاد المغرب العربي، وتعزيز صورة استرازينيكا كصاحب عمل مفضل ومكان رائع للعمل (Great Place to Work)”.

وصرحت نهى زانون، مديرة الموارد البشرية لاسترازينيكا في الشرق الأدنى وبلاد المغرب العربي، قائلة: “تعلمنا، خلال العامين الماضيين من التحديات، أن الأمر لا يتعلق بالأداء والتنمية فحسب، بل أيضا بالتركيز على رفاهية شعبنا من أجل التغلب على نضالاته اليومية، وتسهيل بيئة شاملة وجذابة، حيث يمكنهم التفوق على أنفسهم.  فالأمر يتعلق بجذب واستبقاء الأشخاص ذوي المهارات المناسبة الذين يشاركوننا قيمنا، مما يوفر لهم الفرصة للتعلم والتطور”.

“عمل رائع يا فريق استرازينيكا المدهش في لبنان! أنتم تستمرون في إثبات أن فريق لبنان يمكنه تحقيق أفضل النتائج في أي ظرف من الظروف، ومن خلال العيش بقيم استرازينيكا وكونها جوهر لثقافة صحية ورائعة، هذه الثقافة تميزنا عن جميع شركات الأدوية في لبنان، مما يدفعنا للبقاء في هذا السوق لتحقيق أكبر نتيجة لبلدنا ومرضانا”.  صرح بذلك أغنار أبو جود، المدير التجاري لشركة استرازينيكا في لبنان.

وصرح أيضًا ديزي عبد الكريم، المدير القطري للأردن، قائلًا:  “تهانينا لفريقنا الشاب المفعم بالحيوية في استرازينيكا الأردن! أنتم حقًا مبتكرونا الذين يلهموننا كل يوم من خلال عملكم، ويدفعون لتغطية الاحتياجات غير الملباة للعملاء من خلال العلم، مما يساعد على تحسين صحة وحياة الملايين من المرضى في جميع أنحاء البلاد. لم يتم الوصول إلى قمة النجاح في قفزة واحدة، ولكن في سلسلة من الخطوات الحازمة من خلال أشخاص عازمين على النجاح”

كما صرح أيمن رحال، المدير القطري للعراق، قائلًا” “نركز أساسًا في استرازينيكا العراق على أن يكون شعبنا هو رصيدنا الرئيسي. لقد تطوروا لفهم ما هو العمل الحقيقي، وما يهم أكثر وفكروا بشكل مستقل. ويعود الفضل في ذلك إلى المديرين التنفيذيين والفرق العمل المشتركة الذين رعوا ثقافة قوية من القيمة والإدماج،  مُكرسين جهودهم لبناء منظمة موثوقة تحتضن التنوع وتعطي مجالًا لمزيد من التطوير والتعلم”.

نبذة عن برنامج أفضل أماكن العمل:

تمثل أفضل أماكن العمل الشهادة الأكثر تحديدًا “لاختيار صاحب العمل”، وهي الشهادة التي تطمح المنظمات في الحصول عليها. ويصادق البرنامج على أماكن العمل الرائدة في العديد من البلدان حول العالم من خلال تقييم الملكية الذي يحلل جاذبية الشركة من خلال عملية من خطوتين تركز على 8 جوانب لمكان العمل.

لمزيد من المعلومات بشأن البرنامج، يُرجى زيارة:www.bestplacestoworkfor.org

للتواصل الإعلامي: حمزة إدريسي hamza@bestplacestoworkfor.org |
6562 895 208 44+

MoIAT, MBZUAI boost UAE’s industrial capacity in 4IR

ABU DHABI, The UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT), in collaboration with Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), has concluded a new advanced workshop designed to enhance the nation’s industrial capacity in Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies.

The course, Industry 4.0 and AI for Industrial Leaders, aims to develop knowledge and skills around the incredible power of AI in smart manufacturing and how it helps the implementation of the UAE’s industrial strategy. The program’s developers aim to raise awareness on Industry 4.0’s core elements, concepts, trends and values.

The key objectives of the program are to help participants gain an understanding of I4.0 and the role of AI in industry; to position I4.0 and AI in the UAE Vision 2071 from a business leadership perspective; to acquire the necessary knowledge and methods to incorporate I4.0 in strategy development; and to build a long-term productive relationship with industry leaders and business owners.

Spanning three days, the virtual workshops included the study of successful case studies applied in the UAE, and ways to educate on the basic elements of AI, its trends, and its impact. Moreover, it emphasised the role of advanced technology in the industrial sector through the Industry 4.0 program launched by MoIAT as part of Projects of the 50, which is designed to stimulate the adoption of Fourth Industrial Revolution solutions in the UAE industrial sector.

