‫تعلن GameChange Solar عن استثمار بقيمة 150 مليون دولار في الأسهم المتميزة من منصات Koch الإستراتيجية

NORWALK ، كونيتيكت, 18 ديسمبر / كانون أول 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة GameChange Solar Holdings Corp (“GameChange Solar” أو “GameChange”)، الشركة الرائدة في توفير أنظمة الأرفف والتعقب لمحطات الطاقة الشمسية على نطاق المرافق، اليوم أن قامت شركة (“KSP“)منصات Koch الاستراتيجية، وهي شركة تابعة لمجموعة Koch الاستثمارية، باستثمار 150 مليون دولار في GameChange لدعم أهداف التطوير الإستراتيجية للشركة.

تطورت GameChange Solar بشكل ملحوظ منذ إنشائها في عام 2012، من مزود إقليمي لأنظمة الأرفف الثابتة المائلة إلى مزود عالمي لحلول تركيب الطاقة الشمسية الشاملة والمرافق التجارية وأجهزة التتبع والبرمجيات لمطوري الطاقة المتجددة والهندسة والمشتريات والبناء (” EPC “) الشركات. صنفت الشركة كثالث أكبر شركة لتتبع الطاقة الشمسية محليًا وسادس أكبر بائع على مستوى العالم في عام 2020 من قبل مؤسسة Wood Mackenzie . سيساعد استثمار KSP في دعم النمو المستمر في عام 2022 وما بعده.

قال المدير المالي لشركة GameChange ، مارك جيبنز، “نحن متحمسون لامتلاك القدرة على إطلاق هذه المرحلة التالية من نمونا مع التحقق من صحة مستثمر رئيسي في مجال تحويل الطاقة. لا تقدم Koch رأس المال للنمو فحسب، بل توفر الفرصة للاستفادة المتبادلة من قدرات كل مؤسسة “.

GameChange Solar - Logo

ركزت KSP على استثمارات تحويل الطاقة كأحد قطاعاتها الأساسية، مع استثمارات استراتيجية في الشركات ذات الرياح الخلفية القوية التي تعطل السوق. في الآونة الأخيرة، أعلنت شركة KSP عن استثمارات في سلسلة قيمة البطاريات ومصادر جديدة لتخزين الطاقة والبنية التحتية.

 قال جيريمي بيزديك، العضو المنتدب لمنصات كوخ الإستراتيجية: “إن شركة KSP متحمسة للاستثمار في GameChange Solar لأنها تقدم حلول الطاقة الشمسية المميزة إلى السوق”. “نعتقد أن هذه العروض ستستمر في إحداث اضطراب إيجابي في الصناعة ونتطلع إلى المساعدة في تسريع هذا النمو في المستقبل”.

يسلط الضوء على الصفقة:

  • 150 مليون دولار من الاستثمار في الأسهم الممتازة والتي، إذا تم تحويلها، ستمثل حصة أقلية في GameChange Solar؛
  • يتبع الاستثمار العناية الواجبة المكثفة في حلول تركيب الطاقة الشمسية المتقدمة من GameChange، والتتبع والبرمجيات، والأداء التاريخي، وخط أنابيب المشروع؛ و
  • يواصل الطرفان استكشاف الشراكات الإستراتيجية في مجالات التركيز الرئيسية، ودعم فرص النمو الإضافية لشركة GameChange Solar و Koch.

بالإضافة إلى الاستثمار الرأسمالي الجديد، تلتزم GameChange ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع العديد من الشركات التابعة لشركة Koch للصناعات، بالعمل بشكل تعاوني لاستكشاف أوجه التآزر الاستراتيجي عبر الشركات الرئيسية، بما في ذلك KBX ، التي توفر حلول النقل واللوجستيات والتكنولوجيا العالمية من خلال أدوات وخدمات عالية التقنية، وكذلك حلول Koch الهندسية (” KES“).