Mohammed Al Qasim, Director of Science and Technology Adoption and Development at MoIAT, said, “It is our mandate to help companies in the industrial sector innovate and adopt advanced technology solutions, in collaboration with strategic partners such as the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence.

Al Qasim continued, “The workshop is aligned with the ministry’s goals of building an active economy, achieving digital, technical and scientific excellence, and positioning the UAE as a hub for talents and investments. It will play a crucial role in sharpening capabilities in the industrial sector and honing the skills of leaders in both public- and private-sector entities.”

The workshop has been designed to help achieve the objectives of UAE Industry 4.0, which aims to raise the level of industrial productivity in the UAE by 30 percent and add AED25 billion to the national economy over the next 10 years, enhancing the country’s global competitiveness.

MBZUAI President, Professor Eric Xing, commented, “The big picture is that implementation of AI systems promises to improve the quality of industrial inputs and increase regional and international competitiveness. There is massive capacity for the impact of machine learning in the space of intelligence manufacturing as well–as systems get smarter, waste can be reduced, and smart human decisions can be supplemented with big data.

“Workshops such as this help put governmental and industrial decision makers in direct contact with global experts who can help illuminate how AI can be a competitive advantage, and they can help kick off the kind of peer communities needed to make implementation of AI a sustainable force for the country’s continued progress.”

Participants in the workshop included leaders involved in various industry verticals and leaders looking to target AI product development, service delivery, policymaking, or potential industries. Leaders came from areas most likely to be impacted from AI, including manufacturing and industry executives and leaders, manufacturing business owners, and digital transformation leaders in industry.

Two faculty members from MBZUAI led the sessions, Associate Professor of Machine Learning, Dr. Martin Takac, and Assistant Professor of Computer Vision, Dr. Mohammad Yaqub. Keynote speakers included the Head of Technology Adoption at the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, Tariq Al Hashmi; the Director of the UAE Artificial Intelligence Office, Saqr Binghalib; and the Director of MBZUAI Professional Services, Dr. Ahmed Dabbagh.

Industrial trainers included the Head of XR Healthcare and the Munfarid President – VRAR Association MENA, Dr. Sana Farid; the Head of AI and Smart Data at Etisalat, Dr. Abdel Kader Es Slami; and the Founder and CEO Immensa Additive Manufacturing, Fahmi Al Shawwa. Guest speakers included the the EVP of Technology & Advanced Materials, Dr. Abdelqader Abusafieh; IBM Chief Data Scientist Dr. Ahmad El Sayed; and the Head of Digitalisation MENA at DHL, Praveen Sashi.

Source: Emirates News Agency

AD Ports Group celebrates Khalifa Port’s nine years of growth

ABU DHABI, AD Ports Group is celebrating the ninth anniversary of Khalifa Port with the announcement that it has reached its highest-ever position at number 56 in the 2021 Lloyd’s List Top 100 ranking, the global record of the world’s container port facilities.

Strategically located between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, Khalifa Port was officially inaugurated on 12.12.1212 by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Lloyds List highlights that Khalifa Port was one of only a handful of ports in the world to achieve double-digit volume growth over the past year, despite the impact on shipping and the global supply chain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This impressive volume growth is driven in part by its standing as a regional hub for some of the world’s top shipping companies, such as COSCO SHIPPING Ports and MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company. This growth is set to continue thanks to the recent agreement signed in September 2021, between AD Ports Group and CMA CGM Group, to build a new terminal in Khalifa Port with an initial capacity of 1.8 million TEUs. The terminal will provide CMA CGM with a new regional focal point, making Khalifa Port a hub for three of the world’s top four shipping companies.

Growth has also been driven by Khalifa Port’s proximity to KIZAD, Abu Dhabi’s integrated trade, logistics and industrial hub. The access to global markets and convenience provided by the joint port and industrial zone value proposition is a great advantage to the region’s manufacturing and industry sectors.

Capt. Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, Group CEO, AD Ports Group, said: “Khalifa Port continues to expand in response to the ongoing market demand and at the direction of the leadership of Abu Dhabi, which has prioritised diversification and economic growth.

“Even during the challenging conditions that we saw at the start of the global pandemic, we continued to sustain volume growth and continued to develop new facilities to boost capacity. As our expansion programme continued, we have deployed cutting-edge technology and innovations to ensure that our operations are smart, sustainable and contribute to our mission to reimagine global trade and logistics.”

Linton Nightingale, Lloyd’s List Deputy Editor, said “Khalifa Port in Abu Dhabi has continued to go from strength-to-strength having gained support from two of the world’s largest container shipping lines, MSC and COSCO, helping draw traffic too from their affiliated alliances. The port has cemented itself as a premier hub for container transhipment services in the Middle East and is on the cusp of becoming a top 50 box hub in terms of annual TEUs volumes. This is a remarkable achievement given how Khalifa Port has attained this status in such a short timeframe.”

Khalifa Port was developed from a stretch of reclaimed land four kilometres out to sea and is now a major hub serving more than 25 shipping lines with direct links to 70 international destinations.

Development continues across all service areas to create a truly multipurpose port, in response to ongoing and exponential business demand. For general and bulk cargo South Quay is now operational, and great progress has been made on the South Quay Wall, with the majority of landside works completed. In addition, work on Khalifa Port Logistics continues, with landslide works progressing well and infrastructure in place for the new Arabian Chemical Terminals commercial liquid and gas storage facility.

Work is continuing apace on the dedicated Khalifa Port Etihad Rail Terminal, which will connect the port to the national rail network. In November, Etihad Rail announced that it had completed 50 percent of the marine rail bridge construction to connect Khalifa Port with the network.

Other recent achievements include the announcement that CSP Abu Dhabi terminal is the first container terminal in the Middle East to implement an autonomous port truck system. A total of six electric Q-Trucks have been commissioned to support mother vessel loading and unloading activities within the facility’s container yard.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Dubai CrossFit Championship set to return in December with participation of 40 of world’s biggest CrossFit stars

DUBAI, The Dubai CrossFit Championship, one of the most anticipated events in the international sports calendar, is set to take place from 16 to 18 December at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium.

Supported by the Dubai Sports Council (DSC), this year’s Dubai CrossFit Championship will bring 40 of the world’s biggest CrossFit stars to Dubai for a three-day challenge that will offer more than AED1.3 million in prize money.

The holding of the championship, which is the first ever CrossFit sanctioned event in the world, reflects Dubai’s status as a premier destination for major international sporting events.

The 2021 edition of the Championship features the participation of 20 male and 20 female CrossFit athletes.

Since its inception, the Dubai CrossFit Championship has attracted athletes of the highest calibre and has been able to showcase Dubai’s fitness culture around the world.

Dubai CrossFit Championship is organised under the framework of Dubai Sports Council’s goal to promote health, happiness and fitness, both locally and internationally. The event will be one of more than 35 international sports events that will take place in Dubai during the six-month Expo 2020 Dubai period.

Source: Emirates News Agency

MoCD, UAE Financial Intelligence Unit to combat money laundering and terrorism financing in NPOs

ABU DHABI, Hessa bint Essa Buhumaid, Minister of Community Development, and Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, Minister of State, the Ministry of Community Development (MoCD) announced establishing a joint mechanism between the Ministry and the UAE Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for the coordination of efforts to combat money laundering, financing of terrorist groups and illicit organisations in non-profit organisations (NPOs) sector.

The cooperation also facilitates the exchange of information on non-profit organisations with relation to cases of money laundering, financing of terrorist groups and illicit organisations, and to establish a secure electronic link for the purpose of exchanging information.

Nasser Ismail, Assistant Under-Secretary of Social Welfare at MoCD, stressed the Ministry’s keenness to integrate with the various regulatory authorities that are responsible for overseeing and monitoring UAE-based Non-Benefit Public Associations, as a confirmation on the commitment to international standards to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation of weapons as issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), to ensure that no violations, errors or unacceptable practices occur in this framework.

He noted that the Ministry’s standards in this regard constitute a legal, legislative and supervisory basis for the authorities responsible for overseeing associations.

He added that the Ministry is very keen to work with all entities within the framework of introducing and raising awareness of the laws, regulations and legislations against money laundering and financing of terrorism, in order to promote safety and convenience of the controlling and regulating procedures for these associations, and motivate them towards more meaningful and positive community-wide development partnership.

Ali Faisal Ba’Alawi, Head of the FIU, stressed the importance of highlighting the UAE’s efforts and its keenness to combat money laundering, financing of terrorism and illicit organisations, in line with FATF standards.

Hs stated, “The Ministry of Community Development and the UAE Financial Intelligence Unit will cooperate with all concerned authorities that perform an active role in our economy and protect donors and their money from the risks of exploitation in financing terrorism and financing of illicit organisations, to enable effective enforcement of countering financial crimes of all kinds and forms.”