ستستخدم GameChange Solar عائدات الاستثمار الصافية لتحقيق الأهداف التالية:

  • الاستمرار في توسيع حصتها السوقية الراسخة في الولايات المتحدة والعالم؛
  • تسريع البحث عن المنتج وتطويره، بما في ذلك توازن حلول النظام المعزز للهامش، وتقنية تعقب 2P جديدة، ونظام إمالة ثابت جديد، وبرنامج تعقب متقدم؛
  • توسيع قاعدة عملاء عالية الجودة ومتنوعة، و
  • توسيع الانتشار الدولي ووجود التصنيع.

التوافق الاستراتيجي مع شركات Koch

تستكشف GameChange الفرصة لتوفير محاذاة متبادلة المنفعة مع العديد من شركات Koch للصناعات. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للعديد من الشركات داخل Koch المساعدة بالطرق التالية:

  • العمل على تعزيز إدارة سلسلة التوريد العالمية الشاملة لشركة GameChange ، والاستفادة من نطاق وتطور KBX ؛
  • الاستفادة من التطورات في برامج وحلول إدارة الطاقة التي طورتها شركات Koch ؛ و
  • تأكد من أن الشركة لديها رؤية في السوق سريع التطور لحلول الطاقة البديلة من خلال الاستفادة من الاستثمارات الحالية والمستقبلية لشركاء Koch الاستراتيجيين.

عملت Citi كوكيل اكتتاب وحيد ومستشار استراتيجي وعمل Goodwin Procter كمستشار قانوني لشركة GameChange في الصفقة. عمل جونز داي كمستشار قانوني لشركات Koch.

نبذة عن GameChange Solar

تعمل GameChange Solar على توفير حلولاً شاملة لتركيب الطاقة الشمسية على نطاق تجاري ومرافق شاملة ومتعقب وبرمجيات لمطوري الطاقة المتجددة وشركات الهندسة والمشتريات والبناء على مستوى العالم. تأسست الشركة في عام 2012 ونمت بسرعة لتحقيق حصة كبيرة في السوق (أعلى 3 في الولايات المتحدة والسادس على مستوى العالم) بعد أن باعت أكثر من 16 جيجا وات من المشاريع على مستوى العالم.

تقدم GameChange مجموعة من المنتجات والبرامج الخاصة، بما في ذلك Genius TrackerTM ، الحاصلة على براءة اختراع، والتي تتيح التثبيت السريع وتكلفة إجمالية منخفضة للمشروع مع مواد بناء عالية الجودة لأنظمة صورة واحدة أو اثنتين من وحدات السيليكون، بالإضافة إلى دعم جميع وحدات FirstSolar TM . كما تقدم GameChange أيضًا حلول إمالة ثابتة لأنظمة ما بعد وأنظمة الكابح. في نهاية الأمر، تعمل الشركة على تطوير توازن حلول النظام، وحلول مبتكرة أخرى لتركيب وتتبع الطاقة الشمسية.

تتمتع GameChange بحضور في كل قارة مأهولة وهي مهيأة للتوسع المستمر عبر الولايات المتحدة والمشهد الدولي. تستخدم GameChange نموذج التصنيع المتعاقد عليه برأس المال الخفيف جنبًا إلى جنب مع إستراتيجية سلسلة التوريد المرنة لزيادة الربحية مع تقليل متطلبات رأس المال العامل. يقع المقر العالمي للشركة في نوروك، كونيتيكت. https://www.gamechangesolar.com

نبذة عن منصات Koch الاستراتيجية

مع مكاتب في أتلانتا وويتشيتا، ترغب KSP في أن تكون الشريك الاستثماري المفضل للشركات الإستراتيجية التي تركز على النمو والتي تبتكر في الصناعات ذات الإمكانات التخريبية. تم إنشاء فريق KSP في عام 2020، وهو يسعى وراء الاستثمارات العامة والخاصة مع الشركات حيث يمكن تحقيق المنفعة المتبادلة طويلة الأجل. https://www.kochind.com/  

لمزيد من المعلومات، تَواصَل مع:
GameChange Solar
مارك جيبنز، المدير المالي
‎+1 (203) 769-3793

شركات Koch للصناعات
كريستين فرنانديز، مدير الاتصالات
‎+1 (202) 879-8546

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1712034/GameChange_Solar_Stock_Investment.jpg

الشعار –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592922/GameChange_Solar_Logo.jpg


The NFTs deriving from the posters personally designed by Fabrizio Giugiaro, Horacio Pagani, Marella Rivolta Zagato and Louis de Fabribeckers, 4 living legends of the supercar design industry, are the first time that artworks by such prominent figures of the automotive space are available to the general public.

ZURICH, Dec. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Supercar Owners Circle and Valuart have decided to celebrate some of the greatest Automotive Artists of our time by certifying in NFT the Posters dedicated to SOC as real pieces of crypto art.


The collection of 5 pieces designed by Fabrizio Giugiaro, Horacio Pagani, Marella Rivolta Zagato and Louis de Fabribeckers highlights the power of those who can transform a creative and visionary concept into an engineered and motorised object. Car designers have the ability to turn the imaginary into the physical and move it through space. For the first time, SOC and Valuart will take them into a new dimension, that of NFT.

SOC presents this collection of posters crafted by the most influential designers in the industry, and immortalised as NFTs with the help and professional expertise of Valuart, available for the first time ever to the crypto community on the Binance NFT platform. The owners of these digital collectibles will not only have a unique chance to be a part of the crypto community of SOC, but will also gain access to valuable perks (access to special content, future dedicated drops, whitelists, etc.) by holding the NFTs.

The first initiative is expected to lay the foundation for a series of projects linked to the real influencers of the supercar field, and establish the cooperation between SOC x Valuart as the reference for the (crypto) community to access NFT projects endorsed and prepared in collaboration with the leading brands, designers and key stakeholders of the Supercar world.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Posters NFTs will be donated to the charitable mission of Laureus – Sport for Good, also allowing the community to contribute to this important cause.

This first limited number of NFTs will be available on Binance, starting on the 17th of December (2021) at 11:00 UTC for a maximum of 6 days. For more information: https://swiy.io/soc-x-valuart-nft-binance

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1712164/Valuart_Supercar.jpg

First-ever Pokémon GO Tour: Live Event coming to Abu Dhabi’s Yas Island

ABU DHABI, The inaugural Pokémon GO Tour: Live Event is coming to Yas Island, Abu Dhabi as a real-world extension of a global, with a live event on Saturday, 26th February, 2022.

Hosted by Niantic, the AR company behind Pokémon GO, in partnership with the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), Miral and AD Gaming, the first-ever Pokémon GO Tour: Live Event will be held at the newly opened Yas Bay Waterfront on the southern end of Yas Island.

The event is the first to be featured in the UAE and region. Gamers on Yas Bay will be joined by those taking part in Monterrey, Mexico at Parque Fundidora and Kaohsiung, Taiwan at the Taiwan Lantern Festival.

Targeting existing gamers and new fans, the ticketed event will include real-world habitats, special in-game features, photo ops, a special game plan and exclusive merchandise.

The gaming industry in Abu Dhabi has recently been recognised as a priority sector for growth.

Earlier this year, DCT Abu Dhabi announced an AED30+ billion investment strategy to accelerate Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) in the capital emirate, while TwoFour54 launched AD Gaming, a new initiative to aggregate the emirate’s efforts to build a gaming and E-sports gaming community.

Gamers of the Pokémon GO Tour: Live Event will be able to access exclusive features: – Eggs placed in Incubators during the event will require one-quarter the usual walking distance to hatch – Earn twice the Candy from hatching Eggs – Extra Candy from catching featured Pokémon initially discovered in Kanto – Up to nine free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms – Event-exclusive Special Research – An exclusive in-game medal – Special stickers will be available from PokéStops and Gifts; – Confetti will be appearing on the in-game map during the event.