Hamed Al Zaabi, Director-General at the Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing, stated, “As an essential part of our responsibility and deep commitment to effectively combating money laundering and terrorist financing, it is imperative that all our local institutions adhere to the highest standards of transparency. This joint announcement of the UAE Financial Intelligence Unit and the Ministry of Community Development is a new step towards strengthening and effectively implementing our national policies for social development, in support of the continuous development in the UAE.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

ADNOC Distribution signs exclusive deal to provide fuel and lubricants to 3,000-plus Cars Taxi fleet

ABU DHABI, ADNOC Distribution, the UAE’s largest fuel and convenience retailer, further demonstrates its commitment to its growth strategy by establishing an exclusive partnership with Cars Taxi.

The five-year deal sees ADNOC Distribution as only supplier of fuel and lubricants for Cars Taxi’s 3,000-plus strong fleet in UAE.

The contract will supply all Cars Taxi vehicles with fuel and ADNOC Voyager lubricant, including the premium range Voyager Gold 5W-40 SN, in a deal that aligns to both companies’ commitment to customer safety and satisfaction.

ADNOC Distribution’s fuel and lubricants are made with Murban crude oil – one of Abu Dhabi’s greatest national treasures.

ADNOC Voyager is manufactured using ADNOC’s high quality Group III base oil, ADbase, which is produced by ADNOC Refining using Murban. The high Viscosity Index (VI) of ADbase makes it an ideal lubricant component, ensuring efficiency and fuel economy for high performance engines, whilst meeting ever stringent environmental regulations.

Bader Saeed Al Lamki, CEO, ADNOC Distribution, said, “As the UAE’s leading provider of fuel, we are delighted to be working with Cars Taxi to provide fuel and lubricants to its fleet. As one of the UAE’s largest taxi franchises, our relationship with such a respected business is testament to our ability to deliver quality and reliable products that align to the very ethos of Cars Taxi’s purpose-led philosophy.”

Badr Abdulla Al Ghurair, CEO, Cars Taxi, commented, “For decades, Cars Taxi has adopted a customer-centric approach to service: focused on passenger comfort, safety and experience. As regional pioneers for safe mobility, we place a core focus on delivering customer happiness and peace of mind. With one of the largest taxi fleets in the country, we have a pivotal opportunity to be part of the evolution of the country’s mobility sector.

“By partnering with ADNOC Distribution, a globally renowned company with a reputation for quality excellence, we elevate our service promise, powering our vehicles with the highest standard of fuel from the UAE’s leading distributor.”

ADNOC Distribution recently announced furthering its commitment to international expansion with the signing of two new distributors for ADNOC Voyager lubricant in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The contracts will supply a full range of Voyager lubricants, with confirmed volumes of 1,500,000 liters, and signify the company’s market entry into Africa. ADNOC Voyager is now available in 19 countries across three continents, spearheading the company’s global presence.

ADNOC Distribution has seen significant product growth in international markets including a distribution network spanning Asia, North and East Africa, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as well as the Middle East region. ADNOC Distribution has doubled its international volumes over the past two years through a dedicated global growth strategy.

Source: Emirates News Agency

DP World UAE claims Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Customer Excellence Award

DUBAI, DP World UAE, the leading smart trade enabler, has won the 1st Cycle of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Customer Excellence Award.

Held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the awards recognise leading organisations in the categories of business, innovation and customer excellence. Previously, DP World UAE bagged the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Award and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Innovation Award.

The recent win testifies to DP World UAE’s commitment to providing customers with outstanding services via its extensive network, an integrated port management approach and leading-edge technologies. The award was received by Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Chairman and CEO of DP World, and Abdulla Bin Damithan, CEO and Managing Director, DP World UAE and Jafza, at a ceremony held on 9th December 2021 at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem stated, “Throughout its journey as a global provider of end-to-end logistics solutions, DP World has several achievements to its credit. Our vision revolves around ‘Smarter Trade. Better Future’ and is guided by the principles of our nation’s leaders. It is humbling to receive the customer excellence award as customer satisfaction is one of our strategic objectives. I would like to thank Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who has always inspired us and the jury for recognising our efforts. DP World is determined to find solutions to solve the challenges of our customers and partners. The ultimate focus is to enable efficient movement of cargo globally by lowering costs, increasing speed and transparency, and mitigating the environmental impact.”