As part of the event, gamers will be able to explore at close quarters various landmarks along the Yas Bay Waterfront area, including the five-star Hilton Abu Dhabi Yas Island Hotel, and Etihad Arena; Abu Dhabi’s iconic and first multi-purpose indoor entertainment venue.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Digital DEWA’s Moro Hub breaks ground for largest solar-powered data centre in Middle East and Africa

DUBAI, Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and Steven Yi, President of Huawei Middle East & Africa, have broken ground for the first phase of the largest solar-powered data centre in the Middle East and Africa, set to be Uptime TIER III-Certified.

The data centre will be implemented by Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of DEWA at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai. The carbon-neutral green data centre will use 100 percent renewable energy with a capacity exceeding 100 megawatts (MW).

The ground-breaking ceremony was attended by Marwan bin Haidar, Vice Chairman – Digital & Group CEO of Digital DEWA; Waleed Bin Salman, Vice Chairman – Energy, Digital DEWA; Matar Al Mehairi, Board Member of Digital DEWA; Mohammad bin Sulaiman, CEO of Moro Hub; Jerry Liu, CEO of Huawei UAE; and other officials from both sides.

“We work in line with the vision and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to make Dubai a global hub for green economy and sustainable development. Breaking ground for the largest green data centre in the Middle East and Africa confirms that we are on the right track to achieve the goals of the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and the Dubai Net Zero Emissions Strategy 2050 to provide 100 percent of energy from clean energy sources by 2050, as well as the Dubai Demand Side Management Strategy, which aims to reduce electricity and water demand by 30 percent by 2030. We do this by developing innovative environment-friendly solutions that reduce carbon emissions. The green data centre that Moro Hub implements will enable global hyper-scalers to access carbon-free computing. It will also help organisations in their sustainability initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint,” said Al Tayer.

This is the second solar-powered green data centre in Dubai launched by Moro Hub. It will offer digital products and services using Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, such as cloud services, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Source: Emirates News Agency

THE BRIDGE Lifestyle Hub opens doors to transform landscape of wellbeing in Abu Dhabi

ABU DHABI, THE BRIDGE | Lifestyle Hub, a world-class landmark fostering natural and holistic wellness to transform people’s lifestyles, has officially opened its doors to the Abu Dhabi community.

The 8,000 square metres site is an integrated lifestyle hub, which strives to transform how community members understand health and wellness in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

It is the latest facility to open within Al Qana, Abu Dhabi’s iconic touristic and lifestyle destination in the Al Rabdan area.

In line with Abu Dhabi Government objectives, UAE Centennial 2071, and the National Strategy for Wellbeing 2031, the hub has embraced an integrated concept of wellness, arts and culture through active and social lifestyles, mindfulness and positive thinking.

Khalid Nahhas, Co-Founder of the hub, stated, “THE BRIDGE | Lifestyle Hub will become a major asset for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, as we strive to become the key contributor to enhancing health and wellness on a global scale. With the support from Abu Dhabi’s leadership, the government, and the expertise from the business community, we were able to create this first-of-its-kind concept in Abu Dhabi, which we intend to take worldwide.”

The hub is situated in Al Qana, “the heartbeat of Abu Dhabi”, a unique waterfront destination that brings a new definition of social dining and entertainment to the emirate. The development features seven anchor destinations and over 100 F&B concepts, spanning 2.4 kilometres of scenic and picturesque waterfront walkways.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Minister of Climate Change and Environment tours Panama Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

DUBAI, Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and the Environment, toured the Panama Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, themed ‘An introduction to the endless opportunities in Panama’.

Any Lam Chong, Director of the Panama Pavilion, welcomed Minister of Climate Change and the Environment and accompanied her on the tour.

Through a virtual reality cruise on the iconic Panama Canal, the Minister experienced a journey across the man-made wonder that links the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and connects the two Americas to the rest of the world. As a major water passage for international maritime trade, the Panama Canal provides an ideal gateway for UAE companies to Latin America.

The Minister discussed topics related to environmental protection with officials in charge of the Panama Pavilion.

They briefed her on the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), in which it commits to reducing its energy sector emissions by 11.5 percent by 2030 and 24 percent by 2050 compared to business as usual.