Bin Damithan said, “Since our inception, we at DP World UAE, have embraced business practices that align with the strategic objectives of Dubai and the UAE and the vision of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The ‘customer first’ approach has always been the core of our operations. Hence, it is an honour to receive this prestigious award that encourages companies to optimise their customer-oriented practices. To ensure consistent progress in the UAE and the GCC, we work closely with customers and business partners to provide quality services, delivering long-term value. This, we believe, is the key to a sustainable and efficient supply chain. The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Award has further motivated us to work towards our goal of creating a competitive environment, while sustaining the world-class business culture in the UAE and the region. We are certain that our contribution will foster trade and enrich the robust and thriving GCC economies.”

As the premier maritime gateway, DP World UAE has been a key economic driver for Dubai and the UAE. The entity contributes 33.4 percent to the emirate’s GDP and 10.7 percent to the UAE’s GDP.

Source: Emirates News Agency

ADFD supports development of new Waste-to-Energy Plant in Maldives

ABU DHABI, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), the economic development arm of the UAE government, signed an agreement to provide a concessionary loan valued at AED 51.4 million (US$14 million) to support development of a new waste-to-energy plant on Ado Island in the Maldives, a project which was selected under ADFD-IRENA Project Facility.

The Agreement was signed by Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, Director-General of ADFD, and Ibrahim Ameer Minister of Finance of Maldives.

The signing ceremony was attended by Khalifa Al Qubaisi, Deputy Director-General of ADFD, and drew the participation of senior representatives of the two parties.

The new waste conversion and water treatment facility will generate 1.5 megawatts of clean energy to provide electricity to more than 6,000 homes in Ado and surrounding islands. The plant will reduce total waste volume on the island by 10 percent, contributing to the Maldives waste management strategy as well as climate action targets.

The facility will also contribute to the Maldives economic development strategy by strengthening the energy sector, reducing reliance on fuel imports, and creating new job opportunities through both the construction phase and ongoing operations and maintenance of the facility.

Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, Director-General of ADFD, said, “This project is significant as it represents the core purpose of the Fund on many levels. It advances ADFD’s commitment to support UAE’s climate action and renewable energy goals while providing the people of Ado with a sustainable renewable energy source that also addresses local waste management challenges. Financing this project reflects the Fund’s commitment to supporting the renewable energy sector in developing countries, which will positively affect sustainable economic development for these countries.”

“This waste-to-energy project is an important step in supporting the Maldives government’s strategy aimed at increasing the proportion of clean energy production and reducing dependence on electricity production from fossil fuels by a large percentage. It is the second project funded by ADFD in the field of waste-to-energy in Maldives.”

Ibrahim Ameer, Maldives Minister of Finance, said, “This is a strategically important project for the Maldives and the people of Ado Island. Waste-to-energy represents a smart approach to advancing our national waste management objectives and emissions reduction targets while creating high-value jobs and providing our residents with reliable clean energy. We greatly value our partnership with ADFD and the UAE to support the development of this and other high impact infrastructure projects across the country.”

This is the second waste-to-energy project supported by ADFD in the Maldives. With this concessionary loan, which will cover 50 percent of the total project development cost estimated at AED 102.8 (US$28 million).

In 2015, the Fund contributed to the financing of a waste-to-energy plant with a production capacity of 4 megawatts. This project was certified by the Global Innovation Institute (GINI) as an innovative project due to its important contribution to achieving the country’s strategy for solid waste management and driving a 10 percent reduction in waste volume. Based on the positive results achieved by this project on the Maldivian economy and society, the Fund today supports, through this agreement, the replication of the project to serve other regions and islands in the Maldives.

Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi added, “With the introduction of the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative, the UAE continues to demonstrate its commitment to be a global leader in climate action, the adoption of clean energy and the reduction of carbon emissions here at home, across the region and worldwide. As a nation, we were among the first to ratify the Paris Agreement and our National Energy Plan 2050 calls for reducing the carbon footprint of power generation by 70 percent. ADFD is committed to advancing that national strategic imperative by supporting projects such as this waste-to-energy plant in the Maldives as well as to help promote the growth of the UAE green economy as part of ADFD’s national economic development and diversification mandate.”

ADFD has enjoyed strong relations with the Government of the Maldives since 1976. The Fund has financed ten development projects in the country valued at approximately AED 751 million, spanning crucial socio-economic sectors such as housing, communications, transport, energy, and education.

Waste-to-energy is one of the many renewable energy sources supported by ADFD which also includes wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass technologies as part of its long-term commitment to combat climate change. In total, ADFD has supported the development of 90 renewable energy projects in 65 countries around the world that have the capacity to generate more than 9,000 megawatts of electricity.

Source: Emirates News Agency