These reductions represent savings of 10 million tons of CO2 equivalent accumulated between 2022-2030 and 60 million tons of CO2 equivalent accumulated between 2022-2050.

Moreover, Panama plans to restore 50,000 hectares of national forests, which will contribute to absorbing around 2.6 million tons of CO2 emissions by 2050.

Almheiri learned about the nature-based solutions that Panama leverages to address climate change, and the country’s efforts to protect the environment in the Panama Canal Watershed and coastal and marine areas. The discussion also involved marine waste management.

Almheiri praised the participation of Ramón E. Martínez de la Guardia, Panama’s Minister of Commerce and Industries, and Erika Mouynes, Panama’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Visions and Journeys, a series of inspirational talks tackling gender stereotypes and presenting ideas for a gender-equal future at the Women’s Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Global innovation enabler Plug and Play and Abu Dhabi Investment Office announce Industry 4.0 open innovation platform founding partners

ABU DHABI, Committed to empowering, connecting, and investing in startups, Plug and Play Abu Dhabi, the largest innovation enabler in the world, and Abu Dhabi Investment Office, the government entity enabling investment in Abu Dhabi, have officially announced their final list of founding partners for the Industry 4.0 open innovation platform in Abu Dhabi.

Mid Q3 2021, Plug and Play Abu Dhabi and ADIO announced the launch of their first-of-its-kind Industry 4.0 open innovation platform focused on boosting Abu Dhabi’s industrial innovation capabilities and attracting high-calibre tech startups, this was followed by an announcement welcoming Abu Dhabi Ports Group (ADP), the region’s premier facilitator of logistics, industry and trade, as the first founding partner.

The strong combined efforts from Plug and Play Abu Dhabi and ADIO have led to an outstanding set of an additional 8 founding partners joining the Industry 4.0 open innovation platform.

The latest founding partners to join the first Industry 4.0 Platform are Strata Manufacturing; a wholly owned company by Mubadala Investment Company with the aim to advance the aerospace sector in Abu Dhabi; Emirates Global Aluminium, the world’s largest premium aluminium producer and the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates; BRF, one of the largest food companies in the world; Eaton, a global technology leader in power management solutions; Red Bull Advanced Technologies, the high performance vehicle engineering division of the Red Bull Racing Formula 1 Team; Gazprom Neft, Russia’s leading oil producer; Giffin Al Jazira Industrial Group, a firm that delivers complete signage solutions for the development of Abu Dhabi and Al Dahra, a UAE-based international conglomerate, specialising in the agribusiness.

As part of the platform’s mission, Plug and Play Abu Dhabi and ADIO have worked with some of the founding partners to define key tech challenges and innovation bottlenecks that will be solved by 7 high- calibre global startups selected to be part of the open innovation platform. The tech challenges agreed upon collectively were Industrial IoT; Vehicle Electrification & Charging; Warehouse Automation; Predictive Analytics & Maintenance; Last Mile Delivery and Low Carbon Vehicle Solutions & Integrations. To ensure the success of this platform Plug and Play Abu Dhabi and ADIO will also help in accelerating the deployment of innovative pilots, tech integrations and new products that enable Abu Dhabi’s industrial revolution.

The leading array of founding partners will also support in ensuring the Industry 4.0 open innovation platform creates a unified marketplace and forum to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange across major industrial avenues and exceptional technology startups, bringing real value and solutions to Abu Dhabi whilst paving the way for Abu Dhabi to secure a leading global position in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Monira Al-Kuttab, Executive Director, ADIO, said: “Abu Dhabi’s focus on innovation has been the driving force behind our strong progress in developing impactful, cutting-edge technologies that can be deployed globally. ADIO is partnering with a world-class enabler Plug and Play Abu Dhabi and other leading entities from around Abu Dhabi to further boost innovation by taking support for companies to another level. Our partnership will enable companies from a range of sectors to access the tools and information they need to thrive in the industries of the future.”

Babak Ahmadzadeh, Managing Director, Plug and Play Abu Dhabi, said: “In addition to ADIO and Abu Abu Dhabi Ports Group (ADP), we are proud to welcome the newest 8 local and global entities joining us as founding partners of the Industry 4.0 Open Innovation Platform to help drive the UAE’s 4th Industrial Revolution. Such a platform has not yet been started in the MENA region, and we are incredibly excited about its potential. We hope to drive real innovation and prosperity in major economic drivers of the Emirates such as manufacturing, logistics, sustainability, food security and more through meaningful collaborations with exceptional tech startups and forwarding-thinking corporate and government entities here in the UAE. We have no doubt that the Emirates will one day be a world leader in the 4th Industrial Revolution – we hope that this open innovation platform will play a major role in that for many years to come.”

“We are proud to be a founding partner of the first Industry 4.0 open innovation platform, which aligns with the UAE’s Vision to build a knowledge-based economy. The platform provides a unique opportunity for start-ups to be provided with knowledge and innovation that will drive the change in various key sectors. We at strata already incorporated and invested in research and developing 4IR technology within our working mechanism to expand our capabilities through innovation.” Ismail Ali Abdulla, CEO of Strata Manufacturing PJSC, said.

Carlo Nizam, Chief Digital Officer, Emirates Global Aluminium, said: “Together at EGA we innovate aluminium to make modern life possible, and one of our bold aspirations for the decades ahead is to help establish a thriving manufacturing innovation ecosystem here in the UAE. Our partnership with this Industry 4.0 Platform will help us achieve that, creating opportunities for new businesses in the UAE, and supporting us in our own Industry 4.0 transformation of EGA’s operations.”

“We are honored to be part of this one of a kind initiative to drive Industry 4.0 in the region. As the world’s largest poultry exporter and the leading brand in the chicken category in the Middle East with its own factory in Abu Dhabi, BRF Sadia is more than ever committed to drive innovation and sustainability in the food industry.” Fadi Felfeli, BRF Sadia, Commercial Director, said.

Steven Nasser, Chief Technology Officer, SABER Investment Company, said: “Giffin always has been on the forefront of technological innovation and transformational breakthrough. Since its inception in 1976, the company has always been focused on combining engineering expertise with infrastructure designs. Known for its milestone accomplishments in manufacturing wayfinding signage, steel infrastructure and other roads assets that span the UAE; today, the company is positioned to yet again, play a pivotal role in transforming the industrial innovations and capabilities of the UAE. With its investment in the 1st digitally connected advanced precision machining center, Giffin is ready to design, manufacture and deploy high precision components well targeted to growing emerging sectors. We look forward to becoming the platform through which supply chains can be further developed and enhanced.”

Alexey Vashkevich, Gazprom Neft Chief Technology Officer, Upstream said: “Gazprom Neft is the first Russian oil and gas company that promotes its technologies and digital solutions internationally. Having a portfolio of 200+ hardware technologies and 100+ digital solutions we are a partner of choice for major industry players, start-ups and scale-ups worldwide. Being a part of Industry 4.0, Gazprom Neft opens opportunities of Russian innovations in order to enhance value coming from emerging tech.”

Andy Damerum, Commercial Development Officer at Red Bull Advanced Technologies, commented: “Red Bull Advanced Technologies specialises in applying the same tools, techniques and methods used in the Formula 1 industry to new and exciting technical and engineering challenges across the globe. We are delighted to be involved with the Industry 4.0 innovation platform and to work with businesses in the Middle East who can benefit from our industry leading expertise and high performance technologies.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

RAK Ruler congratulates Emir of Qatar on National Day

RAS AL KHAIMAH, H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, has sent a message of congratulations to H.H. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on his country’s National Day.

In his message, Sheikh Saud expressed his sincere congratulations to the Emir of Qatar, wishing the people of Qatar further progress and prosperity.

H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince of Ras Al Khaimah, dispatched similar message to the Emir of Qatar on the occasion.

Source: Emirates News Agency